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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. haha....ok I get it..I took pictures of flowers at Dumont so that makes me gay right? :chug: ok, flower power pete. riiiight Anyways, glad you like the site. Hope you have a good trip. :jester2:
  2. You are probably the first of many to make you're way up there so I think YOU'LL be the cane bed road update guy. Have fun and be careful up there. Take some pics
  3. Gee ya think? Look at the title of this TT thread....HENDERSON Maybe for you its BFE, but it's only about a mile from my house. Thats why I go there.
  4. wtf? :jester2: Uhhhh...PT's is a bar. We go to the one on Horizon Ridge and Horizon. You live in Henderson and never heard of a PT's? come on! :chug:
  5. Any more? Voting will start in the next day or so. Submit yours now before its too late.
  6. :jester2: Woody (wsky70) will be in town here in Hendo tomorrow. We are trying to get a crowd together at PT's. I'm guessing around 7 ish. Who's down?
  7. There's a thread pinned in this section with a link for NV dump locations. I looked it up and it seems there are a few up in that area... http://www.sanidumps.com/sanidumps_usa.php?id=42
  8. :jester2: Uhhh...try the ATV/ Motorcycle section. There's already a thread you can post yours in. Ya just gotta do a little searching sometimes cause they get pushed back. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...topic=73&hl and one for action shots... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...opic=321&hl
  9. I think everyone is forgetting Tyler's main reason for starting this thread. .... There's no need to cross my fingers. Dmax's are very reliable trucks. I have never even seen a head gasket blow on a DMax yet that has come through the dealer I work at, nor do we ever see any rearends fail like you described. :jester2: You had some wierd issues with your's. The head gasket should have been covered under the D policy (under 100K powertrain warranty). You should have raised more of a fitt and contacted GM directly. they would have had that dealer cover it. Seems like you have head gasket and rearend problems no matter what truck you drive. j/k
  10. I believe those were pretty much some of the options in the questions.
  11. oh big friggen deal you cry baby! You act like those jobs were hard or something!
  12. Well the 79 is more of a toy than a truck in my eyes. I think it has like 220 or 230K on it though. the BaBerrrrrrrt Chevy-Cummins
  13. I think mine was working at the American Red Cross as a data entry clerk. I did that for a couple months in high school. Worst job ever and it was only for like 5 bucks an hour! Other than that, maybe my pizza delivery job when I was 16. Tropicana Pizza! I got jumped once (for PIZZA! ) but didn't get hit. I got swung on and shoved the pizza in the dude's chest while ducking. Then the p*ssy kicked me in the nads. I gave up and dropped the pizza at that point. I also got a gun pulled on me once because I cut someone off on accident while on a delivery. I was done with that job real quick after all that crap. Whats the worst job you have ever had?
  14. Hell yeah. Check this out... I just now replaced the spark plug wires, cap, rotor, etc on the Tahoe at 152K! Come to find out the misfire I was chasing was only a worn out distributor gear. I could have left those ORIGINAL wires, cap, and rotor on that badboy. The Z71 still has original plug wires and injectors at that mileage too. They both run real strong. I figure if they are paid for, why not keep em. I'm not gonna get anything for em anyways. Drive em till they die!
  15. Not crazy at all. For as much as they get for these effen diesel trucks these days they BETTER go 250K or I'd be pissed.
  16. 54% which means you are moderately conservative. You believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values.
  17. my trucks... gassers 97 Tahoe: 152K 96 Z71: 135K diesel 05 DMax 42K Still haven't got rid of any of em. They are all going strong. I'd say it depends on how good of shape the truck is in and how much it starts to become a money pit when its time to say bye bye.
  18. Hey Eris, you're famous. Isn't this your KFX? More pics on GD ... http://www.glamisdunes.com/invision/index....howtopic=136154
  19. Always gotta plug Arctic Ice is all caps don't ya? I've been wondering where you have been ma facka. Cool to hear you are doing Havasu w/ us. This is gonna get ugly!
  20. yeah thats what I was waiting for. No biggie. I just shot him another e-mail. Just have him do some up in a couple different sizes like 4", 6" and maybe 9" for now. Doesn't matter how many. :beer_bang:
  21. no not yet. Wade at AMR Racing is actually going to be getting some of these made up soon in the ultra thick material. :beer_bang: That reminds me...I need to get of a hold of him and send him another e-mail.
  22. plans? Its just you tube. :beer_bang: wow, el presidente...haven't heard that in a while. :6pak:
  23. ummm, you have the same ability. Why don't you do it? :shocked2:
  24. :shocked2: Very cool. Kick a$$ job as usual, Eric. Great coverage. FYI: I just linked it on our homepage as well if it's cool with you.
  25. It sounds like it, except they are calling it a dune lizard instead of fringe toed lizard. Maybe thats their angle for trying to get it listed. Effen conservationists. That lizard is NOT an endangered species nor is it threatened in any way. :shocked2:
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