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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Damn dude that effin sucks. You need an old azz Raptor or YZ like me. :gayboy: True, but they (4 strokes) will go forever if they are stock. I have over 5 years of duning on my old Raptor and I have never had to touch the internals. I just keep changing the oil, adjust the valves every so often and RIDE.
  2. Good times last night. Thanks Cole for the backstage access. That was badass. F*ck Pepper though! Those guys are douchebags. For those that don't know what happened I'll give ya a quick run down. We (Cole, monkie, Steveo and myself) are backstage waiting for Slightly Stoopid to show up. We're in the hallway where their dressing/ drinking rooms are. :gayboy: Cole said to go ahead and help ourselves to a beer from the big azz bucket. So we grabbed like one beer a piece. Well Pepper shows up and the drummer gives us sh*t for "STEALING" their beer. Hey eff you buddy. I was gonna offer him 10 or 20 bucks for his beer that was so attached to, but I'm glad I didn't. Oh well, Cole didn't know and thought it would have been ok. Eff em right Cole? I'm glad we drank their beer now! After that we just left and went back downstairs. It was awesome seeing those guys (SS) again. I think Miles was too effed up to play at times. He didn't seem to be out on stage as much as usual. I almost fell on my a$$ in the pit. The concrete floor was slippery as hell from all the spilled beer. Everyone was hella cool though and made sure I didn't break my arms again. Sucks Cole and Jules had to leave early- they missed some good jams. Slightly Stoopid played some great tunes, but I really don't think the sound was up to par at times. The Joint sometimes has this wierd echo effect from the back of the room where the sound reververates back. And no I wasn't effed up. :no_no: They sounded better at Coachella and other shows in the past. The Expendables were pretty good. I gotta pick up a cd for sure. Pepper sounded really well too, but I just can't get into their stuff for some reason. Except their beer of course. Steveo and Nate were EFFFED UP. :fro_smokin: I didn't even end up drinking that much cause the bar lines were rediculous. Took like 20 minutes each time I wanted a beer. So after a couple times of going up and buying like 5 beers and 2 jack/cokes for everyone, I was over that chit. I ended up being the DD for the night. Let me tell ya, a tour of the entire valley at 2 AM when tired as hell- not so much fun. I'm just glad everyone could make it home safe. Nate was planning on driving home in his condition. :smoker: Hell no dude! After laughing our a$$es off at Steveo's wasted azz on the way, we dropped off Nate, then Jodi, then drove all the way to Steveos and dumped him in his driveway. When we got to his house we woke him up from the back seat of my truck and said hey f*cker, your home. He wakes up really quick saying, "what? no I'm cool. Don't worry about it." I said "your home dude. This is your house." Then I said his entire street address and he goes....."yep, thats me" and stumbled up to his house. Great seeing Ian (the alaskan). Sorry we were all over the place and coudn't hang out more. lol I'll get a few pics up soon. GOOD times for sure last night.
  3. HELLZ YEAH! I have been ready all week! I'm really looking forward to this show. These guys are SO GOOD. The Joint
  4. The next Dumont Dunes BLM/ TRT (Technical Review Team) meeting has been scheduled for SATURDAY, September 6th, 2008 at 10:00 AM These meetings are usually on a Tuesday. This meeting has been scheduled for a Saturday in hopes that the public can more easily attend. Everyone's positive thoughts and concerns regarding Dumont are always taken into consideration. Come out and show your support and have a voice for Dumont Dunes.
  5. Come one, come all. This meeting has been scheduled for a Saturday in hopes that the public can easier attend. We hope many dedicated people from DDR and Dumont can come out, voice any concerns, and hopefully give some positive ideas for Dumont Dunes. More info should be in the Dumont Issues section of the forum.
  6. No, NV doesn't require OHV's to be registered. Like everyone said, just pick up a CA out of state sticker and you'll be covered in CA AND UT. They are 10 bucks cheaper too. There are a few places listed on this page where to get one. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/passes.html
  7. I found it kinda funny that FOX 5 news has this story right on their homepage. It's about a news reporter from another news station leaving the scene of an accident. I wonder if there is some sort of tension between the stations or something. ? http://www.fox5vegas.com/news/17056260/detail.html#
  8. Right on, Eddy. Looking forward to finally meeting up. this list is gettin BIG! Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Sandchick Wingnut indasand Suzukilt RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (98%) Grey CaptNkllm Dunelover dune demon britincali suzltr450rider bigtruckdrmr Stock 350 BudlightBob dunegirl53 Vegas Style LTR-450 tkriley sanddunesaddict desertrider71 YFZ450 Big_Gunz_ YFZ Bob Older lady @ Sin's work Older ladys husband rockinglvhottie + 3 rushjunkie
  9. haha, well I still plan on making a day trip out of Halloween at D and maybe a 1 nighter for that Sat night if I end up drinking. I'm gonna maybe try and dune-groupie it that day.
  10. Sweet! So is it gonna be a DVD or what? That would be badass. Will have to wait and see what the outcome is....
  11. Thanks Jason. It's been up for over a week or two now though.
  12. http://www.fourstrokeassociation.com/forum...8adba508d91d5b6
  13. "snow-cone" tool :hungry:
  14. Oh yeah I am fully aware of that. This motor was built abaout 10 years ago so I wont be throwing any NOS at it only cause I don't wanna push it too far. If I remember right - the pistons are hyperutechtic (sp?). They aren't forged. It boils the tires very easily. I'll have to get some video of it roasting the tires one day. The trans has a toggle switch wired in for the converter lockup. I had to keep it simple and fully manual ya know.
  15. Hey Mike. Do you mean it wouldn't run at all? Unless you are planning on primarily riding it up there, I wouldn't jet it. It is a pretty big pain in the azz to get to the carb on utility quads. Was it just sluggish or did it barley run at all? My Grizzly and Raptor run fat up at Coral if I don't jet them down, but they still run though. You may need a valve adjustment if it ran that bad or not at all.
  16. We have a winner. Homepage has been updated with 80grit's pic.
  17. 2 more added! Dunefreak Duniemonkie quad~dizzle ISBB? SinCity blondie Malibu VLX Sandchick Wingnut indasand Suzukilt RUn2it powerhouse SandSoulja barefoot Bob Sandpsycho mineurbiz (98%) Grey CaptNkllm Dunelover dune demon britincali suzltr450rider bigtruckdrmr Stock 350 BudlightBob dunegirl53 Vegas Style LTR-450 tkriley sanddunesaddict desertrider71 YFZ450 Big_Gunz_ YFZ Bob
  18. To tell you the truth, ever since I put the OD trans in I haven't even driven it enough to know. This thing never gets taken out that much.
  19. I know, but I'll just get it from you next time I see ya. Besides, that $$ has to go back into savings and not be spent. :beerbong:
  20. If they can reach myspace and they are a duner, then they can reach this site. I'm not building a friggen DDR myspace page. That's retarded. Besides the info is already on this site for duners to see. Just put up DDR's link on your pages. The important info and links are listed on our homepage. They don't even need to be a forum member to access it all.
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