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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. seriously! I was thinking the same thing.
  2. It made me wanna break a broom handle, stab my cat and nail her to the wall with it. Other than that...great job. I'm not really into the new "hardcore" chit. Taproot, Deftones, Mudvayne, Korn, etc is about as far as I go with the "hard" stuff.
  3. This is pretty much a re-re-repost, but whatever. My commute to work is fairly short so the gas prices haven't really affected me much.
  4. It's not that bad. If you get there around sun down- it's HOT as hell. After the sun goes down though it will be in the 90's. It doesn't feel that bad at all though. Without the sun and with the usual Dumont breeze, it's actually pretty nice.
  5. cool, as long as it fits the car ok. That's all that matters. The D Max can handle it. Just let me know when I can pick it up, Dave. Much appreciated. Yep, you never heard about it? Weren't you there MLK weekend when the blue car got whacked? Now that I think of it...I guess not. Anyways, here's the new ride, Lee. Check it out... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/ssc_buildup.html Yeah I was talking to flyin ryan today about this saturday and he suggested leaving no later than 3:30. I might do that instead. I wanna dune as much as possible before it gets hot. And yes, I spoke with Craig on Saturday about this trip. That's where it all started. He's in from what I was told. Thanks Sam. Much appreciated.
  6. ok. Only reason I ask is cause many people usually think since my car is a "mini" it will fit on/in just about any trailer. It's 85" wide in the rear- just about as wide as many full size cars.
  7. It was very sad news for us to see this on the news last night. On the other hand, at least he lived a very long life (to age of 71) and brought so many laughes to so many people. He was one of my favorite's. When I was growing up my family and I used to laugh our a$$es off when watching his stand-up. Here's to one of the best, original comedians who is truly a legend. :argue:
  8. Thanks Dave. I may just have to take you up on that. Is it a flatbed and how wide is it? You bringing the car out or just the quads? I know I asked you Saturday, but I can't seem to remember what you told me.
  9. Sweet thanks, Ian! :argue: I'll get you your DVD's this week. Want me to run them over to ya at work? Hell after all, your right across the street from my work.
  10. OK so I have talked with a few peeps and I think we're gonna be doing a very early run to Dumont for a sand fix this Saturday. I am really itching to get the new car out to Dumont. I'm hoping I can get a hold of a flatbed for it so I can bring her out. I'll be planning on leaving Vegas around 4/ 4:30 or so. That puts us there about 6 ish, dune till about 9:30 and then get the eff out before it gets hot. If anyone else wants to meet up, just let me know. :argue: 1st dune run of the summer!
  11. I haven't got one yet, but I hope I do. I will give em a piece of my mind as well. :rant_on:
  12. dunefreak


    Yeah I was wondering why the HELL that was there!
  13. Hellllll yeah boyyyyy :argue: I was moving around too much to record that song.
  14. dunefreak


    wow....very sad indeed. RIP Scott I think NHRA should make it mandatory to have extra long sand traps and maybe even energy absorbing walls to cushion the impact should something like this happen again. That's horrible.
  15. I'm pretty sure that was a glitch that sometimes happens when someone is logging in. It shows them as multiple users. The server would probably crash if that many were online at once. :freakin_nuts:
  16. Right, but this thing would be trashed before it even got half way down. I don't think it would hold up at all.
  17. I think they are banned now, just like every cool azz water toy that comes out. At the DUNES? wtf would you do w/ it there?
  18. here's LUMP :freakin_nuts: <br> <br> <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=" </param> <embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>
  19. :freakin_nuts: <br> <br> <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object><br> <br> sorry, I had it on the chit-quality setting
  20. Anna was talking about rolling that thing down comp with someone in it. This is exactly why I was like "hellll no, that chit would hurt" :freakin_nuts: That thing isn't strong enough to handle it anyways. We only plan on using it in the water. It's sure fun as hell.
  21. It was warm, but it wasn't that bad at all. I have video. I need to upload it still. Will get it up soon.
  22. I must say I haven't had that much fun at a show since Taproot! Anna and I went last night to the free Presidents of the USA show at the Rio. Pauly Paul joined us too since he was off work early due to a burn to his hand. We had so much fun. The band played some good tunes from back in the day and every single song was rockin. All their new stuff is really good too! I was suprised to say the least. To tell the truth I expected to like a few songs and the rest of it be kinda so-so at this show. Not at all! Those guys nailed it. :dance: I love how they guys play a very simple, feel-good kind of music. They actually make you laugh at times too. Those guys can be some goofy mofos. All 3 of us were bouncing around with our giant 9 dollar Foster beers in our hands. Those effers were potent though. 3 of those and you're feeling pretty good. They were huge. :chug: Best part of the whole night was watching Anna. She was sooo happy, especially when they played Munkey River! We totally got into it and were probably dancing around like a$$hats, but we didn't even care. It was that good. Here's some pics I snapped off (alot as usual) forgot the flash and it came out blury w/ this one the guitarist got lots of high fives after he left stage... Pauly got the drum stick too! Anna was gonna beat his a$$ for it but he didn't let go. leaving the show... Thats how big those beers really felt! "Fuggin Paul, you're too fat to pickup!" Admiring Pauly's trash in his bed of his truck. :freakin_nuts:
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