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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. until

    That's too bad, Brad. If anything changes don't hesitate to roll out and join us. Even if it's just to come out for a taco and a beer. haha And if you can't make it, let's make it a point to get together on an off weekend soon and camp together.
  2. until

    I have to work Monday so no. I'll probably stick around until mid afternoon though on Sunday. I'll be getting out there Wed night.
  3. There's always someone. What were they complaining of? Link has been removed. Thanks Phil.
  4. until

    Crap! That sucks MIke
  5. until

    Doesn't matter. The RSVP is just so we can estimate what size group we'll have for camp and to plan for the taco night. If you don't know until the day of, don't sweat the RSVP. Come on out regardless.
  6. ^ I guess that's gonna be the Dec DPOM. Works for me. Great shot.
  7. until

    Nope, no schedule whatsoever other than taco night. That is Saturday. We'll wing it like every other dune trip. Nobody can ever stick to those time schedules out there.
  8. Haven't seen one out there in over a decade and that was the only time.
  9. until

    You've gotta click the GOING button. Otherwise it's not official.
  10. This dune season started out just like every year with warm temperatures in the 80's and sometimes 90's. Seeing 80+ degrees through October is nothing out of the ordinary and Halloween is usually the last weekend for shorts and t-shirts. Then as November arrives, so do the cold fronts. If you look back at the last couple Thanksgiving weekends, the wind blew hard and it was chilly all weekend. Thanksgiving 2016 weekend "W" storm 2017 proved to be a bit different this year. Over Thanksgiving weekend at Dumont, duners were still soaking up the sun wondering when it was going to feel like "dune season". If you look at the weather forecast, the December weather is coming in quick with highs dropping from 80+ degrees to mid-60's. Overnight lows will be toying with the idea of low 40's! December is usually a rather dormant month out at Dumont, so it's a great opportunity for some solitude, campfires, and empty dunes. Dumont Weather Forecast meteoblue
  11. Let's see some pics from everyone's weekend out at Dumont. How was your Thanksgiving out there? We got a ton of great pics submitted on our Instagram page. Here are just a few.
  12. This isn't it is it?
  13. Post up a pic and then we'll vote for December DPOM. Dune Pic of the Month Rules 1. The picture must be YOURS. You cannot post any photos you did not take. 2. The picture must not have any watermarks or logos on it. 3. The picture must be at least 600 x 600 pixels. 4. The picture must abide by the rules of this board and be DUMONT related. 5. By posting a photo, you allow DDR to use it on our webpages & social media.
  14. UPDATE: The dog has been found and reunited with his family.
  15. Same here. I once saw a herd of deer at Coral Pink, but that's Utah! I didn't think deer/ antelope/ mule deer...whatever this is...existed out there in the desert. Pretty crazy and cool to see. That's cool these guys captured it on video too.
  16. Posted by Kristina Anderson Lost dog near bathroom 3. Black and white shih tzu cross. His name is Jackson. He needs medication. Please text 778-840-6330
  17. Hmm, not sure there. I'm in NV and they are much less strict about that stuff for OHV registration. Hopefully some Cali peeps can chime in.
  18. This guy was spotted out near the North Pole the other night. I have never seen a deer out there before. Crazy!
  19. I'm not sure about other parts of CA, but that's pretty much what my car has and I have never been messed with at Dumont. I see open header/muffler V8s running around all over out there.
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