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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I have never done a full weekend that late in the season, but I have been out during the hot months. Be sure to have plenty of water and gas for your generator for AC. Don't ever ride alone either. You sure that race isn't on that Sunday too? If so, good luck getting around those racers. They don't like to move at all and they make you and your rig drive go around them so you have to drive in the oncoming traffic lane. (I think they like black diesel smoke though lol) Be sure to give yourself plenty of time leaving.
  2. I hate to break the news to ya Andy, but I don't think you are ever getting that fuel back...even if someone found it. :chkn:
  3. I think I might try to go out Saturday morning to check it out and play it by ear all day. I'm gonna make a Thirsty Thursday outta the tech and street party on Fremont.
  4. I second that. If not, I hope we do. :chkn:
  5. haha, I even posted "RENEWED" in caps last year. I wouldn't call $140 almost 200, but still good to see it go down. I didn't even notice.
  6. but mines over 2 years old and still that much
  7. well, not really (a slightly built small block 400 under the hood- not really an economy car)
  8. I just RENEWED mine a couple weeks ago for $560.00!!!!
  9. Wow, just got diesel today for 3.85 a gallon at Van Waganon and Lake Mead! I can't decide how to spent all the crazy cash I saved today.
  10. Anna and I did a lil yard work yesterday digging for a new and improved fire pit in the back yard. Tonight we went out and celebrated my neices 14th birthday at the cheesecake factory. Now I'm too fat to finish the yard work.
  11. aww come on, not more about our user fee money j/k As for that though, our fees were only raised AFTER the grant money and funding was cut. Glamis gets it's funding from green sticker money, Dumont does not. Not sure why that is. My only b*tch with this whole thing is how Dumont is treated with the grant money. It's almost like "ok if there is any left over and if we don't blow it all in other places, you guys can have some afterwards." The only thing I'd like to see the grant money go towards at Dumont (if they got any) would be for better rescue vehicles that are there with the camp hosts at all times and so our user fees don't keep going up and up because of lack of state backing and funding for Dumont Dunes rec area.
  12. come on, warrior! You're slackin, jackass!
  13. Thats about as good as I can get it.
  14. I'm gonna try and make it out. Maybe I'll roll the hooptie out for this. :afro:
  15. Geez, it's not even summer yet! I'm sure there will be a big group that is interested in going again this year.
  16. Sounds like you are one of those who believe that there is a fee money conspiracy. Lynnette, of the BLM, explained this in detail back at a TRT meeting. Whether or not you trust me or her, it does make sense when I heard it explained. With all the passengers in each rig and annual pass holders, it averages out to be what they say is taken in.
  17. What would we need the grants for? I'll tell you what for. So our user fees don't keep going up and up or for better rescue vehicles and equipment. I have no problem paying for the use of Dumont, but when the grants were cut last year WE payed the difference. Again, I don't mind paying it, but when the sate of California uses grant money like this (for new dirtbikes, a Rhino, a Tahoe, and a commant post) only to PATROL more in other areas, it just seems like money spent foolishly. You seem to be missing my point of this topic. :beer_bang:
  18. I believe the river crossing is called the Amargosa River Crossing. As for other items, they welcome any and all public input when it is time for questions and comments, but at the same the TRT doesn't want the public to treat it as a b*tch session. It is for constructive discussion for items at Dumont Dunes. I urge you to go to one of the meetings though if you have any ideas or things that might help the BLM.
  19. The way it is worded, yes it sounds like it. I think they meant the 97K was also for the "Chevrolet Tahoe truck, Rhino trail utility vehicle and 46-foot command post". They didn't write that too well....unless they really DID spend that much on 2 badass bikes. :shocked2: Can you even spend that much on 2 bikes?
  20. What money are you talking about? This thread isn't about Dumont user fee money. Its about state grants that get distributed to the state's entities. NONE of this grant money that I am talking about gets used for Dumont. Maybe just maybe the CA Sherrif's dept might use that new Tahoe to come out on a big weekend at Dumont to help patrol, but none of the vehicles purchased nor the command post is used for Dumont. It is for areas like Stoddard Wells and other places. And as for the money that is taken in, I have no clue where you are getting your figures from. 1 million dollars annually from Dumont user fees?? Take at look at the figures from 06/07. You will see that there was no where near 1 million dollars collected. That is for another thread though. :shocked2:
  21. no sweat....it can stay this time. :shocked2: ooh la la
  22. Well in the future please post you tube links in there...thats what it's for. (its pinned at the top of gen chat- you can't miss it) Otherwise gen chat becomes cluttered with threads like, "hey look at this.... " you tube you tube you tube :shocked2: Did you say she dry humps the other one? I'll have to check that out.
  23. wtf? BTW: you tube links belong in the coles corner thread.
  24. Great trip reoprts and pictures, everyone. Thanks, Sean. It's great to hear that from time to time. Yes, I created the site but each and every one of you guys are the ones that make it what it is. :shocked2: I have met so many great people to go out with on any given weekend.
  25. It was a drag banshee for sale thread that ended with name calling and over who's stuff is better.
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