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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Just get in touch with Steve of Sandcrazd. I won't really have much to do with it since I probably won't be doing Halloween this year at D. Just email or call him at give him a heads up you are interested. He will know what you are talking about and expecting some calls. Thanks guys!
  2. git oot uv heeya ya muthas uh bitchezzz!!!
  3. no, just some peeps having fun at the dunes and a few other functions as well
  4. Ahh dammit! U jackass I was gonna shoot you a text too to see if you were going but I thought you changed your mind so I didn't. Anyways the show was badass as usual . They played a couple new songs as well! It was great. Wish you coulda checked it out. They were GOOD. Anyways, we already got our tickets for the Jillians show next Thurs. I'm stoked for that show. The Expendables headline that show so that should be a good one. They opened up for Slightly Stoopid and Pepper. Remember? They were pretty good. It's crazy. OPS is gonna be touring all over the US. Shawn was pretty stoked- we chatted w/ him after the show last night. So make sure you make Jillians fool!
  5. I found a Canon SD750 camera at Coral Pink over Labor Day weekend. I found it while I was out on a ride. It was barley sticking up out of the sand when I spotted it. The camera is messed up because sand damaged the retractable lense. "Lens error" and won't turn on. Same damn thing my Cannon did. Anyways the pictures are still good though and retreivable from the memory card. Here is a group photo pic from the card. Maybe someone knows them. There are over 300 pics on the card and a few videos as well. I'm sure they'd love to get them back. If you think you might know them or this is yours let me know and I can mail it to the owner.
  6. Doesn't count- you didn't spot him during his normal hibernation hours (after work).
  7. That should be the GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating: combined weight of the trailer PLUS the rated cargo capacity it can carry)
  8. truck scales like at a Flying J or Pilot truck stop. It's like 7 or 8 bucks and they give you a printout for each axle weight
  9. hell yeah it has been pretty damn nice out lately- especially at night! Looking forward to winter and dune season fo sho.
  10. What part of my post exactly are you referring to? SST? or another builder? I think sandbullet MAY still be around, but I heard Sonic is no longer. SST just recently closed it's doors is what I've heard from MANY people. Got a link for the guy on db.com?
  11. Sweet! So I just print up a few of these coupons and then bring them to Shell right? <- coupon for free gas :clown:
  12. Lots? Well not really anymore. That might be an issue to get a good turnout and make it interesting. There's really only a few top busa car builders anymore (like some you named) that have quite a few cars out there already: King, Short, & Tom Pro. That's pretty much it. Sick Sand Travel, but they are no longer. Sonic, Sandbullet, and a bunch of some copy-cat builders that are either no longer or don't build enough cars or good enough cars to be recognized, IMO. Yoshi definitely builds a badass car that looks like it works very well. Hopefully within the next year or so we start to see some of his cars in the dunes (at Dumont & Glamis) to see how well they work. It's always great seeing other competitive cars being built that work in the dunes. All I know is I'd love to be right up there and ready to prove my car's abilities if such an event would take place. I am so happy with my new car. Hopefully SSC starts building more cars like my custom build. It does so damn well it's rediculous. yiah yiah
  13. Steve from Sandcrazd asked me to help get some info out regarding a new tradition he is trying to get going at Dumont on Halloween.<br> <br> This coming Halloween weekend at Dumont (not sure which exact night yet, probably Friday or maybe even both Fri & Sat), he is going to be transforming his store at vendor row into a walk through haunted house. It will be mostly for the kids, but I'm sure everyone will have fun with it. It is going to be free of charge to enter. He isn't trying to make any money or promote his company with this. It is strictly just for fun for the duners. <br> <br> He is asking for any people who would be willing to help him with ideas or volunteer to help him set it up. If you'd like to donate a few bucks to help with the setup and decorations, that would tremendously help as well. Contact him or you can donate it to DDR and we'll get it over to him.<br> <br> So if you are interested or can help at all please contact Steve at Phone: (702) 612-4365 e-mail: sandcrazd@cox.net <br> <br> http://www.sandcrazd.com/ <br> <br> here is the donate link... <br> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="sales@dumontduneriders.com"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="Sandcrazd Haunted House"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form>
  14. Sorry I don't live on You Tube. I hardly ever get on there.
  15. College Prank Gone Hilariously Wrong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ_rhTDgOnI
  16. I can't understand a damn thing.
  17. Just texted Shawn of OPS and he said they should be on stage about 9:45/ 10 PM. Ian you in tonight??
  18. The beginning of dune season....it's almost like groundhog day at the end of winter except the opposite. When Joe Duner rises out of his hole and starts drinking a Red Bull and vodka- I believe dune season is about to begin!!!! :black: Joe Duner: He's an elusive creature! He disappears around April and usually doesn't get spotted until very early October. There is no history of any records of any Joe Duner spottings in temperatures above 100 degrees. No way in hell! His ideal habitant generally consists of extremely cold temperatures. Once you think he has disappered for good he will suprise the hell out of you with an early visit rising from hibernation to test the very dangerous-to-his-kind temperatures of mid September. He can be found sportin ugg boots and board shorts with a vodka/ Red Bull in one hand. He will throw you off with such phrashes as "let's go huntin boyyys!" and then BAM out of nowhere- there he is poppin wheelies on his huntin quad!!! :ah: YIAH YIAH!!!! JOE DUNER!!! :black: :black: <---spotted at PT's TONIGHT! Dune season is about to begin!! <--- "let's go huntin boyyys!!" Good seeing you again, bro! I'm glad you survived the long summer in hibernation. October is almost here...you can make it, Joe! I was gettin worried about you for a sec! Looking forward to some good times like usual in the sand ma facka. :black:
  19. ISBB, you cound't firgure out who rick was? :black: He sold him the bike! :black: :black: not deleted yet http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=9423
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