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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Well I will donate (for DDR) towards T-shirt sponsorship whatever the cost and then some for a spot on the shirts again this year.
  2. Well I took the pic and I know it was him so I don't know what to tell ya. :beer_bang: We'll probably see ya Saturday.
  3. last year's cleanup shirts had the Chapman Dodge/ Jeep over each boob area of the t-shirts. you can KINDA see them on Terry's shirt
  4. Hmm this may be a pretty decent turnout this week. :beer_bang: Who else? Anymore ma fakaas!!?? :beer_bang:
  5. Remember? That was that ghetto azz bar dman tried getting all of us out to on Saturdays. "High Maintenance Saturdays" That didn't last too long.
  6. Your probably right. Either way I will continue to post the facts.
  7. Anyone in for tomorrow? I should be there about 8:30 or so after I get out of that meeting at the Henderson convention center about the closures.
  8. Here we go again. Didn't you just get on someone in the other post about not reading the entire post? Did you read everything in this thread yet? Every single time this year I have gone to Dumont the road HAS been grated. The BLM has done an excellent job of keeping the road smooth. The fees have been discussed numerous times and how the fee money is spent. This includes a complete break down of where the money goes to and how much everything costs. As a duner you won't SEE any changes or things improved. Lets remember something here. These new fees are not to improve anything. They are to make up for lost funding that was lost to pay for the things that we already have. It costs alot more money than you think to pump and maintain the pit toilets (including removing grafitti), staffing and transportation of EMT's and BLM employees on weekends that they are there, maintenance to the area such as installing new closure stakes that are ripped out of the ground by duners who continue to remove them, etc etc. It doesn't make a difference what everyone thinks of the road. Some don't care, some are gonna b*tch about it. Either way it doesn't change the fact that that road will never be paved. To quote the BLM maintence (I think his name is Mike Trost) "It is a DIRT road, plain and simple. There are no plans to PAVE it." Even if you don't have an expensive rail, truck or hauler I would think you would still pay the fee no matter what because Dumont is such a great place.
  9. So what? Was it really that much of a secret? Come on....midget stripper. I can only hold that in for so long. Sorry man.
  10. Actually the party IS for him! Maybe thats why he is getting a midget. She will be more his size. Ahh Cole...love ya buddy! Damn this thread backfired on you pretty bad.
  11. Hey look, it's the DDR midget! TRYING? :poke:
  12. Good job, Brett! Oh and by the way, Cole. Thanks for sending those pics of your seats to my PHONE for absolutley no reason! Come on!
  13. I hate you April. You had to bump this back up didn't you!??
  14. It would be cool for those trips, but we just keep the back gate down. The breeze from the lake comes right through the hauler. (no sliding door needed)
  15. :beer_bang: Yeah no kidding. Last year was NASTY! Those were record highs though. I doubt it will be that hot this year. Lets hope. Either way, I'll be there.
  16. not that great unless you decide to venture off to wheelers pass area or cold creek. It's mostly just roads and a cool place to get away.
  17. Perfect. Just wait till your quad isn't tied down good enough. Instead of a mark on the door (or wall), you'll have a shattered PATIO door in your hauler. Awesome! :beer_bang:
  18. Great post, Craig. Hopefully it can help out some Rhino owners. There sure are alot of em out there.
  19. This thread is officially retarded now. Thanks Danny! :beer_bang:
  20. no, I meant as your actual title or rank!
  21. sorry, I forgot the "Pete,(COMMA) jackazz" resident jackazz...hmm that kinda has a nice ring to it. Want that as your title? really? I can make that happen.
  22. it'll be either the quad or 2 wheeler. Probably quad though. As for the DS in the banner, are you serious or messing around? That's cheese.
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