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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I know you guys all too well. I expected nothing less from any of you crazy muff huggas! This thread rocks. Funny, I thought about that same thread when I posted this up too.
  2. We stopped at that little station along the 6 I think it was and then only in Cedar to top off. It was "only" 4.79 there. I added it all up. Total fuel bill for all the way up to SLC, then Little Sahara, then home was $525.00. oof!
  3. I just opened up a Tony's Pizza to add a lttle scrumm-dittly-umpcious to this beer I'm slurpin down on right about now ......and look! 7 measley fuggin pepperonis on the whole freakin pizza!!!!??? WTF!! That's bullshit! I got robbed!
  4. Me either! Wtf!? I'm fired haha I always do too. dammit Great pics Jodi!
  5. haha, here's what it really looked like
  6. Hell yeah Ronnie. I'm glad we were able to meet you guys. We had alot of fun hanging out. That quad ride was the highlight of the weekend. Anna & I even got a little air together! You gotta go on a run with us sometime when we really haul azz! Don't forget Glamis in October! Thanks again for everything. The carne was DELISH, the TP was much appreciated , and the company was great.
  7. haha, thanks Chris. BUY ONE! I might have to do an early AM run if I can get another rail out there with me. I always have to have a backup just in case I break down. Ya never know with rails. Maybe FYLIN RYAN will wanna test out his new front tires again. hmmm
  8. Where's the pics and trip report, ma facka!!?? :breakdance: :angry2: Come on!
  9. WTF, Charlie!!! :breakdance: :breakdance:
  10. Cole you need a big azz clown head on the roof. It will be an ice cream selling technique. Besides, it will piss off wingnut even more because he hates clowns! :breakdance: :breakdance:
  11. yyyeah right! It was the drifting eyeball that caused the accident! :breakdance: Let me see if I get my vehicle situation figured out within the next couple days and then you can use the GMC.
  12. Cole...your off your rocker. Lookin good. It fits you well. OOF! :angry2:
  13. :breakdance: Good times, Richie. Don't forget fuggin grannyfights.com, dirtygranny.com, grannysn*tch.com ....jesus...whats wrong with us! ok ok, Anna deserves all the credit for coming up with most of it ..then I fuggin stole her thunder by yelling over her about the same exact chit she said like usual when I'm drunk. :chug: Oh here's another observation...."what are we best friends now????" Those dudes were packing up a bag to hang out w/ us all friggen night! wtf!? Thanks for the good laughes. Hell yeah Becky. Thanks again for showing us around. We had an absolute blast. You sure can drive that RZR! :breakdance: Ryan (predu) almost destroyed his chit (and almost killed us at the same time! lol) trying to keep up!
  14. yep...all ridable. Those dunes go forever! I wish I had more time to ride em all. :breakdance: :breakdance: Temps were in the ~60's during the day. I wore a t-shirt all day until the sun went down. Nighttime wasn't even that cold either. :angry2:
  15. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate all the compliments. I was very hesitant to go so different at first. I am usually a very simple kinda guy and usually don't go too crazy with colors and stuff, but when I started to really think about the satin black frame, then the metallic bright azz gren up against it...I had to do it. Bert and KensColors kinda gave me the nudge to do it too. They helped me re-enforce my desicion whether it would look bitchen. Thanks guys. Thanks Brice. I can't really tell yet. I know for a fact that when you pick up on the front end it is definielty heavier than before. That is a good thing though. It's SOLID! :bar: I didn't dune it to much up at LS. I mostly hit some trails and climbed some hills so it was hard to tell if it was any more rigid feeling. I'm sure after one good azz run with the usual crew at Dumont I'll tell a difference. LS had very steep hills, wet, soft sand, much higher elevation, and different dunes than Dumont so it's hard to really tell if it will feel any different until I bring her out to D. Haha. As soon as I thought about when it was going to be finished I immediatly started to make tenative plans for Little Sahara. :angry2: It worked out well. Richie, Mike, Jodi, Ryan, etc and group were already up there so we had a group to park, party, and dune with. I'm really glad it was done this weekend. Little Sahara kicked a$$. I have been extremely excited about checking out new dunes lately. This has been a great year. Squeezed in a bunch of Dumont trips, then GLAMIS, now LITTLE SAHARA! :moon: Oh yeah....and I also didn't ask to borrow the trailer again because the car wouldn't have fit. Last time we had to take off a tire to squeeze it in there. We made it work though. Heck yah...maybe Thursday. Cruise over and have a few beers with us. I also foresee some driveway drinkin this TT like ISBB said. I was thinking about it. I already talked to painterjoe about maybe doing some stuff. We'll see. For now I like it simple and clean. I think some Monster Energy graphics would be cool. I could call it the mini MONSTER. :breakdance:
  16. I'll be doing another hat order up soon (this summer). I'll let everyone know when I do. Thanks for the support, maxdout! Sport that chit well.
  17. The only time it's any issue is at very slow speeds in tight areas of camp. And that's only because it is a live axle (no diff). No tire in the world would make a difference at that point. It dunes great though and turns awesome.
  18. the last day (Moday) John & Becky's strategic packing/ loading job "ready" for a 6/ 6.5 hr drive bu bye Little Sahara. You kick azz! Finally home...."hey my shirt matches the car!"
  19. just arriving the the back side where the dunes are monkie and sandchick havin fun rolling in the sand ... panning from left to right... you can't even tell, but this drops way down really steep. this is the way Anna and I rode doubles on the Raptor coming UP it. I did everything possible to keep the front end down. It was a rush. camp area Predu I had to bring it in at night...I just had to. I started to drizzle out.
  20. some of vendor row as we pulled in... thats a big ma facka a camp child nice azz sunset! 50cal's car after having to get towed back lots of badazz dunes behind Sand Mtn. THAT'S where it's at. the tagging begins (all 50cal's stuff) look close All I know is that this guy owed Richie 5 beers all weekend because he had Richie weld his chit up and never came back to pay up. vendor row some guy admiring such a badazz lil car (he also owned a SSC)
  21. ok here come the pics heading south from SLC to Little Sahara... Utah Lake & snow-filled mtns in the back small town, Eureka, in the mountains on the way. We stopped for ice and firewood. There were some really cool old buildings from WAY back... gettin closer...come onnnn! Mike & Becky arrived to meet us at the entrance RIGHT when we did. Perfect timing. Pulling into Sand Mountain camp area. "There it is!" More to come. (Those are just the "driving there" pics.
  22. I just set the DVR to record it.
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