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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Nice Vic! Congrats thats a good azz deal. I never said anything about "twang" though- that was Kelly :blah:
  2. So some of you know crazymexeddie, some don't. He's a trucker now and is on the road all over the country. Crazy bastid. Anyways, he sent me this pic of a green Mustang with a JOHN DEER license plate. wow :blah: Eddie always sends me funny azz texts and pics from all over, usually from hick towns. I get a kick out of them. Maybe I'll just start posting them all in this thread whenever I get em from now on. One time he called me from some where in Kentucky (again) saying he was gonna check out a demo derby or circle track race and was wondering if they sold BEER there? I said are you friggin kidding me? He texted me back later on telling me they sold 6 packs covered in ice for like 5 bucks.
  3. wow, Cole, amazing story...survived a fall from that far up :dumbass: BUT, why the HELL did you post some old azz chit like this? ---> 2/3/04 It's not even news. jagazz! :clown: congratulations you are the azzhat of the day! look at meeee! Love ya bro! :jester2:
  4. One more thing, another huge thanks goes out to YNOT (Terry) for everything he does for us. That drive to Barstow SUCKS bad and costs lots of time and money in fuel and time away work. This has been the 3rd meeting I have attended and I really started to realize what he and all the other TRT members go through to help out Dumont. THANK YOU!
  5. Thanks guys. My notes that I took at the meeting helped out alot with relaying the info. Yeah that was in my notes too but chose not to post it because I could already hear the whining of how the money was spent. "whaaat 815,000 doollllarrs??....where did that go....wahhhh"
  6. haha no chit huh? Definitley a heavy southern accent there. Vic is good peeps fo sho though! When I met him a while back I was blown away too. I thought it was gonna be this skinny dork. Instead it was a big azz dork! j/k, d*ck no cheese andshhiat
  7. Good azz times fo sho! SSBlow Azz Holy chit! Barstow is now called Crackstow indasand knocking on the window pointing and laughing at the crackhead dirtbike rider....too damn funny! cheese ends every friggen sentence with "...and shhhiat" Holy crap, Woods. How much more food did you order??? Me and ISBB, "How long does it take to make french frys and melt some fuggin cheese on top?" Woody, " Oh chit, are these YOUR'S??? " DDR stickers all over slash X dinicolada almost lost an ear in the Woody bear trap Annual passes and license numbers on the front- WHO FUGGIN CARES- DROP IT! Ynot attracts young men with his bro's A8 The new pay machines are a hole in the ground, Mike Trost. "just throw your money in there" one whole pitcher of ice tea just for sandchick Richardcheese at SlashX becomes all d*ck no cheese sandchick wanted a fork for her fried zuccinnis. The guy told her hey look this aint no 5 star restaurant. LOL Clearing Slash X out of Bud Light bottles...priceless. Good times everyone. Glad everyone could make it and we could hang out for a little bit. Big gunz, richardcheese, ISBB....thanks for the beers guys. And extra thanks to ISBB for driving!!!
  8. hopefully this map is easier to understand how it will work...
  9. Meeting went real well today. It is always a pleasure being able to attend and be part of what goes on out at Dumont. Here are some quick notes I took on what was discussed... Asphalt grindings/ entrance road No the road will not ever be paved, however BLM is in the process of negotiation with Granite Construction for some new asphalt grindings. There is a good chance that they can get there hands on 35,000 tons of very good material to lay down and roll. It is much better material (finer, smaller grindings) than the last load they recieved which was only about 15,000 tons- not enough to get good coverage. They are hoping to get it for the cost of hauling it or even better, for free. If they get the new grindings, they will be on top of this and get it layed down more adequate and rolled asap. New things at Dumont A large permanant concrete helipad at the ranger station area was poured. 2 large slabs were also poured at the Dumont ranger station for the command post and BLM trailers in order to keep things more organized for easier access. They called them "resident pads", but the camp hosts still plan on parking in their normal spot at bathroom 10. BLM will now have 2 new emergency phone numbers AT THE RANGER STATION that duners can call for assistance. A new visitor center will be constructed and set up near the ranger station area instead of down at the pay station that will have a kiosk with information such as the new Dumont flyers which contain a map of the area, rules, emergency numbers, dune saftey tips, etc. There will be a new lighted wind sock at the ranger station on holiday weekends. The ranger station will now have a "corridor" to make things easier for traffic entering and exiting. There will also be a cable/ post perimeter around the ranger station for designation. All these new improvements were paid for by GRANT money and NOT our user fee money. Amargosa River/ Sperry Wash route New carsinites (sp?) or markers will be put up to help designate the closed routes that should be recognized and obeyed by riders. Many closed routes aren't currently marked very clearly so these new markers should help with this issue. BLM is going to work on getting GPS coords and a map for flyers that will be available at the information kiosk that also explain the areas that are critical areas. New grant money The regulations are getting redone so hopefully the BLM will recieve new grant money from the state parks green sticker money. The deadline is March 09 and they are optimistic about getting more funding for Dumont. Next TRT meeting Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 I think that pretty much sums it up and SIMPLFIES everything. Good times seeing everyone again and had some great laughes at Slash X after the meeting!
  10. I'm gonna try and get a better drawing up soon to better describe what they did with the area so it won't be so congested.
  11. Look, after attending the TRT/ BLM meeting today in Barstow, this isn't going to be that confusing. The BLM doesn't want this to take a long time either or back up a bunch of vehicles at the entrance. It's pretty simple actually. Just wait and see for yourself once you get to Dumont and don't worry about it too much. I'm sure it will be smooth sailing come October. Remember last year around Thanksgiving how much of a mess we all thought the pay area would be? It was never even that bad and THAT was with credit card transactions in that trailer, new fees, new passes, exchanges, etc. How is that any different than last year? It never backed up real bad then? They don't plan on stopping those vehicles with passes displayed. You won't even have to slow down that much. The whole point here is to urge everyone to get your passes OFF SITE. That is what they are trying to do so it goes that much more smooth. I have to admit it sounded much worse to me too when I first read it, but thats only becuase the crappy drawing/ map they supplied and LOTS of words trying to describe how it worked. There's really nothing to stress about, peeps.
  12. Excellent progress Yoshi. You created one badass looking machine fo sho!
  13. I had the same problem w/ mine. Since your heat is ducted, your main outlet panel from the heater is blocked and heat is diverted out side ducts instead. If you have a dummy vent screen where your heater is (basically an access panel for your heater unit) you can pull it off and allow some heat out of there to help. I punched out a couple of the knockouts on mine so I wouldn't cook the front portion of my hauler. I know this might sound confusing, but I'll take some pics to show you what I did. I worked pretty good.
  14. It won't do any damage to the tire, but nor will it help any at all either. I tried that with my Grizzly. No improvement.
  15. If you have your pass already, you don't have to stop. Get it?
  16. You know it Sucks you can't make it, Steve, but $$ is priority. I hear ya.
  17. Just buy your passes off-site! Latest from the BLM: As you get ready for a new year of safe, fun duning, the BLM would like you to be aware of a major change you will see in the management of fee collection. BLM employees will no longer be able to collect money. This is for the employee’s safety. BLM and the TRT STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you purchase your pass off-site. You may call the BLM at 760-252-6040 for a list of current vendors or visit the passes page of DDR. Passes are sold at many locations and through BLM's Bartsow office. BLM will be encouraging off-site purchase of passes. Pass selling on-site will be phased out over the next 2 years. As a part of this phase out effort, annual passes will NOT be available at the fee machines. Little Dunes Notice: PASSES WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE LITTLE DUNES. PEOPLE CAMPING AT THE LITTLE DUNES WILL NEED TO GO TO THE FEE MACHINES AT THE BIG DUNES, OR PURCHASE THEIR PASS OFF-SITE. New lane designations at the pay station area Please pay close attention to the signs delineating the lanes once you pass the water crossing. These signs will direct you to the correct lane. Please look at the drawing below for a visual explanation of the new lane use. If you purchased your pass OFF-SITE, you will enter the LEFT LANE. This is the EXPRESS lane. Please have your pass ready to show the BLM employee and you will pass through without delay. If you chose to purchase your pass ON-SITE you will enter either the furthest RIGHT lane or the third from the right lane. When your lane gets close to the fee machines, PARK your vehicle, get out and walk to the RIGHT to the fee machines. Look for traffic in the lanes you cross. The fee machines have moved. THE FEE MACHINES ARE NOT IN THE CENTER OF THE ENTRANCE, BUT ARE ON THE FURTHEST RIGHT SIDE OF THE ENTRANCE AT THE BASE OF THE STEEP HILLS. After purchasing your pass, return to your vehicle and pull out into the second from the right lane. This lane is used to pull into from both the first from the right and third from the right lane, so look for traffic. If you chose to purchase your pass on site, expect long delays and waiting period because all passes will be sold through 2 vending machines. You will need to park you vehicle, get out and walk to the fee machine to buy your pass. click here for pdf version of this crappy map There will NOT be window sales this year. FEE MACHINES WILL ONLY SELL WEEKLY PASSES. ALL ANNUAL PASSES MUST BE BOUGHT OFF-SITE.
  18. Just wait about a week or so Stacey. I'll have about 1000 nice full color glossy ones you can pick up or I can mail you. You can grab a handfull of them to pass out.
  19. Do you have any better pics? :stir: Nice rig! Congrats! You need a big azz DDR sticker on that badboy.
  20. until
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