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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. say what? Oh and BTW, I like pizza.
  2. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...ic=8515&hl= repost Wish I woulda know earlier though.
  3. Huh? Whats so funny? What the hell does all that mean? And how is anything I posted in anyway ??? Sorry I just dont get it.
  4. I bet they caught that by now. Damn it
  5. I'm headin down to test for my recert ASE's tonight. After that (bout 9 ish) I am doing some patio drinkin at Jim's house.
  6. hahaaa Good times. I think I tried helping you up while I was sitting down as well. Like THAT would have worked. It didn't help that my blood-gin content was slightly evelated either. I think at the point when we both hit the ground we said eff it. It was kinda comfy in the nice soft sand. :drunk2:
  7. You two are already getting along now? WTF is this?!!! I was waiting for motoxman to throw a lego or lincoln log at junkie. no?
  8. Try here I've heard good things about em.
  9. Nah, there just hasn't been anything posted that bad in a while that is necessarily "thread-lock-worthy". I think it is you guys that are gettin soft. You are all getting along way too well and talking things out with each other and chit.
  10. Hey Warrior. Have you checked Rockymountianatv.com? Anyways...sorry but I have never had very good luck in town for gear.
  11. We're not really gettin each other here. I don't invite you to TT because I haven't even gone in the last couple weeks. Since when do you need an invite anyway? Isn't that a given? Come to think of it I don't think I really "invite" anyone. I just go. I know I know...you're just kidding. There...I didn't take it the wrong way. And for the record, my sense of humor hasn't changed one bit lately. I take that comment personally!
  12. No, not really. :freakin_nuts:
  13. :freakin_nuts: This wasn't started only becuase of you or any one person. So don't think you're all special and chitl. OK, let me rephrase that then. "Doesn't anybody know me anymore?" Better? :shocked2:
  14. As Anna and I cruised up the 95 tonight a huge cloud of smoke filled the sky. We could actually see the flames from somewhere near Sunset Rd and Boulder Hwy. As we past Sunset we could tell it was the old abandoned Alystra Casino on Sunset. That place opened in 95, closed in 98 for renovations, then never reopened. :freakin_nuts: I bet some homeless mafackas set it on fire with their pipe. :shocked2: Crazy to finally see that ol chit-hole place finally go bu bye! :shocked2: Kinda ironic that it was so windy today and that helped contribute to the "total loss" of the place don't ya think? :stir: News tidbit about it---> click
  15. whoa! :shocked2: That sounds like it sucks. :freakin_nuts:
  16. hahaaaaaa Dude you talk so much crap. Like you really know what you're talking about! :freakin_nuts: Come on! :stir: J/K! He's just gettin a rise out of you by talking his high octane junkie bs. That or he really DOES like LEGOS! :porn: :shocked2: God I hope not, Joseph!
  17. No need to erase it, Sean. This thread wasn't meant to be taken THAT serious. Does nobody really know me anymore? Wow, I "CHASTISED" you? Is that how you took it? Come on! Glad I could get a post out of you there, ol buddy!
  18. That was some good times that night.
  19. yyyyeah....you can't really check fuel pressure, volume or amperage draw properly that way.
  20. Already!!??? Dayum. Can't have anything nice!!!! Glad they didn't eff anything up too much. They should know not to mess with wingnuts. If you had a DDR sticker on that bad boy then they would have just moved on to the next one without even screwing with it. You need to get over here and pick one up pronto!
  21. wow! Nice pic there, warrior. You look like you got your tough guy face on. Nic jeans on the chick too! Thats hot! nah...remember? that's YOU who thinks that, ma facka!
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