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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I'd say that if a person couldn't assume a new loan without getting rid of an old one...then it sounds as if they are stretching things pretty thin as it is. I'd be trying to sell instead of just continuing the debt with a different toy. Only take on loans if you can do it comfortably. Just my 2 cents.
  2. yeah I did. All I found was a complete wiring harness. I'll look again a little harder though. Thanks for the link.
  3. BTW there is a company called Toyshare. I have never been interested in anything like it, but maybe it works for some. http://www.toyshare.com/
  4. A PINK RANGER??? Not that it matters, but are we talking Ford Ranger, Polaris Ranger, Power Ranger, BLM ranger???? :black:
  5. Well I haven't put a second one in my hauler because it originally came with two AC units from the factory. Let me tell ya...it's worth it!!!! I can freeze my front master bedroom out. It is an absolute necessity in the summertime for sure. If I shut the door to front master bedroom and crank that f*cker all the way up I think it gets colder than the inside of my damn fridge. Do it. I doubt you will have any regrets. That seems pretty damn cheap.
  6. There's too many factors when it comes to trades and this situation in general. Like ISBB said, I'd just see if you guys could assume the loans. Otherwise no matter how good of friends you are, if something happens like damage, theft, excessive wear, repairs, etc... who is ultimatley responsible and will one guy get screwed over possibly ruining a friendship? I don't ever loan my stuff out unless it is to a very good friend that I can trust. I would still never TRADE toys and payments for any period of time- NO way.
  7. The topic title: "DDR night ride, Video" me: "oh cool, someone put together some footage from the night drags. " NOPE!! Fuggin tease!
  8. Here's my story of today. Not very exciting. Had a pretty slow day at work with some sh*tty jobs not really making any $$ so I managed to squeeze in getting a bunch of chit done on my Dmax to be ready for some upcoming trips and dune season in general. I was suprised to get so much done being an actual work day! Tire balance & rotate, all gearbox fluids changed, oil change, and fix the damn wheel stuf that Discount managed to snap off. :flatbiller: :black: Most exciting thing all day was smoking out some dude with diesel smoke while I was getting on the freeway.
  9. Those kinds of "wakes" are really the ones that count. Hanging out with those who knew him the best and talk about good old times. It's hard and very sad, but you have to focus on the happiness that person brought to you and everyone else's lives. Recently we did just that for my good friend's girlfriend who also very sadly passed at a young age. Amanda, do you have a pic of him you could post up?
  10. I have the camping info that you're talking about on the info page under camping. I may still add something to the FAQ's about it though.
  11. Not planning on getting out at all this season or what? start a new topic
  12. I'm looking for a used Hayabusa stator to send in to be reworked for more power. I don't have time for my car to be down while it gets done. Anyone happen have one? Name your price if you do. 1320 said he did but I never heard back from him. I have 2 on my watch list on ebay right now. :hungry:
  13. I doubt you'd get any grief for that.
  14. That hideous megaphone lookin thing serves a purpose. That's the point- don't f*ck with it. :hungry:
  15. All that is on the info page, but if there were some commonly asked questions about them I'd add em. You ever really hear someone ask about that stuff? :hungry:
  16. No not really, but I thought I might get more than just 1 or 2 useful posts so far. Ahh wtf, who am I kidding. :hungry:
  17. I saw the other model last year at SSSS and it looked pretty damn cool. I hope I can make it to SSSS this year. So far it's a 50% chance I'm going. :hungry:
  18. It's just that GM is VERY picky now with honoring warrantied items on vehicles that have had the exhaust or programming changed. I'd be very hesitant to do anything with them. Sucks for sure.
  19. That is very sad news. I'm not quite sure if I ever met him but it sounds as though he was a great person. So sorry for your loss. RIP, Cody.
  20. Kinda the respsonses I expected. :hungry: Thanks ya fuggin :clown: 's
  21. Hell yeah those guys are up there. Crazy mofos. Thanks for sharin.
  22. I meant 3 years since the very beginning of the website in general, even the old DDR board. Unless you meant CC :bert: :hungry:
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