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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I have quite a few pics. I'll get some up soon.
  2. Well just got back yesterday after 3 days up at Coral. Man I missed that place! The last time I was there was Labor Day weekend 06 and I was jonzen bad to ride up there again. It was kind of a last minute trip for us, but I am so glad we made it. Bert (sanddunesaddict) got there early on Wednesday and got an awesome spot in the meadow. Good thing too because it was packed! It hasn't been that crowded in years. The weather was great. Friday was a little warm during the day (90's), but it cooled down a bit over the weekend. Nightime temps were perfect! We had a nice little fire going and it was relaxing as hell. There was some good amount of rain that came through on Saturday and early Sun AM. It was great though. Coral sand is so much fun when it gets wet. TRACTION! The camp area (except ours ) was muddy as hell. It got the bikes dirty as hell. hahaa Good times though. Riding was awesome as usual. This trip I burned through alot of gas. It felt great to get on the 2 wheeler again. I think I rode it more than the quad. Coral Pink is a blast on a dirtbike. I got some pretty good air off the dunes. I also got a chance to take out Bert's Can Am DS650. What a sweet machine. That thing loves to go fast with its powerband and tall gearing! Anna and I got some good runs in with the rail and got to do some fun qaud rides together too. She had a blast getting back into riding. Her last trip there was a couple years when she accidentally drove off a huge cliff. :ah: Some of you probably remember that. She quickly got back into the swing of things though and picked right back up where she left off. This last trip was so much fun. There are so many details about this trip that I could go on and on about. One thing that made this trip so much more enjoyable was the way we made it count so much more than usual. Maybe it's because I haven't been there in so long, but I wanted to get the most out of every day we were there. I didn't get completley trashed every single night and party my a$$ off. Instead we rode our a$$es off all day and then later at night just threw back a few beers around the fire and had some great conversation. Some people think that's old people talk, but if you think about how much $$ you spend to go out there and WHY you go there in the first place it makes perfect sense to leave the crazy azz partying and gettin wasted for other times and places. I can't tell you how nice it was to get up early and ride before the sun is directly overhead. It was nice and cool, nobody out in the dunes, and that morning air just felt so great. It was great seeing and riding with everyone. I managed to meet a few great people as well. Bob Mason, president of the ASA, and his crew were camped right next to us. We all hung out and got a chance to chat a few times throughout the weekend. Nice guys they all were. I also got to meet one of JJ's buddies, Val. He bought gotboost's grey SU car. We got a really good run in on Sunday right before we had to leave. Him and all his crew were great people. Looking forward to hooking up on some Dumont trips fo sho. Even though we weren't camped with everyone and their mom, we still managed to hang out with all the usual suspects. Good times. ok I'll quit :blah: now. Some quick obersations: -Coral Pink is still one of my favorite places to ride -wet sand kicks azz -F*ck bees! -Charlie DOES drink...a quick shot of whiskey in the morning -Bert & Ashley's liittle girl is growing up fast and is cute as hell. She's gonna be a duner for sure. She loves that Tracker! -Ken's Colors is a good dune roommate :pile: -Ken needs to change his screen name to ADD-Duner -Flyin Ryan ran outta talent with the Artic Cat. Luckily the V8Rail guys know how to build a stout azz cage and nobody got hurt. That thing was un-scathed. -some azzhat camp racer :flatbiller: in a Rhino got two girl passengers pretty hurt. Both ejected (not belted in) causing one broken leg on 1 girl other girl unconcious. Hope they are ok. -Coral Pink Taledega!...YIAH YIAH -generators don't like high altitude -good azz grub Sat night...ribs, chicken, cheese :black: 's, fruit, corn, etc etc. mmmm -cane beds road going in- ROUGH and SOFT in some areas. Going out after all the rain- PERFECT! -Fuggin cows everywhere! -burining through an entire tank of fuel on one ride with the 2 wheeler- priceless! -I wish ISBB could have made this trip with his bike. He woulda loved it. -drive home sucked azz. WINDY as hell, hauler was all over the road, 55-60 mph the whole way. -great peeps, great rides, awesome weekend!!
  3. That looks badass! I can't tell from the pics because of the flash, but is that like a satin/matte black or gloss?
  4. I think they take credit/ debit cards, but you might want to call 1st just to make sure. Barstow BLM (760) 252-6000
  5. Why did you change it back? It was set so only 2 name changes were allowed every 30 days just for that reason.
  6. Here's your roost, a$$clown!
  7. ACTUALLY, the Barstow BLM is going to be at the SSSS this year for Dumont! They will be selling the passes there for $10 off. That is what I was told.
  8. I don't think we'll be going down the night before this time around so we'll probably be also meeting up at Terry's Saxbys in the AM.
  9. WHOA, JOHN! Chill bro. Personal attacks are very much against the rules on here. I think you are way outta line.
  10. Check it out... Couple changes for the new season, but nothing too drastic. $10 off during the month of Sept! Annual passes are no longer available on site. (only weekly passes) Annual passes will have 2 different colors for holiday and non holiday passes. Few more vendors that sell passes have been added. Vendors will be selling the weekly AND annual passes now. You can also get your annual pass from the BLM by mail. more info at http://www.dumontduneriders.com/passes.html That's about it.
  11. Very tragic. My thoughts go out to those who lost there lives and their families who now have to deal with their loss. BTW, this happened earlier this week didn't it? Not today.
  12. You're basing that on what...one single? I think the new Taproot kicks a$$ though. You need to give em a chance. I really dig "Wherever I Stand". Nothing will ever be as good as the 1st album, Gift, but everything else they produce is still pretty badass is my book. I hardly ever listen the the radio anymore. I think most bands these days just suck and copy each other's material. Staind.....ugghhh....they've sucked ever since songs like Mudshovel and Home. WTF happened to them? Fuggin annoying and depressing. They USED to rock.
  13. Why would Halloween weekend fall on the weekend BEFORE the Friday it falls on? I'm just sayin... BTW: this might help ya ... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/events.html
  14. Props to you for being persistant with it, Craig! Keep up the good work. I am behind this 100%. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
  15. I hope she holds! Pretty genious idea Bob. Keep the prgress pics updated. I'm curious to see how the finished outcome is with both cars in there. So the front of James' car will just be hanging from the a-frame support over your car right? :ah: No ramps or anything?
  16. ok there Costco boy! Don't make me move all these lame azz Costco posts into your own thread.
  17. IN N OUT has been in Vegas for YEARS ...or do you mean like an IN N OUT big ol plastic burger?
  18. Mark....this topic is about kickoff weekend at Dumont, NOT Costco. Start a new thread in gen chat.
  19. I should be able to swing it. Got alot going on this week, but I'll manage.
  20. dunefreak

    New Chevy?

    Most of which might mot even go into production right? or no?
  21. yep, I remember that. I was just looking at those pics not too long ago thinking the same thing.
  22. Fuggin Whitney and Randog's mom gettin their on.
  23. :shout: SUPRISE!!! "Damn, there's alot of peeps in here" :mb: Crazy Dave making a shot for himself. lol That's alot of Tequila. Old Guys Still Rule. LOL ...and I STILL have more.
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