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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Nice improvement! It's crazy how much some graphics can change the look of a car. Looks good.
  2. nope- I can almost gaurantee no vendors out there this weekend. There may be some fringe toed lizards out there though! (Not for sale though. )
  3. Thanks Bob. Definitely looking forward to hanging out again! It's been too long!
  4. I just got an image of cheese chillen in some bar sportin some MC Hammer pants trying to impress his girl dancing to Sir Mix Alot. Sir-Cheese-Alot, mafacka! :clown: Sorry Brian
  5. I'd love to, Ken...but ya know. Gotta get my sand fix on. Have fun out here and take some pics!
  6. Came down HARD AS HELL for about 5-10 minutes in the AutoMall. It was crazy. I didnt see any hail- just some 5 gallon bucket sized rain drops.
  7. YIAH YIAH I can't wait. Sucks you aren't making it Randizzle. No worries, mutha season kickoff bitchezz is right around the corner. :ah: :angry2:
  8. badass, KJ. Tell him thattaboy for me. That kid is going places.
  9. Anna is coming too. Is that from calculating it or the display? Mine SAID 19 mpg but it was full of chit.
  10. badass! You will love it. Congrats
  11. It's all love, Mike. When's your next Dumont trip gonna be? As for G, I'm making a trip the weekend before Halloween down there. How bout you?
  12. I'll probably take you up on that offer there. Fuggin DMax got about 15 mpg last trip out to Barstow with the cruise at 78. It SAID about 19 mpg on the display, but NOPE!
  13. Dude, I TOLD you I could bring the Raptor if you wanted to ride it if you had no ride. I understand wanting to party and all out in the sandbox, but this is no full weekend. Hell...it's barely one night. We don't have that much time to ride, especially if people plan on getting chitty. :beerbong: Just bring a few beers and call it good.
  14. You guys should just leave your bikes at home if you plan on bringing all that crap. Aren't we going out to RIDE?
  15. Oh no he didn't! I don't care where you were sitting- dude landed on his a$$!
  16. It has been on the forum as well pinned in this section. There was even an annoucement throughout the whole forum for a few weeks linking to it. WAKE UP MA FACKA! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=8920
  17. Hell yeah. Let's roll mofo! I guess when I said it- it had no effect on him. I bring no joy at all to high octane junkie when I choose not to get wasted at the dunes. Only you do. :pile: Regardless...I'm looking forward to some sand this saturday.
  18. Here it is... Some effing people http://www.snopes.com/crime/audio/burger.wma
  19. Just as bad as the chick who called 911 because they screwed her order up in the drive thru. I'll have to find the link to a soundclip of it.
  20. "where am I? and what the hell do I have to pack in and out?"
  21. One of my favorite segments.... ""THUNDA....THUNDA....HE'S DA THUNDA STEALA!!!!"" Fuggin stooopid http://www.mydisorder.com/Audio/Audio/bit_...tealer1_2_3.mp3 The fart one is the best! (I think its the 2nd one) http://www.mydisorder.com/Audio/Audio/bit_...tealer7_8_9.mp3 ^ Fuggin PIMP SHARK! :moon: Free Mercedes...I threw it away. http://www.mydisorder.com/Audio/Audio/bit_...ler10_11_12.mp3 Ultimate friendship test. "I wanna do you at work dude" http://www.mydisorder.com/Audio/Audio/Ult....b_PartsRoom.mp3 Drunk message Monday :ah: :dumbass: http://www.mydisorder.com/Audio/Audio/DMM....eStreetSign.mp3 all the rest....enjoy http://www.mydisorder.com/frame_audio_bitarchive.htm
  22. WOW. He didn't land it, but still amazing. We all knew it was only a matter of time before someone did it right? Crazy bastids. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVJMAckqmlk video of front flips into foam pit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS51_ywDFWA
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