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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Oh boy. OK I'll play your quoting game.... Oh bwuahahahaha --->ASSsumed. You are hilarious. Now starting in with insults...nice. BTW quad is spelled Q-U-A-D. Well when we were talking about Pauly going from a dirtbike to a quad you said.... That implies to me that you are saying quads are not as fast as dirtbikes and that only old and lazy people ride them. Well I am very happy for you and all your experience, skill, and trust that those who KNOW you have in you. Have fun bud. Maybe we'll meet someday in the dunes and go for a ride who knows. Right now, you don't seem like the kind of guy I even want to hang out with. You just rub me the wrong way and not alot of people can usually do that. On the other hand, I may be entirely wrong. There is a first for everything ya know. (j/k ) I have said in the past that every guy on this board that comes off sounding like the biggest jerk online, ends up being some of the nicest coolest peeps I've met once in person. That would make you one of the nicest guys in the world I guess! Seriously though. This internet arguing is tired and so am I. I'm done with this crap. Later
  2. Very cool. Tell him uncle dunefreak said he's proud of him. Thatta boy!
  3. Well put, bud. And on that note, this effer is closed. It has offerred plenty of entertainment, but all I see coming from this thread is more threats and more violence. Thats not what this site is about. I personally appologize to $pocketchange$ if I offended him with starting the thread in the 1st place. It was started to ask a question about the backwards visor more than anything. Everyone's opinions got out of hand real quick though I guess. If you are still one of those who are worked up about this thread please follow the follwing instructions: 1. shut your computer off, its not worth getting upset about 2. grab a cold one and relax 3. poke yourself in the eye for getting worked up over such a stupid thing :poke: topic closed
  4. Who are the hot headed people in this thread other than you? I haven't seen anyone who thinks they are better than you in this thread yet. What is this favortism you are even talking about? Favortism over what??? You asked for some fast riders and you got them to post up. The only time this thread went south is when you and your buddy, britincali, started talking crap about quads as if they can't go fast too. Then it became a 2 wheels versus 4 wheels thread. Go reread the whole thing start to finish. You'll see. Damn, I don't even wanna go on a ride with you anymore. It doesn't even sound like fun anymore.
  5. Ok, you and your possee are the baddest mothereffers out there. ok ok we get it. Oh my god, let it go dude. and "Petey"? wtf?
  6. yeah rrrrrrrrright! There wouldn't be anybody on here anymore. You'd ban em all.
  7. Hmm, I smell another "as the sand blows" episode brewing. I might have to steal Barefoot Bob's thunda again and get it going again.
  8. But the official DDR neighborhood camp area is always C6 for cleanup.
  9. yes You know how it goes. Say 3:30, everyone shows about 4 ish. Then we don't shut up and go ride till about 30 minutes or more later
  10. wwwwwhoaaa! The truck, trailer and quad (is that a 450 Suzuki) sound about right, but the rest doesn't sound anything like him. I'll try and dig up a pic of him.
  11. I'm gonna have to go ahead and steal the thunda for this one. My drunk azz :drunk2: was the one who said wounded dolphin that night when I saw that effer floating in the glass of beer. Don't ask where "dolphin" came from? I have no clue on that part.
  12. Why do you think I haven't closed it...YET? j/k
  13. Damn it feels like summer already! Wow, I am impressed with these two posts. You guys hit the nail on the head. I see two possible new moderators in the future.
  14. Jeez, and just when I thought we were getting along. You are so far off it's rediculous. You just can't get one thing out of your head and that is that we (the moderators) take sides when moderating. Kenny is actually a friend of mine too. So there goes your whole idea of how we only moderate those who we don't know. I never said anything about "personal attacks". I said "threat". I wasn't the only one who picked up on that. Read everyone elses posts. From Kenny's post it sounded like there was gonna be some consequences over some stupid name calling. As for the "threats" to follow, you are gonna get that response from people to something that sounded like a threat in the first place. Now lets get back to your whole b*tch about how we moderate this board. First off this thread was only more of a question and all in fun to begin with. Everyone gave their 2 cents on what they thought about the upside down visor look. Yes, you can look at all these opinions as "personal attacks" if you wanna get really technical. There is a fine line that can be crossed when and how you say things about or to a person. The biggest personal attack was actually overlooked this time and you said nothing about it. It was the comment GWH said about "fags" in this thread. I thought that was the worst one so far and you didn't even think so I guess. I was too busy this morning to do anything about that post and just let it slide this time around. If you think I or any other mod only cracks down on those "non-admirers" you are way wrong. Some people, like you, seem like you will always be haters no matter what. You try and moderate a rather busy forum and keep everything free of personal attacks & bs all the while letting certain things slip in an attempt to keep it FUN and laid back. It is alot harder than you think. I think this thread has reached it's limit of fun and has turned sour now. I will give you a chance to reply, but I sense this effer getting closed soon.
  15. WOW, 3 freakin pages! I never would have even guessed THIS one. You guys never cease to amaze me. :chev_bowtie:
  16. Anyone wanna meet up at the south pole for a little chat and then a ride? This time I was thinking of maybe a little later in the day since the cleanup festivities will probably go till about 12 or 1. That might make things a little rushed for some to get out there. How's like 3:30/ 4 o clock sound? Sunset ride! :chev_bowtie:
  17. Usually its Memorial weekend for me. I missed Coral last summer. Not doing that again! :chev_bowtie:
  18. Bob, did you ever dyno it with the other motor you had in there?
  19. I figured that. I kinda meant the guy tuning/dynoing the car. I wonder if Bob told him to take his shoes off to get a few extra HP. :chev_bowtie:
  20. nice! Thats purrrrdy damn good. :chev_bowtie: Wait...was that with shoes on or no?
  21. So....is there a real reason for the upside down visor then or is that just how you roll? I still don't get it. Maybe I'm just too old to understand. I'm not jealous, just curious is all. Regardless, you seem to be thick skinned enough to take all the crap. I commend you on that. Wow...dude, you need to chill Tanner. There's no need to get so worked up about someone calling you or your friend retarded...even if it's Gaylay....doh! (sorry Gaz...I just remembered that from another topic and had to give ya chit while I was at it. ) It's not really worth fighting about. :flatbiller: :flatbiller: :chev_bowtie:
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