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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. I should be there sometime Thursday evening. How bout everyone else?
  2. correction/ update: make that 525 bucks!
  3. Just an FYI to those that are coming out who have never been to one of the cleanups. The registration sign up, FoDD raffle stage, and dumpsters will all be in the same area this year....C6 on the grid map. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/cleanup/
  4. exactly. We help each other all the time at our work and we are all flat rate techs. There's always time. I have been working flat rate for almost ten years and I have a very little to zero "come-back" rate too. Quality doesn't have to be sacrificed. It's eaither fixed or its not. If it comes back, then YOU have to fix it fo free most the time so you will make damn sure it's done right the first time.
  5. Just a reminder to everyone to make sure you swing by vendor row and see Sandcrazd for yor free "Dumont Cleanup 2008" shirt anytime this weekend.
  6. I can tell you are getting excited. I think everything is pretty much covered so far. I am going to go over some things with Terry this week just to make sure they don't need anything else. I'll let ya know if some waters or anything else will be needed for the volunteers.
  7. Stacey hit up Sam's Cycle today but they were closed. wtf? She said they are closed today AND tomorrow.
  8. I'm out. There is a slight chance it may be windy so I'm not gonna take that chance of going and having fun with so many other cool peeps. No way. It's not worth it and is just too dangerous. I'm gonna stay home and organize my sock drawer instead. Besides, my trailer is dirty and I still need to vacuum all that sand out of my truck from last trip. You never know too, what if it rains on Sunday. WHOA! There's no way am I gonna have fun drinking beer in camp with everyone else. And you get all that wet sticky sand on the bottom of your shoes. yikes! And what kind of moon are we gonna have this weekend...huh? Can you imagine being outside at night with NO moon? Thats just rediculous. AND...what if there isn't enough pretty fire wood for a perfect fire? Would you be able to sit around a fire with such ugly wood burning in your fire pit? I don't wanna have to listen to "the wife" having too much fun screaming woo hoo hoo as she runs around telling everyone to take their pants off. Ok, I change my mind. I'll go. I just thought of how much fun we can still have at night even with chitty conditions. It's almost MORE fun when the weather sucks. one very rainy night in 05...
  9. I know some are eager to get signed up and get going, but FoDD is planning on 8 so I would guess 8 is the official time. There is some stuff that FoDD needs to get set up that morning so I would probably wait until they are absolutely ready. Unless you are helping out FoDD with volunteering (which I know you are Kelly ) I'd say just show at 8. There's no need to for everyone to rush them when they aren't ready yet.
  10. Sorry our conversation wasnt entertaining enough for you. BTW, we weren't talking about who was better than who, we were just talking about riding fast and the difference between riding fast on a 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler. I wasn't pissed or anything you gals weren't being more social with us. We usually don't have different "groups" at PT's on Thursdays. Thats all. Usually its just one big group bs'ing together, not separate ones.
  11. I feel the opposite about that. I meet more people that have degrees that don't even use them and make really GOOD money. It takes a good head on your shoulders to get that degree. On the other hand, it takes just as much skill or knowledge (just a different type of skill kinda like "streetsmarts") to make good money without one. I just don't feel degrees are the answer for everyone.
  12. Hit me up out there. I will have them on hand. I will be selling them at my cost. I'll be camped at C6 on the grid map (right next to the cleanup festivities). I have a long bed crew cab D Max with a 34 ft Sandpiper hauler. Kelly, come see me. I may have a COUPLE left in the hauler.
  13. You think I don't already know about that place??? Thanks Kristin
  14. Yeah...um...have you checked the market for that lately? There are soooo many buggy builders clsoing there doors due to the economy and so much competition between all the different builders. It's almost impossible to compete with the big sandrail companies these days.
  15. Mark, you are welcome to come park with our group. You know what my rig looks like. I'll be at C6. I didn't see anything about the gusts, but like you said 10-20 aint chit.
  16. Yep, here they come with some graham crackers and chocolate now! mmm...peeps smores
  17. Thanks Bobby. I submitted a request for a quote for some DDR flags. I think I might just hit up a vendor at Dumont for a flag this weekend. I already went out and bought a U.S. flag tonight, just need a second one to go with it on the other side of the truck.
  18. I absolutely agree, BUT accidents do happen no matter how safe you are, no matter how many precautions you take, no matter how many years experience you have. I guess that is the risk we all take though in this sport/hobby. Its just another reason to dune in packs. The more friends and fellow duners around you, the more prepared you are and more resources you have in case of emergency to get you to the medical personel that can help you (ie: ambulance, helicopter, etc). Like you said, you are in a REMOTE area and that in itself makes it extremely difficult for crews to get to where you are. I think it is great that Don (camp host) volunteers his services and devotes his time to helping out duners in situations like this.
  19. forecast for high winds??? Where do you see that? And even if there is any, WIND is gonna keep your family from coming out the one weekend that counts the most?
  20. I think you might have to wait till next season.
  21. dumontdude, if you are thinking of becoming a tech....do yourself a favor....DON'T. I wouldn't recommend it. I have made a pretty decent living from it so far, but I'd still choose to do something different if I could do it all over again.
  22. I've got two fingers for ya! No thanks. I don't want to roll Pauly Paul style.
  23. I'd like to pick up a flag or two for my truck (maybe an american flag and a chevy bowtie flag ??) Any idea where is best to pick some up preferably in town (Vegas)?
  24. Uh...you were one of the ones I had in mind when I started thinking of the high end of pay mr.money bags. "If I ever!!!!"
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