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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. yep, you can say that again. Some of the best bands that we've seen were at small venues.
  2. check out One Pin Short These guys are da chit <br> <br> video 1...<br> <br> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?enablejs=true&feedurl=http%3A%2F%2FDeepRockDrive%2Eblip%2Etv%2Frss&file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F596587&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Fscripts%2Fflash%2Fshowplayer%2Eswf" width="400" height="255" allowfullscreen="true" id="showplayer"><param name="movie" value="http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?enablejs=true&feedurl=http%3A%2F%2FDeepRockDrive%2Eblip%2Etv%2Frss&file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F596587&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Fscripts%2Fflash%2Fshowplayer%2Eswf" /><param name="quality" value="best" /><embed src="http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?enablejs=true&feedurl=http%3A%2F%2FDeepRockDrive%2Eblip%2Etv%2Frss&file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F596587&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Fscripts%2Fflash%2Fshowplayer%2Eswf" quality="best" width="400" height="255" name="showplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><br> <br> <br> video 2...<br> <br> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?enablejs=true&feedurl=http%3A%2F%2FDeepRockDrive%2Eblip%2Etv%2Frss&file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F596600&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Fscripts%2Fflash%2Fshowplayer%2Eswf" width="400" height="255" allowfullscreen="true" id="showplayer"><param name="movie" value="http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?enablejs=true&feedurl=http%3A%2F%2FDeepRockDrive%2Eblip%2Etv%2Frss&file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F596600&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Fscripts%2Fflash%2Fshowplayer%2Eswf" /><param name="quality" value="best" /><embed src="http://blip.tv/scripts/flash/showplayer.swf?enablejs=true&feedurl=http%3A%2F%2FDeepRockDrive%2Eblip%2Etv%2Frss&file=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Frss%2Fflash%2F596600&showplayerpath=http%3A%2F%2Fblip%2Etv%2Fscripts%2Fflash%2Fshowplayer%2Eswf" quality="best" width="400" height="255" name="showplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><br>
  3. Tim, thats where mine is too in the pics. Thats the right side manifold.
  4. Shanna's first post! Wish you could have made it too. There will be more times in the future fo sho.
  5. Then last night Anna and I went out to check out a band downtown. I must say, holy crap....I haven't had that much fun watching some locals bands in a long time. It helped that we met up with ISBB and his lil bro. Good times, guys. All the bands were freakin awesome (if your into punk/ska/reggea at all). We went just to check out this one singer chick, Loren. I doubt anyone knows the band, but she used to be the singer from GDB (Goldfish Don't Bounce). She is now on her own and doing a solo thing. Words can't describe how badass she is. It was just her and a ucalalee (sp? ) The other opening bands were amazing. It was nice to finally find some talented local bands. That scene has been kinda dead over the past couple years. They played at the Bunkhouse Saloon. It is in the heart of downtown on 11th St and Fremont. Its a crappy area, but we'll definitley go back. The place was a great venue for live bands. I was kinda worried it would be a giant sh*thole, but it was pretty cool. A couple of the bands worth checking out were: One Pin Short and The HOTS (Holding On To Sound) Just thought I'd share for those that are into this kinda thing. A bunch of these bands are playing again tonight at "The Box Office" downtown. We are probably gonna check em out again.
  6. Just looked at my receipt...and yep.... Auto Meter Z series.
  7. The hole was drilled for the line that was run through the firewall. They installed a grommet in the fireall so it doesn't chafe as well as putting plastic conduit over the line as you can see. I'm not sure what kind of gauges they are. Auto Meter...thats all I know about em.
  8. Even though I am a mechanic, I still had the guys at Custom Shop do mine. (didn't feel like messing with it) But here are some pics of where they tapped for the gauges. You can do them yourself as long as you have the right tools and know how to tap/ thread a hole pretty well w/o effing it up. You don't want to tap the intercooler for the sender. You want to install it somewhere in the intake manifold. Yours might look slightly different since you have an LB7 and mine is an LLY, but you get the picture. These are the clips I believe you are talking about. There's a special tool to remove them so you don't jack em all up, but I have used a screwdriver many times on them and it worked just fine. There's a ton of them that hold the inner fender liner on (plus one large push-pin that you'll probably break). Where the boost line and wires go through the firewall. (yeah I know, I need to wash my chit) My gauges...
  9. Hey Lee, your a little late to submit a pic (we've already started voting) but you definitely need to start a thread just for the pics you have taken out there. You have some incredible pics from Dumont. edit: I just now realized wtf u were talking about in that pic. Too funny. fuggin roost monster appeared!
  10. ok I have a bowling alley memory. Season Kickoff 06... You showed up with so much crap in your hauler Steveo & I were like the papparrazi taking pics while laughin our azzes off at all the chit you had brought out in that thing. You even had fuggin FIREWOOD in that ma facka! Oh yeah...and the "wooden crutch" for the rear bunk becuase the supports were out.
  11. couple pics These poopd*cks cracked me up. :flatbiller: :flatbiller: :flatbiller: Woody sippin down that full beverage Woody and GWH Woody and GWH with a finger GWH & monkie teasing Woody Woody takin charge Thats all I got.
  12. yeah, Dave. The fry eye is ok today. It just burned like hell last night. I think there was some salt in there. It was great seeing you guys again. Thanks for coming out. I was feelin it today too.
  13. WTF! Where are we gonna hang out NOW! Welll...sorry to hear that, but congrats wingy. Its sad to see it go, but you will move on to new and better things that suit your life better right now. You did the right thing. Goodbye bowling alley. Goodbye fuggin freeloaders! Goodbye big a$$ trailer to lug around!
  14. You're absoluelty welcome bud. Its the least I can do for you after all you have done and helped make happen for the site...not to mention providing numerous hours of good times.
  15. Sorry to hear that, Jodi. (moved to gen chat for ya)
  16. Leave the duct tape at home and no one will get hurt!
  17. Superdave...you comin out, birthday boy??? :6pak:
  18. Venom Busa powered cars out of Vegas? Never heard of em.
  19. He should be here through tomorrow, maybe Saturday depending on how long our body shop takes to finish up this hood for him for the GTO. Heck yeah, come on down. I like their phillys and their burgers are kick a$$ too. :6pak: Their steak salad is good too, crasher always gets that.
  20. That's like the SAME video I have been working on. Good job, Tim. :6pak: Even though I have most the same pics, I'll post mine up too when I'm done.
  21. not sure what exactly you are doing wrong. Are the pics really big? Thats usually why they wont upload. Oh so then it must be my hot a$$ girlfriend then huh? And no...were not just friends that go shopping together.
  22. I wonder if he ever slaps his hoe. :jester2: Do you think he has more than one hoe? Hmmm.
  23. So then why are you bringing it up now? Should we just shut up and listen? :jester2: I'm not too bashfull to admit I know I "have a good setup". I heard this from an old couple at my buddy's wedding a while back. They had been together for over 50 years and were probably in their 80's. They said you can never lose respect for the other person. The minute you do, its all over.
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