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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Awww shhhiat. :mb: Thanks Randizz. Not sure if I need anything SUPER custom, but let me see what kind of extinguisher I get first. Most of them come with a mount, but I will definitely let ya know. Thanks man.
  2. You already knew that. You were suprised back when I originally posted those pics up. Don't you remember? :mischevious:
  3. My 2 cents for an 08: leave it alone....stock. Those diesel particulate filters are sensative and shouldn't really be messed with. It sucks they are so damn hideous looking.
  4. That is a basic generalization. Not all E rated tires these days are all 80 psi for max rating. For example...my new BFG KM2's...
  5. I meant Dumont dune season kickoff. Well check it out, it will be September in less than 2 weeks then only a few more weeks until kickoff. Even though summer seems to take forever to end, Dumont season always comes up quicker than everyone expects. Might as well start talking about ot now.
  6. Every truck I have ever driven (at work) that had Pro Comps on them, I thought there was something seriously wrong with them. :ah: I wouldn't recommend em. They ride like chit.
  7. I'll post up whatever info I have for those. Let's hear some helpful locations that everyone uses.
  8. That's what I had in mind. I was hoping someone might have had a link and a pic how they mounted theirs. That's great all, but I just want a new fire exhinguisher. :freakin_nuts: I already knew what you had planned for the 2029 BaBert sandcar. I think that would be a little much for a car that is already completed. Too much to have to mount to fresh powdercoat.
  9. There's been a link added to the site for frequently asked questions about Dumont. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/FAQs.html Post up any additional common questions or info you think might be helpful to add to the page and they'll be added. Thanks.
  10. I got this in an e-mail and thought was definitley worthy of sharing. :ah: "just before the pain begins"
  11. I'm looking to get a new fire ext for the rail for the new season to come. The last one on my old rail broke out of the mount and it's a couple years old as well. I'd like to have some piece of mind with a new one in the new ride. I'm wondering if maybe there's a frame clamp mount for one instead. I'll mount it up front somewhere since that is the last place for a fire to start. My last one (in my old car) was kinda in the way at times on the floor pan right in front of the driver seat. Right now I just have it in the wing truck- not the best place in the event of a fire- right near the gas tank. :ah: Let's see some pics of how some of you rail guys have yours mounted.
  12. Hell yeah, Sam. Isn't that great? A maiden voyage where you can just go out and test the car out with no problems and have fun with it. That's how it should be. True sign of a good car builder right there. I had the same experience with my rail the first trip out up at Little Sahara. Nothing but good times. Hope to meet up this season and get some good runs in with ya. Congrats again. You have one bitchen ride. :freakin_nuts:
  13. Is it too early to start talking about season kickoff trip? I thought I'd put it out there since we only have just a little more than a month to go! I can't wait. This next month is gonna feel like an eternity though. Who all plans on that weekend being their first trip out back to Dumont? Oh and don't forget that Saturday....meet-n-greet at the South Pole like always...2:00 PM. :freakin_nuts:
  14. Badass pics Woody!!! Looks like a very nice RELAXING time for sure. :freakin_nuts: Whats the name of the place you stayed at? I think I might know here that is. Did you guys end up checking out Maloneys downtown or no?
  15. :freakin_nuts: hahaaaa those are great. BTW, the last one is duniemonkie's avatar.
  16. Great job on the slideshow, but I have still yet to see the SR2 in action in the sand. :stir:
  17. Looking for a good head unit... :dance: uhhhh hu hu hu He said head....and unit....yeah yeah.... hu hu
  18. Can you believe it's been 3 years already? I just wanted to throw out a big thanks again to everyone for their support for this site. Without you guys, DDR wouldn't be the great site it has become over the years. I've met some great people through the site and hope you have too. Cheers. Keep up the shananigans you crazy people. :clown: :dance:
  19. Randy, you did nothing wrong. You are gonna get stupid chit from people regardless, especially in the summertime. I think the sun cooks their heads a lil too much sometimes. Don't sweat it, bro. I'd say go start another topic just like it just to be an azzhole and a hypocrit. Eff em. :dance:
  20. fuggin PAAAAAATHfinder "I'm da thunda steala!!!!!" :dance: Congrats, Cole.
  21. OH STOP IT lol The photos are on a news website and were on TV where the family could have seen them. Since Randy posted them on DDR in a section only where members can view them, I think it's very unlikley that the family is on here and will see them again. oh yeah....and you didn't click the link. You have to- you just can't help yourself. Admit it.
  22. I mentioned it to him last night. He thinks he recalls someone bringing this up at one of the last TRT meetings. He's gonna look into it and find out. I guess these companies have been doing this for a while now.
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