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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. dunefreak

    EASY $1000

    whatever I'm going out right now and getting you a new caps lock button for christmas.
  2. We aren't much for gift exchanging on xmas, but still I got a few things. A funny clock, a gift card to a very nice Italian restaurant (panevino), a bottle of Jim Beam Black, a wine preserver, and some new running pants and shirt. These things are priceless though... -a day off work -hanging out with Anna and my family on Christmas Eve (we celebrate on christmas eve, not christmas day) -Mom's home cooked christmas dinner -enjoying a few glasses of Wossel while watching A Christmas story with family :xmas4: :xmas3:
  3. Well you would lose that bet too. You must not know Joe Duner very well then. He hates straight lines and whoops. Besides, Funcos are known for how well they handle and turn, not for pounding whoops.
  4. Would you drive your rail to Dumont? Looks like barefoot bob could! I got bored tonight. It would be pretty badass to dune snow covered dunes though!
  5. Same to you, Walt and everyone else out there. :xmas4: I added the same holiday message on the homepage with some added hoilday cheer to the dumont sign. :xmas3:
  6. oh ok, I thought that might have been you. Now I think I remember. See ya this weekend, man.
  7. Right on, Mike. Hope to finally get some buggy runs in with you guys this weekend. I'll have my car as well. See ya there. If I don't say hi or recognize you say something. I think I only met you at the CORE race that one time right or no? Which one? Either way, come on out to the south pole on Saturday (2PM) for the meet and greet. There is ALWAYS chatter out there. We have to usually rap it up cause some get antsy to ride after all the .
  8. Oh yeah. Dammit. Stupid education made me forget. stupid stupid stupid me.
  9. On second thought...that truck sucks! I'm better off with my Duramax!
  10. Thanks Andy. Bring em by the next time I see you. I'll check em out. Maybe this thursday at TT again?
  11. So back on topic. What is the point of the hydraulic part of the trailer? To eliminate a gate to load stuff? You could still have the holes in the floor for ice fishing without it having to sit on the ground. At first I thought the trailer lowered at highway speeds to help cut wind resistance or some sh*t. I almost though it was a joke.
  12. I knew this was Good times. Good luck with the sale. Now would you like me to move this to the classifieds section?
  13. Nothing was really that wrong with the raptor. It just a had a pop/ backfire on decel is all. That is fine now and runs much better after a valve adjustment. As for the heater, I THINK it's fixed now. I have to double check it when I get time. It was an issue with the new sail switch. (long story) :gayboy:
  14. I don't think that will work for this get together this time around, but maybe we should do a weekly "DDR coffee night" at your Saxby's, Terry! In addition to already TT, we can have like a mocha monday or something. It actually does sound pretty cool. :gayboy:
  15. Nice Sick Sand Travel! Glad to see more busa guys on the site. Welcome.
  16. Whats up Tim. I am getting out there on Friday sometime and staying through Tuesday. You are always welcome to stay with us. I am not sure where exactly we are camping yet, but just give me a ring later this week and I'll let you know after I find out.
  17. Hey not a problem at all, Joe. I am suprised how easy it all went together. That was pretty easy. I can't wait for this weekend.
  18. A couple "observations" -JJ used to think the date ranch was a whore house you knew I was gonna post that, JJ! -JJ tows at like 95 mph -dunes were great -weather was perfect -captnkllm's car looks even better in person and throws some serious sand! :gayboy: -"don't you dare talk about what you are thinking about right now!" :no_no: -dune rides can make you go from lazy to hyper pretty quick -bob's ranger is LOUD -some people can manage to tip a rhino on the flats
  19. Just as we were about to leave this guy tipped his brand new rhino over on the flats. Not sure how that happened, but pretty chitty considering it was his FIRST trip out with it. It even bent the new cage up pretty bad. Luckily nobody was hurt though.
  20. Today was a great day to ride. The dunes was awesome and the weather was perfect. It was fairly warm compared to how cold it has been lately. The dunes had some rough spots from rain on the face hills, but the dunes were great! The razors were pretty rounded off and the lines were really flowing and smooth. We got there about 10/10:30 AM. It was lvnalolife, Pauly Paul, wingnut, Vince (wtf was his screen name again? lol) and myself. We pulled up with barefoot bob and group. It was great seeing you guys and meeting a few new DDR faces...Big Red and randyvw. We had a great time hanging out. It was lvnalolife's 1st trip out wih the new LTR450 and he loved it. My Raptor ran great. I have had some recent issues with it popping and running rough, but it was all good this trip after I just adjusted the valves. We went on about 3 good rides. Not bad considering the little time we had to spend there today. One of the rides we chased the buggies around the dunes. That was a really good run on the way back. Pauly led and gave barefoot bob a good run. I hung right behind bob the whole time watching him destroy the sand. He did a couple interesting manuevers on that run. All in all it was a great trip. I really needed it after the past few weeks of stress that has been built up. I have been going non-stop working on my stuff to get it all ready for new years. This was a perfect way to unwind. I can't wait till next weekend. It should really be a good one. :gayboy: dune cellulite wingnut taking a call in the dunes barefoot bob and kids Pauly trying out a jump he found... There were a few vendors out there. The camp area was pretty empty and there were hardly any people in the dunes. It was great. camp... waiting for the buggies to get rounded up to go for a ride... capt and bob jumping the little lip at comp chillen at the good times. How many more can we fit on Bob's ranger?? some Christmas decorations at a nearby camp :xmas3: road is in pretty decent shape still Spaceballs made the ride home a tad more bearable
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