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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I don't even remember contacting you when I jumped up. Did I swing on you or what?
  2. Are you serious, Dave???!!! If you are I had no idea and am SO SORRY. At the same time I am kinda laughing a lil bit right now. sorry man I think that was the fastest I have ever moved. There was no way you guys were gonna hold me down (just like Pauly...hahaaa)
  3. I heard about this possibly happening but haven't heard of any actually doing it yet. Its kind of a catch 22. It would be good to see it happen so maybe they'd do something about the rediculous prices, but at the same time the country would be screwed. Crazymexeddie drives a truck for a living and he tells me its really bad right now. Its so hard for them to make any money.
  4. On the way back from Dumont I saw one these was just put in on Blue Diamond Rd here in Vegas.
  5. Very nice, Tyler. It looks almost the same color as my Rhino. :laughoff:
  6. oh boy. Bio fuel, boost valve, now a tuner.....this aint gonna end pretty no...more so like things such as aftermarket programmers and things that add cylinder pressure and temperature. Oh yeah...and bio diesel too!
  7. ^ yep we saw that all friggen weekend. I am convinced Randog's group is out of their effing minds!
  8. I told ya my camera battery died. Some of those pics are on Craigs camera, but some still can't be posted up. We tried duct taping Pauly up and it turned into a giant drunken UFC fight...not a real fight though. Pauly's "eff you guys" switch got flicked when we pulled the duct tape out. I was wtf, just take it, get taped up, and let us take some pics of you taped up on the ground. Whats the big deal right? THEN, when I was sitting in a chair around the fire, I heard the roll of duct tape get peeled back from behind me. They were gonna try and tape ME up this time. Oh hell no! I jumped up so freakin fast ready to fight off every one of em just like Pauly did. There's like a switch that gets flicked when you hear that tape come out. Maybe its just self-preserverance that takes over.
  9. Man you guys were freakin nuts Randog. I was a nervous wreck watching you do those! :argue: Lunatics!!!!
  10. Sorry to hear about all your bad luck, Woody. I was pretty bummed to hear you weren't gonna make it. See you in a fews weeks though. :argue:
  11. pulling in Fri night Hangin inside while it was windy as hell out yiah yiah :chug: Randog giving sand~snake a ride up comp in his rail This WAS my cooler :dance: Pauly going to rescue a duner who ran outta gas near our camp. :argue: epic dune conditions this is when sandseeker's tire popped the bead. back in business camp area comp hill... mad max? :boyyy: some trucks and equipment still there from this past week from filming Land of the Lost camp child (Charlie) ...and THATS when my battery went dead in the camera I brought a back-up battery but found out IT was dead too. To top it all off I left the charger at home. I started taking pics with wingnuts camera at that point. He'll have to post the ones up after these.
  12. Just got in and unloaded. Man I'm beat. We partied pretty hard this weekend and got alot of riding in. What a great trip to end the season with. The weather was gorgeous. It was a little warm during the middle of the day (upper 80's maybe low 90's), but in the shade it was perfect. The dunes were PERFECT! We rolled in Friday night about 6 ish and set up camp right next to Randog and crew. After setting up and everyone got there the wind kicked up for an hour or two. We crammed about 10-12 guys in my hauler and watched some videos. BTW good job on the Glamis video, Vegas Style! Then the wind died down and it turned out to be a really nice night around the fire. Fri night we got some really fun rides in over to the south pole and comp. Randog and Capt were tearin up comp while most of us on quads sat back and watched these crazy fools. :dance: Saturday more people in our group showed up (some day trippers). We got a few really good rides in that day. On one of the rides Brice (sandseeker) hit a witches eye in his rail and popped the bead off one of his rear wheels. I ran back, got the Grizzly and some tools, and came out to get it fixed back at camp. We got it handled pretty quick and then got a good run in after that. Our Saturday night festivites started just after sun down. After chillen under the awning while the sun set throwing back some beverages , we fired up all 4 or 5 grills. Pauly's dad brought out 45 badass steaks to grill up along with some really good baked potatoes compliments of wingnut. We ate like kings that night. As we got the fire going really good, we then set up the projector TV on the side of Capt's trailer for videos. Sat night we did some more good night runs to the south pole, then the north pole, then comp, then back over to camp area. :boyyy: Today (Sunday) the weather was perfect. It was warm but not too hot. We got most everything loaded up and then went for one very last ride of the season. The dunes were so smooth and easy flowing it was epic. I didn't want it to end. It was kinda sad thinking to myself that this is it for Dumont until those early summer rides. Oh well, this season has been pretty good despite a few mishaps and obstacles a few of us managed to overcome. There's my trip report for now. Much more to come as far as pics and who can forget the "observations"! :argue: Great times, guys. :chug: Thank you all for such a fun weekend. I think I might have partied too hard! My face hurts from laughing so much this weekend! lol It was a really good turnout but I wish a bunch more from our group could have made it out.
  13. I just read about this on GD. Holy crap! That picnis table must have been pretty hot.
  14. I'm already buzzed. "Not going" is not even an option at this point. BERT, come pick me up!!!!
  15. That thing could really haul the hay!
  16. I check my tires when someone runs into me...so yeah about every trip.
  17. You'll sale it? Like as in sail it on the water? :jester2: badass You mean sell it?
  18. Well if you just run the recommended diesel fuel in the newer "quiet" greener engines they don't have any issues. I haven't had any issues with my DMax, it pulls a very heavy load up the hills faster than I should even being towing that chit and drives great. What more could I ask for? I wouldn't dare mess with the chance of ruining its reliablilty or performnce just to be able to run some friggen french fry oil. Its when people start doing chit that the factory doesn't recommend is when they have issues. There actually is some reason behind what the factory tells you what is good and bad for their vehicles. exactly aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha ....NOT! Oh well you tried. Those engines won't plug right in and work in a Silverado. Just because you drive a truck doesn't mean you know chit about them. ohhh! :jester2:
  19. new Duramax engine: about 8-9K labor to put it in: about $3,000 There have been two instances where customers have had to pay for their own engine because GM would not warranty theirs due to aftermarket programmers (not bio fuel) causing engine damage. They have come to about 11-12K for the completed job. yikes.
  20. just keep looking. I just found a 2000 Tracker 4WD for 3200 obo, but it was sold already. They are out there, you just have to keep looking for when they pop up and then jump on them.
  21. Anyone else going out this weekend? :6pak: This will be my last trip of the 07/08 season. Kinda sad, but it has been a great season this year and I have had some really good trips with great friends. I'm looking forward to getting a few really good last rides in and then partying my azz off. After this it's time for sand up north and the lake!
  22. yeah I might run it too on something like that, but not on a $50K truck with a much more advanced diesel engine that is still under warranty. Just my .02. mmm I want some french frys now
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