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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Thats retarded. What no pics? I hate driving long distances....especially SALT LAKE CITY!!! I did about 1000 miles to and from SLC all in one day.
  2. Dude this was just bumped up from May. It was dead and over with.
  3. Geeat pics Woody. It's funny.... a little birdie told me that the DD guys were talking crap that "ddr couldn't hang" last night. That sounds like Richie for sure. Yeah it sux we missed Guttermouth, but it wasn't cause we couldn't hang. We left because we wanted to step it up a notch and go party. :assrock: I have been to alot of hard core punk shows in the past and I just felt like this time Guttermouth wasn't worth the wait between all the nasty sweaty moshers, couldn't get a beer at all, place was pretty hot and muggy, and some of the music & bands weren't all that great. Hope you guys had fun. The Hard Rock and BJ's Bar & Lounge were a friggen blast afterwards! The go-go dancers at the Hard Rock were a nice new addition to that place.
  4. Dave, are you FREAKIN HIGH TODAY? :assrock:
  5. I plan on getting there sometime after sun down. Last year we got there way too early and it was HOT as hell. We might roll in about 8 or 9 maybe. Kinda playing it by ear right now.
  6. I was referring to whatever trans they put behind the Cummins. Wingnut's just went out and I thought it was absolutley necessary to rub it in and start a thread about it.
  7. Ahh you suck! Ya just HAD to let the cat outta the bag huh?! :assrock:
  8. We went last night to check out Guttermouth at the Ice House. However, I couldn't take the bs anymore and had to get the hell out of there. The staff there sucks! I understand they are busy as hell, but they just completely ignore you when you try to get a drink at the bar. Not only that, but I was OVER IT half way through Guilty By Association. I wasn't into it enough to deal with all the sweaty a$$ mosh pit a-holes (not you MIke ). Sorry guys, wish we could have stayed but the Hard Rock was calling us! Oh yeah, and everyone told me that Amanda (my4drgsr) got THROWN OUT just for asking to honor the special they had on their flyer for ladies drink free. What a bunch of bs. It was cool seeing the HOTS again. They are always really good. The band before them was hit or miss for good songs and they took about 2 fuggin hours to do their sound check. Woody got some good pics and I think I got a few good ones as well with his camera. He'll get them up when he gets home I'm sure. Him and OGP are already heading back to Cali this am. Great seeing everyone last night. That's cool sandchick and malibu vlx started their own text-advertising company for the Ice House. I would have never known about the show if they hadn't texted me 14 times. Oh wait, yeah I would have. 50 cal sent me one too. It was also way cool to see that Richie (50 cal) grew out his hair! :assrock: :lol:
  9. Just curious if anyone on here has had issues with their transmission on their Dodge Ram. :stir:
  10. KICK AZZ pics, Steve! Those came out great. Looks like lots of fun.
  11. Google kicks a$$. Looks like the driver and passenger were ok.
  12. Holy crap! Like vegas style said, I hope the driver was ok. That truck just started to buckle. Any idea where this happened?
  13. Very cool. You will fully appreciate it the most as soon as you take your first crap in it! Just trust me on this one. It's SO worth every penny. You'll see.
  14. oops I didn't even see that. Hey...what time?
  15. FYI: it re-airs this Monday at 8PM. http://www.trutv.com/shows/party_heat/epis...ml#dumont_dunes
  16. With Halloween being on a Friday this year, it's safe to say that Halloween weekend will fall on that same weekend, Oct 31-Nov 2nd (Fri-Mon).
  17. No, but I remember that one too. I heard all about it. Absolutley horrible. My bad- I meant Halloween 06. I was talking about the accident back behind comp. This.
  18. Sure thing, Ed! shoot me your e-mail address.
  19. This thread is for bitching and moaning only. Your sarcasm is not welcome in here, Ken.
  20. SWEET shots! Much better than those we tried getting at the bar that night.
  21. This is a very serious concern, everyone. Please read up on this and become familair with what is going on right now. As many of you know, the fringe toed lizard has been under very close watch by environmental groups and agencies. This lizard lives at Dumont Dunes, mostly in the surrounding areas where vegetation and brush are present. It is extremely important that we, as responsible duners, work together on this issue with a very proactive approach to help protect the lizard and keep Dumont Dunes open for us OHV riders. Rather than U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service listing the lizard as endangered (which could possibly result in a permanent closure of Dumont Dunes), the agencies are discussing the possibility of writing and agreeing to a conservation plan for the lizard. This conservation plan would protect the lizard from OHVs while keeping the dunes open to duners of Dumont. Working with the BLM and FWS will be a positive step in a direction that will support the conservation plan. Read more here... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/FTL/ Those who think they might be able to bring forward a positive, proactive attitude and voice towards this issue are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to attend this meeting. If you feel that lizards are stupid and we don't need them, you shouldn't even be at Dumont Dunes or on this site. In order to ride and enjoy Dumont Dunes, we must work together on this and respect the wildlife and the conservation plan. With responsibility , OHV and wildlife CAN co-exist! The meeting 1:00 pm, July 29th, 2008 Barstow, CA BLM Field Office Working with the BLM and FWS to participate in developing the plan, and to show them we can and will support the plan once its complete.
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