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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Other than almost a few a-holes that were drunk as hell and starting chit w/ us, it was such a good show. Sound was amazing and those guys always put on such an energetic show. It was one of those shows that just sounded so loud and crisp. (Kinda rare for the Joint at the Hard Rock) Fuggin awesome. Way cool that Vegas Style got a pass at the last minute. We had a blast hanging out. Anna's frined came with as well and was so grateful for the ticket. All in all it was a really good night. Well worth every penny of the 70 dollar ticket price. :ah: Here are some pics I took. a few of the best ones first... one of the guys from Yes made an appearance... and the rest...
  2. I have some unfortunate news I will pass on that Gerald texted me today. "Bad news. The muscles in his hand appear to be dead. Amputations is possible. Angio-gram is next to check flow." Like I said Gerald, please let me know if there is anything you guys need or if there is anything I can do for Jon. I'm gonna try like hell to get over there this weekend to see him. Tell him he is in our thoughts and we're still thinking positive for him!! :praying:
  3. I got the new flyers today...all 1000 of them. They turned out awesome. If anyone wants to help distribute these please pm me and I will get you a stack of flyers to pass out to local quad shops or wherever duners fequent. Thanks.
  4. There is no ONE DDR camp. DDR is a community website for all peeps of Dumont. I think a camp of 4000+ people would be a lil much don't you? You are correct Pat.
  5. Not too sure what to think of it yet. Kinda looks like the Charger. Pretty cool looking though I guess. cel phone pic I took from the Henderson Automall... pic from Dodge's website... Whatcha think of it?
  6. Looking forward to seeing and meeting you guys at Dumont. I'd love to see your new car in person. I missed out on the SSSS this year. Be sure to give us a shout once you know you when you're going out.
  7. DAAAAMN that one's way badass, Dizzle. They should have left out the burger world headset and defintley left the INSPIRNETICS logo like that on that mafackan design!
  8. Congrats on the news tidbit. Very cool. While the photo shoots, sand show and expo appearances, Yoshi photoshop images, pics of Yoshi's wife, Federal/ Sinister ads, news tidbits, etc etc are all badass...........I'm still looking forward to seeing some of these cars IN THE DUNES. I'm just saying. :black: Looks like a very well built car, but you can TELL me all ya want...now I wanna see it work. Hope to SEE one next season.
  9. Yeah, layoffs have already started where I work too (hourly people). I'm pretty sure that Henderson, like every other dealer lately, is down right now in profits too. It's mostly because of the decline in sales, but we're not doin too bad considering. "There's still money in the bank" is what were told and the dealer is doing whatever it takes to keep customers happy and coming back. I think that is what matters most to people in these tough economic times.
  10. I got a call from Jon today. He said he was bored and was killing some time so he thought he'd call a bunch of peeps. It was good to hear from him. He said he's doing well, but still in some pain. He was in good spirits like normal though.
  11. Both are very good cars. I have a Short and love mine. The shifting is very quick and almost like shifting a 2 stroke (at times). It's a rush. The power to weight ratio is amazing even with a stock Hayabusa motor. They are extremely reliable engine/ transmissions. BTW, a motorcycle engine/ trans is all one unit. They aren't much of a trail type car since they love high RPMs and most of these cars don't have reverse. They still make great torque though and cruise very well at a decent speed since they are 6 speed trannys. It all depends on your driving style and where you plan to drive it. Here's more on my car if you'd like to check it out. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/ssc_buildup.html If you are interested in having a Short Sand Car built, I'd recommend some of the added braces and stronger tubing like I went with along with the upgraded spindles. Most their cars are plenty sufficient for most duners, but I drive hard and require some beefed up stuff. King builds great cars as well. They have made many improvements to their cars over the years and build a very good sandcar as well. There are lots of good deals on some used ones right now. Check GlamisDunes.com buggies for sale. I've owned a Short car (3 total) for the past 6 years and have many hours behind the wheel of these things. Just let me know if ya got any more questions. Chances are I can answer them.
  12. http://www.superrun.com/ Anytone else checking it out this weekend? Perfect weather If you do, PLEASE stop by Sandcrazd Clothing. Steve will be there selling some NEW DDR shirts! Stop and at least say hi. He's a great guy who loves chattin w/ duners and peeps from DDR.
  13. I noticed that too. THAT'S why I didn't think it was him on the shirt.....yyyeah....thats why.
  14. This pic cracks me the eff up. That bottle isn't RESOLVING sh*t in that house! Maybe they use it on themselves as deoderant or something.
  15. I can't belive that fat azz isn't home. How'd they squeeze out the door??? AFter all that junk food they HAVE to weigh like 800 lbs. Maybe they are buried under all that trash because they ate to death. I can't believe how nasty some people are. Freakin SICK! Anyone read the comments in the link?... http://www.houston-imports.com/forums/show...ad.php?t=486938
  16. since we are so off topic it's fuggin stoooopid...Tommy Boy Guys, can we stop the F'ing bashing now? I think you've all made your points about .
  17. Remind me to not shake your hand next time. lol
  18. We've got a tie so far. more votes more votes
  19. damn that just flows too well. UT OHHHHH! new nickname? BBB in da house!
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