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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. yes, but only if it's on a conveyor belt
  2. Out of all that, you forgot the most important thing...BEER! Where do you buy your beer?
  3. Hey you too huh?! When I went in to the Yamaha on Boulder (formerly World Motorsports) to purchase one of the 1st silver limited edition 4x4 Grizzly 660's when they came out (in 02). A guy in finance cost them a sale that day. After the salesman and the finance guy started to play the "let me check with my finance manager and see what we can come up with..." spiel I immediately knew this transaction wasn't gonna happen. The finance guy came walking out with a clipboard and told me it was gonna be like 225 a month for 6 years with no extended warranty or anything. I said "Hold on a second. At that payment what is the selling price you are giving it to me at?" Without even saying anything to me at all... he handed the clipboard to the saleman and said "this guy isn't ready to buy and walked away". I said "oh yeah? You guys just lost a sale! " As I walked out of the store and the sales guy ran after me and said "hold on whats wrong?" I said, "first off you don't treat people like that, second off I wouldn't buy that quad from you guys if it were the last one in town. F*ck you guys!" I ended up buying it from the store on Craig. Yeah I know it's the same company, but they treated me WAY better up there. I won't even buy oil or spark plugs from that Boulder Hwy store anymore.
  4. test sweet! It's now in the "Show All" table, Terry. Or you can just type this... :ynot:
  5. no problem, Terry This one might work ok for the smaller size needed
  6. I haven't added it to the list yet. I was having troubles with it's clarity sizing it down any smaller for the smilie list. I can always add it to the list that isn't in the clickable table to the side in the post screen. I will name it "" for easy reference.
  7. This kind of post is another one of those "fine lines" we have to deal with. I say whatever this time. If anyone has a problem with it, let us know. Those noises they make when you shoot at em are hilarious.
  8. It's been a while since you asked for this, but... Here ya go, Terry! Will this work? --->
  9. You can unload some of the weight off the bars and see if that helps. Otherwise try to load the trailer with more weight forward of the axles. If neither of those help enough I would try an anti-sway setup. I have never needed one though even with my half ton truck and heavy azz trailer back in the day. Don't forget to check obvious things like tire pressure and try not to tow with your water tanks half full.
  10. Bert and I were wondering what was up with that. This morning at work he goes, since when has Stephan gone by "Hans"??? I said, "hell I was wondering the same thing."
  11. Except on my little moniter at work they are stacked and huge as hell.
  12. Thanks for backing me on that, Vicki. Many don't understand that and that is why I recently added just that on our Info page. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/passes.html#increase The groups that try to shut down Dumont (like the CBD) look at dust as an environmental issue. Ask them. I can't explain why. You just have to go with it and do the things necessary to keep them off our back and fight back in a proactive way like Vicki said.
  13. Thats different from the material that they had to purchase prior to the recycled asphalt. The contract for ground asphalt base material was for the very large and growing concern of dust control and it did just that. It wasn't for road maintenance.
  14. oh yeah you are right. I didn't notice you said saturday
  15. I meant powerhouse won't be there, not you :D
  16. You're not even gonna be there at the meet & greet. :shout: You're not allowed in this thread! :wedgie:
  17. I did! :fro_smokin: That means happy, GirlWithRestriction
  18. Did you think I was mad or something?
  19. yeah why wouldn't it be? :fro_smokin:
  20. OK no more entries.... Vote now! Man we have some good ones this month.
  21. No Glamis did not raise their fees. Glamis also did not get a funding cut either like Dumont did. I believe the next TRT meeting is like Feb 5th or 12th. I'll see if I can find out for sure.
  22. ATV Cycle Sports offers a DDR discount and is a main sponsor of this site!
  23. Man you guys will just keep going won't you? That money spent wasn't just for a guy to sit in or run a tractor. It is for things like the cost of the type 2 gravel and transportation of it to a desolate area in the desert. There were a few others things explained at the TRT meeting and the details of how the money was spent was gone over in detail by Lynnette. If you or anyone else had an issue with it, they had a time at the meeting for the public to speak up. By the way, the meeting was on a SATURDAY for those that can't make it on the Tuesday meetings. And to DP315, how can you say the road is "absolutely horrible"? In my opinion, as of New Years weekend it was the best it has ever been. Here's a pic from 12-23-07
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