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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. no, I plan to drive drunk like I always do and maybe even speed through peoples camps while running over their children. COME ON! No fuggin chit after the buggy is put up! When have I ever done any different? ^ thank you, Tim fuggin eyeball is affecting his brain now. Knock that fugger back straight, Nick!
  2. hmmm I didn't even think about those two things for the weekend yet. YEAH FUGGIN RIGHT! Those aren't really things that are on my mind though, they are in FACE.
  3. Damn Jack. That bllllows. At least ya still got something to come out with and ride. Look at it this way, you'll still be out there. Looking forward to meeting ya. See you Saturday? South pole 2pm?
  4. Tomorrow night- I'm outta here!!! wet, dry, windy or calm....I dontgivafuuuuuk!!!!! It'll be a weekend in the sand and I need it bad. Looking forward to "not a damn thing on my mind" once I'm out there.
  5. It's a new day, Jon. Keep your chin up and stay strong, bud! Hope you heal up soon.
  6. anyone else coming out? Malibu, are you taking the car this trip??
  7. You've got lots of time on your hands, Yoshi. Those look sweet. You're quite the guru at PS.
  8. Jill, I always enjoy when you and Charlie stop by. There's never a dull moment when you do...that's for sure.
  9. ^ I thought this topic said "wanna see what a 16 yr old has done to me?" Grrrreat....another "To Catch a Predator" story gone bad. jk
  10. Tylers's had a few....good times. I'm jealous.
  11. Interesting topic. ISBB and ltr450rider said it pretty well. :clown: DDR: a community website for people who go to Dumont who ride, dune, and do whatever it is they go out there to do. What it means to me: uhhh....that is what it means to me ^. Seriously though I've met some GREAT people through this site. Some of them are now my best friends. Whatever it is we've done, we've all definitley found a way to attract some of the best damn people that go out to the dunes. This site is some of the best entertainment ever too. I don't even watch TV anymore. It's funny all the different things I've heard DDR.com be referred to over the years. Like OGP said, "One person claims that DDR saved their life". Too funny. I've heard everything from club, organization, click, gang, group, alcoholics, a-holes, jerks, and even....(are you ready for this)...."The Hells Angels of Dumont!". :?: Some people come up with some wierd azz chit and have quite the perception of things. That's fo sho. Really, all it is is a website for the Dumont community. Some people take it more serious than that. There's definitley a big mix of different kinds of peeps out there these days. I've even heard some people say feel they fit in better with other websites, or they've quit the club. Once you start saying or posting chit like that, you have failed at life and need to poke yourself in the eye with a sharp object. It's just a website for people who go to Dumont. There is no click, there is no IN crowd, none of that bs. Just a bunch of duners and friends who like bs'ing w/ each other about duning.
  12. I hear what your saying, Harley, but it's not a dumb thread at all. Sometimes you gotta take a look at the positive things going on in life to realize it's not that bad. What's actually going good in my life...quite a bit I think -Even in the crappy economy, I still have a stable job that pays decent. -All the toys in the garage are paid for including a nearly brand new rail that is prepped for the weekend and ready to go. YIAH YIAH -a nice roof over my head that is affordable -I have an amazing chic to enjoy and share my life with. -my HEALTH is good -my Mom is still doing pretty good after her triple bypass. -I'm 31 and still have NO kids. reminder to self: make vasectomy appt! -I have some awesome friends & damn good people in my life right now. -dune season is here- 2 more days for me! -just bought another Raptor That means more ride time with monkie. -got some cool plans and ideas for home improvements to come this winter that we're pretty excited about. I try not to watch the news. Anna has made me realize how much it just bums you out at times. They usually don't ever have anything very good to talk about...murders, crappy economy, chitty education system and drop-out rates, our country is going down the tubes Eff watching and hearing about all that chit. Crack open a beer and put on some music or watch some South Park. Or better yet...hop on DDR.
  13. whats up 4 months later to his post ^
  14. no it's not a new tatoo she got. Besides, her belly isn't round.
  15. SO does this still mean you aren't going out to D for the poker run, Tim??? I guess it's already starting to be like last season.
  16. Thanks for keeping us updated Gerald. I was thinking about him all day hoping for some better news from the last update.
  17. Sounds good Mike. Shoot me your address and I'll get them to ya. As for the rest, I'll either see you this week or weekend.
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