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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. He was determined to climb the face-hill on foot....or I should say hands and knees? The quads were coming way close to him trying not to hit him coming down the hill.
  2. Anna & I stoppped over there at comp on Sunday. I was a nervous wreck at times watching everyone almost collide on the hill. Betweeen the rails that cut through the bikes and the bikes not paying enough attention, I had to leave.
  3. It was great seeing everyone out there at the meet & greet. Hey thanks for the Sand Cars and More T-shirt, Al!
  4. Yep, hats off to the BLM! Very good job! I was very impressed with the road AND how quickly they got all the rigs through the pay area.
  5. I think the hill climbs were Saturday and the drags were Sunday. At least thats when I watched each one. Thanks man. I still have to figure out some tricks with it, but for the most part it still takes some great pics on auto. Hey welcome to the site!
  6. Daniel has done some SERIOUS recovering. Good job, little guy. It was nice meeting you and your family last weekend. Keep up the good work. Here he is at the south pole meet & greet Presidents Day weekend.
  7. Try downsizing them. They may too large of size to upload. Here are a few I have to add...
  8. Thanks Stephan. Yeah it has a pretty good zoom. I was very happy with it. few more...
  9. Ever see Captkllm this excited? ...and foxysandchick hugging happy Joe Duner :D comp Sat night...
  10. Damn, nice pics Rob. ^^^ Damage isn't too bad. The rear frame piece is pushed in but thats about it. Jim's bumper is destroyed though. As for the pics...thanks, the camera did awesome. Here are a few more... Taledega... Jeep drags... Our buddy Dave... He cracked a crank pulley hub and was done.
  11. Here are just a few to start... vendor row...
  12. I heard about this. Sounds pretty nasty. I hope he's ok. That's cool you were able to help, Ryan.
  13. That sucks Mark. Sorry to hear. I was wondering where you were.
  14. Just got in. What a great weekend. Here are some of my obervations from the weekend... The new camera kicked a$$. Meet & greet was another great big turnout. LOTS of DDR peeps. I got to meet little Daniel. :smoker: We had some great company throughout the weekend. Jeep drags were badass. I didn't hear of any accidents other than the one where Ryan helped the kid with the ripped bicep. We got a couple really good FAST rides in. Holy hell. Dunes were pretty choppy but had some FAST lines like usual. The entrance road was still in GREAT condition IMO. The BLM didn't seem to be giving everyone too much crap. It was pretty crowded, but I'd say probably a little less than last prez weekend. LOTS of close calls at comp all weekend. It's almost nerve racking to watch that hill. Weather was awesome. It got a tad warm at times, but all in all it was perfect weather. We hooked up our projector and watched the Elite fight over with Capt and bf Bob and crew Sat night. Sunday (today) I didn't ride much other than to go watch the drags and over to comp for a little bit. The drive to Dumont usually takes me about 2 hours total to get there. This trip, due to chitty Vegas traffic, took me FOUR AND A HALF HOURS to get there. Then Sand~Snake rear ends my toyhauler right before the river crossing. One more time, Jim......YOU DUMBAZZ! Needless to say, I needed a beer when I got into Dumont Fri night. I took about 400 pictures . I will have to sort through them and post some up when I get time. It was a great weekend. It was good hanging out with everyone and another really fun President's Day weekend.
  15. My truck is staying in camp this year!!!! :beer_bang:
  16. dunefreak


    Thanks. I'm pretty impressed with the camera for how dark it was. :beer_bang:
  17. dunefreak


    Just got in from a really fun night w/ Anna. First I suprised her with a heart shaped balloon and some funny valentine's candies and stupid stuff along with some new riding goggles. Then we hit up dinner at a new place near our house. After that a pit stop at Baskin Robins for some ice cream was necessary. Then as we ventured towards our next stop while cranking some of our favorite tunes on the radio, I stoppped at one of the bars where we first met. It's funny because she said, "hey remember that place" as we about past it. After a quick stop at that place (didn't go in- it was kind of a chit hole ), we proceeded to our next 2 stops where we always go to watch the planes land. They were both spots that we have some good memories from earlier in our relationship. After hanging out there for a little while :beer_bang: we then cruised the strip and tried out the new camera at night. We tried getting a shot in front of the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign, but it was just too dark out. It was fun though. All in all it was a great night. Here's some pics of the strip and watching the planes fly over us right before they landed.
  18. dunefreak


    You didn't have to take it down. If I felt it needed to be removed I would just have removed it. Nevermind dude. :beer_bang:
  19. Just wanted to remind everyone to take a little EXTRA care this weekend when riding the dunes and hitting the hill. Don't ever let the simple things slip your mind when duning. Accidents happen very fast. I'm not sure if it will be super packed like usual (since most holidays have been pretty quiet this year), but there will definitely still be more duners than most usual weekends out there. Just be safe and come back in one piece, everyone. :beer_bang: Have a great weekend.
  20. :north_pole: sounds like you bought them breakfast then. mmmm dooooohhhhhnuts
  21. Sorry it sounded like you were bitching about it. My bad then. I appologize. And yes forums are for your .02. But lately with all the talk about how "our fees aren't being used right, we need more toilets, a better road...' , I respond with my .02 as well. I just state the facts that I have found from first hand experiences with TRT members and the BLM. :north_pole: I understand the points you made for a person that thinks outside the box. Thats kinda the whole problem though. People don't understand what goes on "inside the box". Until they have a complete understanding how things work like how the fee money is spent, how much the expenses are for the BLM, etc etc, they really don't have much of a reason to b*tch about it. Everyone needs to look into it more and understand these things better. Those TRT meetings are PERFECT for that. They explain EVERYTHING and there isn't any conspiracy about the fees.
  22. and here... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=7616
  23. You sure about that? I don't think they even had anyone at the gate. Did you get there well before the weekend or no?
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