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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. :mischevious: yes, I believe they are. However you would have to donate directly to them instead of through the link. Not sure how you'd do that since they don't have a donation link available. Maybe ask Vicki. edit: I take that back. I think the link works now that is on FoDD's site. http://friendsofdumontdunes.org/
  2. It's never good to hear about these. I was wondering if anyone heard about this guy. I ran across it trying to find out what happened with the accident over the weekend. :mischevious: Coroner case #70080323--On February 12, 2008 at about 5:00 pm, Lawrence Castro, a 64 year old resident of Hughson, CA, was driving a Yamaha ATV when he lost control and rolled the vehicle in the open desert of Dumont Dunes OHV area, approximately 4 miles north of State Highway 127. Paramedics responded and pronounced him dead at the scene. The California Highway Patrol is investigating the collision. [021408 0716 SY]
  3. :mischevious: Very good job as usual, Eric.
  4. When it comes time to gather up the funds, I am going to get with Terry and see what they need most. If it means picking up a semi-grand prize or a bunch of small things I'll do that ...OR if they need help funding the t-shirts htis year, we'll donate towards that. If there are items that need to be picked up from somewhere, I'll let you know. Thank you.
  5. Well I always thought Spring Break was early April. That's what it was when I was in school.
  6. :mischevious: That was Woody's ride for the weekend (a friend's GTO). I think she liked it and just wanted to put her a$$ on it for some reason.
  7. Everyone trys their best to give the credit where it is deserved. Terry (ynot) MAY have missed a couple last year but you have to realize that there were LOTS of raffle prizes last year and it is hard to keep track of every single one....especially when you have LOTS of people getting impatient in 113 degree weather. Unfortunatley sometimes Terry didn't even have the information for some prizes so he needed to just keep things moving along so he could get through them all. At last year's raffle I heard a name mentioned on probably 98% of the prizes though. I will make sure whatever prizes are donated this year a business card or name is physically attached to the item so that doesn't happen again. :eatdrink021: I appologize if your name wasn't mentioned last year, Mike. I remember you donated a very nice Sanp On tool set.
  8. spring break? :eatdrink021: You mean like from break from SCHOOL? Isn't it gonna be pretty hot around that time for Dumont?
  9. right before we left the last bar. :eatdrink021: and more random pics....
  10. more... "Hey ma facka, you can't take pictures here. Pay attention. " :eatdrink021:
  11. that's ok you got her back. Not sure if it was "revenge" though. I'm pretty sure she liked it. :eatdrink021:
  12. you mean like these? :eatdrink021:
  13. :eatdrink021: ...and :shout: "fuggin SALMON!"
  14. Welcome to the site. So sorry it was on such a sad note though. I'm sorry for your loss. That is terrible. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly did he die from? Was it more serious that just some compressed discs in his back?
  15. OK so as most you probably know already, the yearly Friends of Dumont Dunes cleanup is right around the corner. (March 15th) Every year at the cleanup there is a raffle for prizes for those who picked up trash. These raffle prizes are donated by companies and local businesses that like to help out for a good cause. In previous years, DumontDuneRiders.com as a group has donated towards these raffle prizes. Over the next few weeks we'll be accepting any donations or items that you as members of this site or as a business would like to donate. <br> <br> <br> If it is a cash donation, you can click this link and donate via Paypal. Paypal accepts major credit cards, electronic check, and of course Paypal accounts. <br> <br> <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="none"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="sales@dumontduneriders.com"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="6th Annual FoDD Dumont Dunes Cleanup donation"> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="cn" value="comments"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF"> <input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but21.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!"> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1"> </form> <br> <br> <br> If it is a raffle prize you'd like to donate, please pm or e-mail me at pete@dumontduneriders.com and I can either get you a mailing address to mail the item(s) to or we can work something out for them to be picked up from you. Last year members who owned businesses donated such things as lights, harnesses, whips, tool kits, ATV graphics kits, etc. When the item is raffled off your business name will be mentioned and plugged giving you the recognition and credit. If you don't own a business and you are just donating an item to be from DumontDuneRiders.com, just let me know and it will be donated as an item from DDR. <br> <br> <br> Any and all help with this year is greatly apreciated. We (DDR), as a group, do this in an attempt to make it easier for FoDD and to help make the cleanup fun and that much more successful. We don't profit or keep any of the funds whatsoever. It is all donated towards FoDD and in turn, goes right back into Dumont which is the place we love. Thanks!
  16. That would be Tim, limodriver What no pics, people?? :kissass:
  17. Hell yeah Nick. Nice progress. :kissass: Damn throw it on a credit card or something. You got it all apart right now.
  18. no chit huh? I thought the same thing when I saw those. Why in teh world would they put those on there? TAKE IT EASY, CALM DOWN MA FACKA!!!! Yep, thats why I was there too. I'm finally legal! My last OHV sticker was dated back to 06!
  19. link to the ad in the RJ... http://www.lvrj.com/news/15919032.html There's a couple videos about it on http://www.ktnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7912335 Sad. Yet another reason to wear your seatbelt and even a helmet sometimes even in a Rhino.
  20. yep...heck yeah. They kill every single time. They come to Vegas at least 3 times a year and we go just about every friggen time. Ya just have to. They're that good.
  21. Seriously. :kissass: Looks like ya hits your switches. :afro: :boyyy: Nice pic!
  22. Ahh you jagazz! That sucks you didn't make it Dave. you missed out. Next time. :kissass: Oh...yeah....that.
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