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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. From the album: Halloween 2017

    © dunefreak

  2. From the album: Halloween 2017

    © dunefreak

  3. I've heard the BLM has made it more and more difficult for vendors. Beefy Boys sold their trailer and setup. I didn't see the short bus ice cream truck this time either. It's too bad Dumont doesn't have a private strip of land like Glamis for vendor row.
  4. Post up your pics and weekend trip reports here! It was another huge turnout this weekend with about 16,000 visitors per the BLM. LOTS of dust this year. All in all it was a great time though. Nobody in our group got hurt and we laid down some really good dune runs. It felt great to be back . I'll get some more pics up when I go through them all.
  5. dunefreak

    Comp Is Lit

    Comp is ridiculous right now. I tried finding our group after 5 passes up and down the rows of that nonsense and finally said screw it. So I blasted up comp and now I sit up here looking down on all that mess.
  6. Ben and I just got done with an awesome morning cruise through the dunes. It's a bit tracked up out there, but the sand is great otherwise. We've got a nice, cool breeze but I'm sure it'll warm up quick. Feels good to be back.
  7. Tucker is at the visitor center.
  8. The stretch of 160 between the Tecopa turnoff and Sand Valley Rd will be closed from 7AM to 3PM, Nov 4-5 while some Swedish supercar maker attempts to beat the world land speed record of 268 mph! https://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/oct/26/new-land-speed-record-attempt-to-close-road-to-pah/
  9. Very cool of you to be doing this, Jason! It will likely be a hit for everyone going out this weekend.
  10. until

    Click the "going" button up top so we can keep track of the number of people attending. Thanks!
  11. Very cool of you to be doing this, Jason! It will likely be a hit for everyone going out this weekend.
  12. yeah one per camp should be sufficient per the BLM
  13. until

    Hope you can make it!
  14. jalper said the road was smooth going in. They must have graded it already. No water at the stream. He said to bring a fly swatter. Lots of flies out there I guess. haha
  15. I know @jalper is out there already. I'll try to get a hold of him and ask.
  16. I double checked on this through the BLM and it seems like it is one of those unspoken rules that isn't enforced, however in the most recent BLM news release, it states this... Soooo... per the release and BLM, Dumont visitors are required to have camp fire permits. It is up to the new chief whether or not the Rangers check on those permits. I highly doubt they will be checking on these, however it is very easy to print one up and be on the safe side like @DirtBikeGuy and the others said. You can even do it right from your smart phone.You can just show them the downloaded pdf on your phone. It doesn't need to be printed. http://www.preventwildfireca.org/Permits/ Hope this clears things up.
  17. until

    Bummer! Sorry, we picked the same weekend as last year since it is 2 weeks after Thanksgiving weekend.
  18. Event has been added. No additional details yet, but it's on the calendar and event page so everyone can save the date. You can also RSVP to the event here...
  19. I ain't skeered of some heat. I actually love the warm weekends out there.
  20. until
    The 5th Annual Buggy Roundup get-together is Dec 9-10. Be sure to RSVP to this event if you are going. Camp location As you come up the hill past the ranger station, stay on the road until you see bathroom 10. Camp will be just off the road on the side right. When you pull up to camp and aren't sure where to park, don't sweat it. It's first come, first served. There are no parking assignments. If you are new and don't know many people, just ask for Pete. Keep in mind the circle will have to stay fairly big to accommodate everyone and an outer circle may even be necessary, but we'll all be camping together so keep it tight. More info...
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