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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Talk w/ bp-guy. He runs that motor in his car and it makes plenty of power. Just don't let it go low on oil. Other than that, he is very happy with it.
  2. Here is a site that SOMETIMES has some decent local bands listed. http://yourlocalscene.com/ YES! What he said ^^ I'd be going to that show if we weren't headed to Coachella for a couple hundred other bands.
  3. There's a number of things it could be, but the most probable cause is a faulty fuel injector on that cylinder. Even though it is holding fuel pressure, it still may be bad. When is it misfiring? Idle, accelerating under load, cruise, all the time, ??? Without special test equipment, there is no way I can tell you how to test it. You will have to have an injector balance test done on it to see if it is working properly. You still could have other problems such as: -no pulse (signal) to that injector from the PCM. -vacuum leak somewhere near #5 -cracked spark plug -possible worn distributor gear -possibly worn camshaft lobe(s) -or....there is a bulletin for the valve guides causing the valves to bind and stick. Typically, cylinders 3,4,5 or 6 will be the ones to experience this. Usually this happens when towing or on hard acceleration. Make sure you don't have any wire damage at the injector harness/ connector. Unplug it and make sure there are no sign of fuel in there. You can also take the plastic cover off the top of connector and inspect the wiring for breaks. Sometimes the wires in the harness fatigue at the bend and pull inside the insulation. Oh...and get rid of those Bosch plugs. Put some AC Delcos back in there. Hope that helps somewhat.
  4. I doubt the tech made out that well if it was covered under warranty (even extended). That seems like a reasonable bill for 3 injectors on a diesel. Oh and BTW, injectors don't go bad because of plugged fuel filters. They just fail on their own sometimes. Those injectors are probably just as pricey as the D Max ones like ISBB said. Glad you got it all handled, Mike. Just in time for your trip.
  5. Me and Anna saw some guy on the corner of Horizon and Greenway the other day with one of those utili-kilts on. I was like no way- thats the kilt Cole was talking about!
  6. true. Thats about when we are putting our gear on and going for our first ride out there.
  7. It's about an hour/ hour and a half north of Vegas Mostly trails, and desert, but some sweet azz sand and scenic stuff too. Check out the Logandale section of the forum. you should find some pics.
  8. You should try something like an LS7 twin turbo. ya know...but mild cam and all. Don't go overboard with a K&N or nuthin. Keep it real yo.
  9. Oh you'll hear alright. I always call out everyone on the board for an epic EARLY AM Dumont ride. I'll post it up in Happenings when we head out. It's a good way to test who the REAL riders are...ya know? Who shows up. The die hards. Lookin forward to it
  10. Yeah I hear ya. I swapped mine over for a while with the spoons, but then I scored a second wheel off ebay then that chit was history. Wait, then after that I bought a sandcar and then the 2 wheeler was kinda history too. I am gonna get back on that mofo this summer though.
  11. right on, thats good news. Hope everything is cool now. As for the tire- just get the tire spoons and swap it over yourself. Only takes about 10 minutes and isn't too difficult.
  12. professionals--><---REAL professionals (us)
  13. Ok we have a winner. Congrats, Jodi. Homepage has been updated. Click refresh once on the homepage if changes don't show up.
  14. Thats awesome Steve. You had a much better day than I did at work! :laughoff: Sounds like the sand was oh so sweet.
  15. I think a thread just for it would be kinda cool, but an entire category? nah. Start one, Randy. We could list all the movies there with links and what not.
  16. Thanks for the bump, Brian. Seriously though, good times seeing that again. It gave me a laugh. I remember that night (or should I say morning? lol) ...oh boy. Goooood times. WOW....now THAT was stooooooopid.
  17. ^ Hey wait...I thought they only used MS Paint?? Good luck, Illustrator takes AOT of time and patience to learn. I still haven't figured it out after using it for like 2 years. hmm, I bet I have it somewhere or can find it from back in the day on here.
  18. That was the route I meant. Thanks for the input. Yeah but I think I'd rather tow the hauler down main freeways instead of that back road chit. It wasn' too bad going to Glamis, but I'm going a little fartehr this time. And no, I wasn't going to go all teh way to Blythe. Mapquest doesn't even tell you to go that far down. I was just summarizing the route (95 and getting down to the 10 or using the I15 and getting to the 10).
  19. I thought you were trying to GET RID of chit? :laughoff: Anyways...sweet.
  20. haha, yeah there were a couple reasons why I went with that p.o.s. forum software/ hosting at the time... 1) it was SUPER easy and free to set up 2) I wasn't sure how far this thing was gonna go. It was kind of a test forum, then after it started it took the eff off real fast. 3) biggest reason of all: I had no idea how to install the Invision Forum Software until I met a really helpful member that signed up: ISBB. I'm so glad he did too. I would have spent a ton to have someone else do it. Not only that, best of all I gained a really good friend fro, all his help. He taught me alot of chit.
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