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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. This thing is badass and all, but holy crap! Look at the MSRP. yikes MSRP: $9,199 and it still comes with chit-a$$ tires! Has Yamaha lost their mind? Back in 02 I think the MSRP on my special ed silver Grizzly 660 was like $7400 and I thought THAT was steep. :freakin_nuts: I'd like to see what the power steering feels like on these things though.
  2. True, but I don't use that much regular gas. The bikes and rail sip it and the hauler generator doesn't use that much either. I'd say maybe 10-15 gallons total is what I use in a whole weekend. OK, so add another 10-15 bucks or so to that $35. :freakin_nuts:
  3. son of a maaaafackaaaa :freakin_nuts:
  4. Next time I should turn it around on them and try to sell them some DDR merch. :freakin_nuts: Here's how it will go down... solicitor, "Hello sir, do you currently have a home security system in your house?" me: "why yes I do, thank you very much for asking. Can I interest you in some DDR stickers or perhaps a DDR shirt? Have you heard of our website? It is the greatest way to stay connected with your friends that visit Dumont Dunes. You should really check it out, ma facka! " I'm kinda curious how they'd react.
  5. nah, Dan is holding hands with him.
  6. :rant_on: I can't stand these fools that think it is ok to come right up and knock on your door to try to sell you something. It's RUDE!! I don't even answer the door anymore. I just had some guy come up, ring my doorbell AND knock all loud and chit like he was trying to bust down my door. It almost scared the hell out of me. I usually like messing with em, but I just don't have the energy today. I just ignored the fool this time around. The last group that knocked on my door before this guy was some missionaries. oh boy! That gets me fired up the worst. When they started asking me if I knew God and blah blah blah...I kindly told them, look, no thank you and that I'm wasn't interested. Then they proceeded to preech even more crap about the Mormon way and trying to push their beliefs on me and . That's when I got pissed off, took a step back, and just slammed the door. Oh yeah...and one more thing. Some fuggin telemarketer just called my house about 10 minutes ago and asked for a Mr. Walt Mitchell. I said, nope wrong number. THEN, this guy has the nerve to tell ME that I am wrong. :freakin_nuts: He said, "uh no sir I have checked the number and this is the number I have for as his contact number." That set me off. I told this a$$hat that I didn't car wtf number HE has. I've had this number for over 10 years and he has THE WRONG NUMBER. There is nobody that lives here by that name and I have no clue who he is!!! **CLICK** Freakin people. I swear! :rant_on: Ok, rant off.
  7. a$$hat-thread-bumping-jackass-warrior!!!!! :freakin_nuts:
  8. We're proud to take on the addition of a new site sponsor, LibertyMiniMog. Check them out. They do offer DDR discounts and I heard you get a free slot machine with purchase. Looking forward to working with you guys, Brian. :freakin_nuts: Hopefully DDR brings some good business your way.
  9. Really? It's on billboards all over town? ok! I wonder why she told us to keep it on the down low then. ??? Ahh whatever Anyways, we are totally down for that next week! WCWW!!! :bar: :chev_bowtie: :chug:
  10. haha, Amber (our regular TT server) told us that this weekend. She said to keep it on the down low. TOO LATE! From 8-10 everything is inded half price. Man we need to start having wasted wednesday instead of TT as long as thats the case. :chev_bowtie:
  11. Well thanks and all, but NOPE! I hate politics. Haven't you noticed my lack of involvement in this crap a$$ thread?
  12. And you always do. ok, :chev_bowtie:
  13. Jim has never been a mooch ever since I've known him. Besides, if he gave $20 for their hospitality that would STILL be more than some dune groupies have pitched-in in the past!
  14. :chev_bowtie: 3rd video at the very end - ISBB saying: "I'm fuggin over it!" And Dayum Cole! Can you say clutch!? Ouch!
  15. They are playing this Thurs night at the Rio pool. (Tomorrow) You guys should go!
  16. Probably because you are into the same crap as he is, Jon.
  17. Yeah, but Pres of the USA don't come as often as those bands. One of their new songs thats out and playing on the radio/ XM now is pretty damn good. If you can snatch up an OPS cd that would be awesome. Thanks!
  18. Damn thats a good azz lineup. I really wish we could make it, but we have another show to go see at the Rio Pool- Presidents of the USA. Remeber them!? Their back together and touring! We have free tix so I think we'll be missing OPS, the HOTS, and Real Big Fish. :breakdance:
  19. Wow, you guys got ALL political today!
  20. I have read on many other sites about how the price of diesel & slow real estate market has really hit some duners hard. Sand toys that were once funded by home equity are now being sold by alot of people. Diesel prices are probably going to keep alot of people from being able to do as many trips. Etc etc. It's crazy how much stuff is for sale right now. I can say that the price of diesel will make my trips more expensive, but if you look at it this way...the total extra cost of my dune trip will be about $35 more is all. :beer_bang: Luckily all my toys (bikes & rail) are paid for and I am fortunate enough to be in a field where it hasn't seen any major decline. I'm just curious how much it has or will affect most on here for next season. I bet there will alot less people out there. What do ya think? I don't think I'll be making any less trips. I usually do at least one per month/ maybe two and fortunately it looks like that should stay the same for me next season.
  21. He only tagged the cars that were still there when we left. (We were the last ones there other than a few plus some other customers I think)
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