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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Cool pics, Jason. Looks like a really good time. You went a week and a half with no DDR? YOU? really? Were you shaking the whole time? lol This pic cracks me up. "yaaaay...steak" I wish I could have seen you taking pics of the food on the table in the middle of a nice restaurant. You're 'n
  2. Damn David! We gonna have to start callin you Captairborn from now on? Glad you pulled off the landing ok. That sucks Bob broke his trans. Glad Tina isn't too hurt.
  3. Sounds like it was a great weekend out there. Glad you guys had a good one. BTW, skyz, I moved your post into gen chat since it had nothing to do with Dumont and thats what this section is for. It was funny as hell though.
  4. Stupid Easter Everything is closed today.
  5. I read this article about how the Barstow sherrif's station (not the BLM) will be receiving $97,000 for 2 new dual sport bikes, a Chevy Tahoe, and a Rhino to "enforce off-highway vehicle rules". BTW, this is NOT money from your Dumont entrance fees. It is state money from registration fees for OHV's. I don't mean to start another about how our fee money is spent because this is different since it is state money, not user fees. My question is, rather, why doesn't Dumont (or the Barstow BLM) get grant money like this? Also why don't they (the state of CA) use the money for more rescue vehicles instead? Seems like money better spent to me. You guys remember this thread right?--> click I just don't get it. Dumont gets it's funding cut, but then they (state of CA) go and give all that grant money to the Sherrif's department to buy those vehicles to patrol areas and write tickets. http://www.desertdispatch.com/news/ohv_287...nforcement.html
  6. From my understanding there weren't going to be any "film crews". It was just going to be the one guy filming some stuff I guess. Sucks you didn't hook up w/ Bob though. oh...and who's son? Bob's?
  7. WOW! very nice pics, Rob. I can't believe how good that camera of yours works.
  8. Sounds like you had a great time, Aaron. You duned the YFZ? I think one of those Buckshots was "X5" on the site. I think he said he was going out this weekend.
  9. Although you are in Cali, Performance Rhino here in Vegas has done a few of them up and are pretty up to speed on them. Their number and ad is on the homepage. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...st&p=128961
  10. Nope, I have duned every other weekend for the last month or two. I hit up Apex today though for a few hours...felt good.
  11. seems pretty childish, joseph. Come on.
  12. Maybe ask what the latest is on that I40 project and see if the BLM is going to be able to get their hands on the asphalt.
  13. wwwwhoa....creepy...and funny at the same time
  14. yep...and watch......people would STILL b*tch about it!
  15. haha, glad he likes em It was a pleasure, Mike. Good times.
  16. and another with a little extra fuel to the fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MTpCg9uE4Q
  17. Damn, lots of work for a BUSINESS meeting! wow
  18. Your very welcome, guys. I'm glad we were able to some up this year on such short notice that I gave Sandcrazd. Steve and his wife are really great.
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