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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Crasher is a very smart person with her total jaskass observation about wingnut. Not another damn game I hate you, Craig!
  2. I didn't catch that, but that's cool as hell though! The south pole was origainally duniemonkie's idea and then we all teamed up to construct it and pick the spot. I only watched the last half. I'm gonna throw it back on and watch the whole thing since we DVR'd it. That big guy in the Ranger side x side (Deputy Mike Cadwell) was pretty cool. He stopped by our camp and also by us when we were at comp. We thought we were in trouble, but instead he chatted w/ us and handed out some candy to us. He was a pretty nice guy.
  3. Thanks Ken. But...what?...you haven't been able to click the homepage link or what?
  4. Thanks for the update Terry. Thats pretty scarey about the lizard. I wish there was something we could do other than just wait and see what happens. You can bet your azz I'll be at the Saturday meeting in Sept.
  5. She's da thunda steala!!!! :mischevious: :beer_bang: Looks good.
  6. Cafepress actually costs the site money every month. Not much has been sold lately to even cover the expense of the custom storefront that they offer. As for the sticker money, none of that really gets ever back to me. It all goes to J&J Vinyl. Sometimes he kicks me down a couple bucks for the biz, but I always tell him not to worry about it just for handling the orders and mailing them out. I have never made anything off stickers and merch. If anything that is ever "made" off the site though, it gets put right back into it like you said for additional orders. I really hope to at least get some pretty cool new custom DDR shirts and hats made up this summer. :mischevious:
  7. yep...that It came on at way earlier if you had DISH. It was on at 5:00 for me. :mischevious: :beer_bang: Hell no! After seeing all those idiots doing stupid stuff I wouldn't even want to see DDR associated with half of it.
  8. :mischevious: :beer_bang: Why do you think I was talking about you?
  9. Alright here it is...all the info. You all better be there! (Click the banner) I believe all the directions in that link are correct. (I've never been there) If not, just blame wingnut. Post up if you are planning on going.
  10. I didn't say less people at Dumont sucks. I meant the economy sucks. I think less people there is a good thing! $99 got me a tad over a half tank this weekend w/ my D Max.
  11. While I completely believe that Yoshi has done his homework with his cars, it doesn't mean that his cars are the only cars out that are setup correctly and work. To tell you the truth (other than his older prototype car) I haven't even seen one drive yet, so I have nothing to go off of other than his posts on GD and DDR. Like I said, talk to Larry Short and he could probably go into all the same details about wheel travel and how his cars are setup. No offense Yoshi and I don't mean to talk crap at all about you or your cars, but all I know is that my rail handles EXTREMELY well and sure feels like 18 inches of rear travel. I know for a fact that as hard as I have ever G'd out this or my last car, the frame has never bottomed out. The sprocket has barely brushed the sand, but thats about it. This car is setup damn well in my opinion.
  12. Thanks warrior. Here's the link, Ken. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/ssc_buildup.html
  13. Hellz yeah. They told us about that show back when we chatted at the show at the Beauty Bar one night. That should be good times.
  14. really wish I could, Terry, but same here- I gotta go to work.
  15. I just finished watching it. So what did you guys think? I thought it was kinda cool seeing Dumont, but at the same time it paints a bad picture. I think they could have also shown the responsible peeps having fun too. But that wouldn't have been good TV I guess then. Some parts were actually pretty funny. I like how they busted the guy for not wearing his helmet correctly (no strap fastened), then the next scene they chase off with their helmet straps dangling!
  16. ya read my mind, jodi. I was gonna bump this up tonight and post up the details ofr the party. (actually I was just gonna start a new thread for it) Stay tuned, I'll have it up pretty soon.
  17. You're right. I think it only has like 6 inches of travel. j/k You'd have to ask Larry. He's the one that built the car and I'm just going by what he states. The numbers listed are approximate. Maybe it's only like 16" of travel. Who knows. I don't know for sure all the rest of the exact specs and measurements that you are talking about. One of these days I'd like to find out for sure, but I'm not about to go rip my shocks off and start measuring it all. I know the car works extremely well though regardless.
  18. ok ok, fine you are somewhat right when you say "small controlled explosion". That is combustion, but ok. All I know is that I remember back in an emmisions license renewal class a guy referred to it as an explosion in the combustion chamber (cylinder) and the teacher went into this whole spiel about how that would be catastrophic if it were an "explosion". Its too early to be talking about this crap.
  19. We already have seen that though. As of last season it was already way less crowded at Dumont compared to normal. I think the crappy economy had alot to do w/ it.
  20. Check it out (added some new contect to the site about the buildup) http://www.dumontduneriders.com/ssc_buildup.html
  21. :flowers: :moon: dayyyyum...is that all its takes? All I had to do was read a book about motors? Chit! All that time tickering and all the experience for NOTHING! dammit! dude, first off...chill. It won't work. second....there's really no reason to get your panties in a twist over this crap. You aren't getting criticized for not understanding motors....wait...yeah you are j/k seriosuly though- IT WON'T WORK! dammit cheese...you tried There are no explosions in any internal combustion motor. If there were it would be ugly. It's called "combustion", not explosion.
  22. Thanks Joe. I can't wait till next season to get back out with it w/ the rest of the crew. I was misisng it big time the last half of last season. :flowers: Me too. But you know it, Dave. Sounds good. I'll let ya know.
  23. not a prob! I can't wait either.
  24. hellz yeah....nice rides. Looks like a good time there like usual.
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