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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. sweet! Congrats on a nice azz truck. :assrock: :jester:
  2. It doesn't bother me either. That isn't why I started the topic. Why are people reading so far into this? Wow, I'm done with the internet for today. :assrock:
  3. St Louis???? That place is boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter. Now Florida, wow I hope he's getting paid well. We met him and his old lady one weekend at Dumont. He was a piece of work. And that kid of their's seemed to like my wallet a little too much!!! Are you talking about racnjasen? He isn't married and doesn't have any kids. Piece of work? He is one of the coolest, most laid back guys I know. :assrock: You gotta have the wrong guy. :jester: Isn't that pretty much like 95% of what I already said?
  4. I don't think it is just flipped up. I think it is mounted backwards. Is that a threat, Kenny? I don't think anyone has made any "insults" that are bad enough to threaten someone. They are just poking some fun. I can't see how one would take it that serious. I only started this thread because I was confused by this new trend. Does it actually serve a purpose or no? Man, can we not have fun anymore without offending people or what? jeeez
  5. I don't think there has been any problems LATELY. :assrock: As for the e-mail notification, you might want to check and make sure you have it selected. I haven't heard of any other problems with that. The "click here" thing was just a joke. It didn't work though. :jester: Exactly! I am always looking for some FAST riders out there as well. 2 wheels, 4 wheels, doesn't matter to me though. We mostly and usually pick some fast long swooping lines at D that work for 2 AND 4 wheels. If there are some faster riders than our group out there, then sweet! I just haven't found any yet. Sounds like fun regardless of who ends up being faster. I agree there is no reason to talk crap about this other than friendly jabs like we always do. :poke:
  6. Yep. You haven't seen people do this yet? I saw probably 10-20 riders with their chit like that. Just goes to show people will do anything to be trendy.
  7. sucks to be you! drive safe ma facka!
  8. Whats the deal with this? Is it just me or is does doing this serve no purpose AND look absolutley retarded at the same time? Is this the "flatbiller" version of a helmet? :flatbiller: (pic was from prez day weekend at Dumont)
  9. He's probably on a gay cruise. He lives down the street from me. I'll let him know next time I see him. Or I can call him for ya if you want. Just let me know.
  10. You might have to pull the float bowl off (on the bottom of the carb). If not you might be able to access the main jet from the bottom if there is a float bowl drain plug. jet access plug. What are you looking to do? Jet it or clean it out?
  11. I think he got out of duning. He sold the Funco and bought a muscle car like a Chevelle or something I think. He moved to St Louis due to work and now I think he is going even farther to Florida.
  12. DAYUM! That was some pretty good recovery...close call!
  13. yes, she did...that you are being sexist. click here.
  14. nope, definitley not confused. I love em all and have a blast with each and every dune toy.
  15. lame I ride a quad, a 2 wheeler, and drive a sandrail. So does that make me 1/3 "girly man" who can't ride?
  16. We were just talking about this out at the dunes this last weekend. Unbelievable.
  17. I'd like to see you keep up with his "old and lazy" a$$. Not trying to brag, but 2 wheels, 4 wheels, who cares...there aren't many riders that keep up with our group. If you can then great, lets go ride. Why would you discriminate against quads?
  18. Yeah its all good. :jester: :jester: :boyyy: too funny
  19. What about the 8 dollar beers? That pays for a dune trip right there. Have fun you guys. :rainbow1:
  20. shoulda spent the cash on the Glamis trip instead! Fuggin NAAAAASCAR...hahaaaa :rainbow1: j/k
  21. Thaaaats fuggin stoooopid :rainbow1: :jester:
  22. That was some funny chit :rainbow1: cheesy homophobe
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