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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. It's real simple, but still alot of people screw it up. Sooo, I will explain what a few of these rules mean. This means post up ONE pic if you have one. If you don't have one, then DON'T POST! It's that easy. Seriously, posts like "cool pic" or "hey where was that taken?" only clutter up the thread and make it harder for the admin to create the poll for those who actually entered a pic. Oh and VIDEOS don't count as a dune pic. :bar: These are the self explanitory rules here... If you don't understand any of these rules or dune pic of the month guidelines, then please poke yourself in the eye and turn the computer off. I don't know what else to tell ya.
  2. red a$$ alert!!!! No, Rebecca...not just me and Bob are allowed to do them. First off, fuggin SMILEY language doesn't count. And if you wanted it to count, we have the section just for those retarded posts. Its call "As the Sand Blows/ DEEDLE DEEE" It's not my fault you didn't post it there. "WHAAAA I don't count! " :bar:
  3. Good to hear. But I thought you said you checked the fuel pump??
  4. Hey Jeff. Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear about the job and your back pain. Hope all goes well with your business venture. Good luck. And as ISBB said....SSDD. All is well. Just struggling to survive in the chitty economy lately and doing some of this in between. Gonna be a long summer.
  5. Looks alot like his car. I think that is him. Pretty sure that is him roosting/ sliding on the left. I don't think that is his car lower right though. Sorry my scanner sucks today for some reason. Hell, I think wsky70 got better pics than C3 Productions, IMO. This pic was taken by wsky70 that same weekend- probably same exact spot too at the Funco Regatta in Glamis.
  6. I love summer time. I'll let this go on for now only becuase it holds some very good entertainment value. Over a fuggin PADDLE TIRE discussion. I would have thought the first agrument of the summer would have been at least about politics or something. You guys never fail to suprise me! awesome
  7. There ya go. And all I need to do is sell that ONE membership and I'll be set....for now!
  8. It's about time MA FACKA! Good one, Bob. Ya know we have a DEEDLE DEE/ As The Sand Blows section now right? I'll eventually move this over there.
  9. Unplug one of the injector connectors from the injector. It will be a two wire connector. (They're kind of a pain to get to on a 2.2L) With the key on: Using a test light with it hooked to a good ground- probe/check for power on one of the two terminals. Once you know you have power on that terminal, take the test light ground clamp and connect it to a good 12V source. Then probe the OTHER terminal of the connector and crank the engine. What you are testing for is a pulsed ground. The test light should flash repeatedly while cranking. Just make sure you don't cram the test light in the terminals and damage the pins. I need to start charging for online DDR-GM tech assitance. DDR-MrGoodwrench.com :laughing:
  10. Knocking sound? That doesn't sound good. Check ALL fuses for power and/or possible blown ones. Then make sure you have injector pulse (signal). Do you know how to check that?
  11. Hell yeah, Walter. I'm in, but can't go during the week because of work. I'll hit you up whenever I go out this summer. It might not be for a couple weeks though. I have too many other plans coming up pretty soon. Day trips MIGHT have to wait till June for me. I hope not though. Summer morning rides are the best!
  12. Hey sir, :shout: ADVERTISING IS NOT ALLOWED ON HERE. :dance: If I do end up going out I will make sure to stop by, Terry. Do you have any Folgers? :dance: KIDDING!
  13. pics from Fri night thanks to the paparrazi
  14. Great job, Jon. That sounds like it was very challanging....way to go.
  15. I would replace the whole unit with the updated injectors. It will prevent any problems in the future. They have a different design that prevents them from having the issues that they've had in the past. It's not needed, but recommended. Good luck, man.
  16. Hell yeah....good times. I still can't believe how long it took for them to FINALLY go on, but that just got us more drunk waiting. John it was probably good you didn't come out- they didn't go on till about 12:30! Show was great though just like always. I really like those guys. :dance: I have a BUNCH of funny pics that the paparrazi took because she forgot her camera. I just said "here, use mine". Glad you guys came out....Pauly too! I had a great time. That place is pretty cool. I think I'm still drunk. Went to bed about 3:30, now I'm up and heading out to the lake today to do it all over again.
  17. wahh! At least you got that much! :breakdance:
  18. :breakdance: :breakdance: :beer_bang: Baker, CA two weekends ago
  19. I called today and they said they usually go on between 9 and 10. We should be there about 9 ish I'm guessing. :breakdance: chitty! Eff work...come out and drink for a couple hours :chug: , bust a move or two :beer_bang: and then go home and go to bed!
  20. The "spider" assemblies are only on the older 4.3 Vortecs ( like 94-95) and have to be replaced as one whole unit. You can just replace only one injector on yours. Although, there is an updated design for the fuel meter block and new stlye injectors that go with it as one assembly. If that is 300-400 bucks then that is a pretty good price if you ask me. If it only does it like sometimes, I'd try running some good injector cleaner through a couple tanks of gas before replacing it if you aren't certain that it is bad. I hear ya man. :breakdance: I wish you were in Vegas. I'd take a look at it for you for nothin. :breakdance:
  21. Bitchen! :breakdance: Some satin black wheels would make that thing look even more badass. :fro_smokin:
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