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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Leaving Hnederson probably about 5 or 6 and stopping at either the Shell on Rainbow/ Blue Diamond or the gas station at the Red Rock turnoff. Going through Tecopa.
  2. Welcome to the site!
  3. I'm pretty sure it's a 33 or 34 gallon tank . I think it is about $150-160 to fill up. It all depends on how much the station is azz pumping me that day. unf*ckinbelievable!
  4. Sucks she can't make it, but it's cool we can still party it up for Saturday night. Lookin forward to it, cheesy ma facka. Hey bring your "can't find his way back to camp for chit", ma fackin friend. What was his name? Jim?
  5. Nice I like the KSC engraved hubs. Are they running front brakes on theirs cars?
  6. What the hell is going on!!!! paddle tires...magnums, wingnut D cups, ISBB's t*ts gettin bigger than his wife's! WOW!
  7. haha, I must have read your post too fast I guess. Not sure where that came from. Maybe I read it like this... Who knows.
  8. Anyone in tonight? Steveo and I will be down there.
  9. Right but in past years you pay like 8 bucks the first day and get your hand stamped on the way out and you are good for the entire weekend for just the 8 dollars. I'm not too worried about it. It's not that much more. I'll drink teh difference in 10 minutes anyways.
  10. Chitty! What's up with your wife always being around the SSSS every year? I will just let you know where we end up booking at and you can book your own. The place we stayed last year was pretty nice and fairly cheap. It was right along the freeway in Santa Ana just before the exit for the show.
  11. We're only about 2 months away already and I'm already getting excited. Not so much for the show, but to go see and hang out with some cool azz DDR peeps and go to the beach. I doubt the show will offer much more "new" stuff this year, but I will still check it out regardless. I like walking around saying hi to a handful of vendors that I know who go every year. I see there is a 3 day fee this year instead of being able to pay your 8 bucks and stamp your hand every day before leaving. Can you believe it has already been 10 years that this show has been going on? wow. Who else is going? We gotta set up another DDR get together at the HB brewing company. :fro: http://sandsportssupershow.com/
  12. Yeah minurbiz never really labeled the topic very well. He just put "found this on tech". :fro: I added a little description on the 2nd line in gen chat because a few people couldn't find it. You weren't the only one.
  13. We should move it to the best of section. Best thread EVER! :fro:
  14. You know me and I haven't had an injector issues. :beer_bang: I'm not even gonna get into the whole Chevy/Ford/Dodge debate, Jon. It's retarded. Most everyone knows every truck has their own issues. I only started this thread to give wingnut a ribbing. You drive your Dodge and I'll drive my Chevy and we'll both be happy.
  15. Well that's not the case this month. Other than just quad stuff, this month there are write ups on... -the diesel duner Powerstroke Jeep -"Shop Tour: Poor Boys Sand Cars" -LS Crate motor engine buyer's guide -a Tom Pro sandcar write up -the Big 5 Funco write up -Deleuxe Dual Sport" Colorado Sand Cars desert edition truck -a Joe Fab driving school write up -Sand Drag Scene write up about Jeeps and dragsters -and lots of stuff on other dune spots I thought this month's issue was pretty badass. :beer_bang: I have never had any problems with any sand magazine. I love em all.
  16. Now how do you think that made Tim feel?
  17. I just got the new Sand Sports today. Anyways, does anyone else ever read the North of Zzyzx article in there every issue? The writer, Mike Dougherty, always does a great write up on short trips to Dumont. Basically he (and sometimes his wife) take a drive out there in just his car or truck and just chat with duners. It's kind of cool to hear his stories. I even laugh sometimes at his choice of words and how he describes things. He's a pretty nice guy. We once met him when we were out there for a day trip. He rolled up to us and say good morning and handed us "the morning newspaper" (a couple copies of Sand Sports mag). I thought that was pretty cool of him. This last write up was about how he went out to Dumont and met Brian King from King Sand Cars. Check it out if you alrady haven't. :chug: :chug:
  18. Nope. I was hyper from Taproot, but I was actually pretty damn sober that night. I must not have heard the whole conversation between you guys. From Steve's post it sounded like he wasn't gonna be back till Sept. no?
  19. Eff that- he won't be back for like 3 months. Give me an address and I'll mail you a chitload, Steve.
  20. I'd like to, but I'll have to wait and see if it's do-able.
  21. hey what time? huh? re-re-re-repost, Al! this is also on the homepage too. lol
  22. AWESOME pics, Tiff! :freakin_nuts: Good job.
  23. Who the hell is InBev, what are AB products, and why are they a bad thing? Someone please fill me in on wtf is going on. :freakin_nuts: :freakin_nuts:
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