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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. no prob. Now to get some decent pics for a new sig.
  2. Ace, I don't think they are the largest. Eaither way, it doesn't matter anymore. They might as well not even be there at all. Crowdog has more info on Kelso if anyone is curious to check it out... http://www.duneguide.com/closed_areas_kelso_dunes.htm
  3. Well if you decide, just let me or any other admin know. Members can't change their own display names.....yet. I keep meaning to change that one day. We can take care of it though.
  4. Gotta love black plastics in the dust huh? My Raptor is black too. Looks good though. Time to change that screen name to DuNe450r now huh?
  5. :xmas3: :xmas4: :xmas5: :xmas6: Anyone got any other cool ones? If so, I'll add em.
  6. Is that a serious question? If it is...then no. I was taking the pic.
  7. Yeah I didn't even notice the Paddle Tire King place until I looked at the pics. I know I know. I didn't have any DDR swag on this time around. Hey it was friggen early. I was just lucky to wake up at 7 AM on a Saturday to go RUN!
  8. Looks like Daniel is slowly but surley still making progress with his recovery! Keep it up, Daniel. This is the latest update as of this morning...
  9. No, that would be the black water tank that would fill up then, not gray. Or should it be called yellow water?
  10. You have to look at it as watts, not amps. Usually HID's only draw about 13 watts each, not amps. There is only a quick surge at startup to power them up, after that I am sure your alternator would be good enough to power them.
  11. Yeah I knew what you meant. If you run a normal automotive alternator on your rail already that should be sufficinet enough. The HID's don't draw much at all.
  12. 5 days here and I didn't have to dump my gray water over TDay weekend. You have to be efficient.
  13. upgrade the alternator? How come? HID's aren't suppose to draw that much wattage. They are less than Halogan lights...thats for sure.
  14. Anna and I just got back from the 5K Great Santa Run downtown Vegas. I thought it was retarded at first, but in the end it felt great to get some excercise and had fun doing it. There were thousands of santas that showed up. I don't know if we (Vegas) broke the world record for largest number of santas in one spot, but we'll find out soon. Either way, like I said, it was fun at for a good cause. Everyone paid to run and proceeds went to Opportunity Village for the needy. http://www.opportunityvillage.org/content/?c=29 Here are some pics.
  15. What crowds do you think strippers are gonna attract??? DRUNKEN FOOLS! With large crowds and alcohol it quickly becomes an issue for crowd control for the BLM.
  16. Well first off the rebar isn't under rules on the flyer. It is under etiquette. And to tell you the truth, rebar IS a new rule at Dumont now. Rebar or any other metal stakes. It's not on the list, but they are enforcing it now. It has been discussed before at the TRT meetings. I don't know why the ranger would have said that. And I wasn't upset, Don. You read that wrong.
  17. Damn, kinda sucks for Tony this weekend. The 2 wheeler crew is gonna get the crap beat out of em. Oh well, it's still Dumont.
  18. I thought you guys already had one. Wasn't that why Mark was all about the Rhino talk at TT a couple weeks ago? I thought THIS was yours. I'm really confused now.
  19. Are you selling the other one or are ya gonna have 2 now? Congrats!
  20. There ya go, Don. I just changed the dune flyer just for skeptical peeps like yourself. The rules on the flyer are now directly copied and pasted from the BLM. I have heard in the past (from others as well) that they should be the EXACT rules that the BLM publishes. wwwwwhatever. So be it I guess. I just tried to keep things as "user friendly" as possible.
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