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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Well I can't answer the question about the guy at Valero. All I know is that the BLM didn't have very much time to educate every vendor very well about the specifics. The guy probably didn't understand the whole pass mess. As for the next meeting, it isn't until February so that won't help. I am trying to stay in contact with the BLM and gather info about the passes. I will post whatever I find when I do. They have been pretty helpfull so far. :mc_smiley:
  2. No Jason. Unless the weekly pass was purchased BEFORE November 21, 2007, it will not be counted as credit towards a season pass. At the last TRT meeting, they discussed how they were wrking on getting the new software for the self pay machines. I am guessing that the season passes will be available at the machine if nobody is out there. You guys have to understand that the fees changing, making rules, coming up with ideas on how they are going to do this whole thing, printing passes, etc...had to happen in a matter of about a week's time. They (the BLM) had to wait for the new fees to be past by a committee, then it was less than a week till Thanksgiving. You will have just be patient as more details slowly surface.
  3. The reason for that, Paul, is because when the weekly passes were $20 the season passes weren't available at the time. Therefore, when the new fees went into effect the season passes became available. The $40 passes aren't counted as credit toward a season pass because you could have just bought a season pass. I know I know, you couldn't buy it at Valero, but they were available at Dumont.
  4. I don't know why he wouldn't write it for a full 7 days, but the season passes aren't going to be sold by the vendors. Would everyone PLEASE take a moment and read this page... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/passes.html Hopefully it clears up some confusion and answers some questions.
  5. I still can't believe this car. I got another good look at it tonight. It is coming along really good. I just hope I can arrange to get out to D on the shakedown trip for V rex. I have to work that weekend. Dammit. Maybe I can haul a$$ out straight from work when I get out around noon.
  6. I'm trying! If everything still goes to plan, I am still planning on maybe January sometime. I'll let ya know.
  7. Nice! Way cool, Brett. A free LOF! Wow, don't go out of your way now!
  8. yes please put up the link, Chris. I am gonna buy a bulk order of these damn heater parts that fail and sell them at Dumont! Ok, maybe I'll just put them in my hauler for everytime they go out.
  9. Check it out...almost exactly ONE YEAR later since I started this topic because my toyhauler heater went out.....I now have the SAME exact problem. My 500 dollar heat ran out I guess. This time I'm fixing it myself though.
  10. One freak accident and everyone thinks that Funcos break in half now.
  11. haha, those BLM rangers were there when we pulled up too. We just hung out on our bikes until they were done eating and then snatched up their tables and hung out.
  12. Actually that is the second time. (1st time was about the horrible Rhino/train accident). Yep, I miss ya Bob...except for that that is always hanging out.
  13. I found another little article or write up from the weekend on this page--->click here I thought it was pretty good as well.
  14. Nothing but positive thoughts for little Danny. Please keep us posted on his progress, Steve.
  15. You don't ever have a good weekend do you? :dance: Sorry to hear that. Some people are just jerks and don't pay attention some times. As for the trash I thought it was pretty clean compared to other weekends out there. I even commented on that Sat night to wsky70 when we were at comp.
  16. Terry posted the link for the article in another thread if anyone feels like reading what was published. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...st&p=109702
  17. :dance: waste of a thread. We could post lots of GD links like that all day long, but why??
  18. Sand was sh*t??? I thought it was actually pretty nice during the whole weekend. I kinda like some tracks and flattened out razors from time to time. It makes it easier to do a lazy ride and not have to pay as much attention to navigate. :dance: Too bad you couldn't make the weekend, Steve.
  19. Thats great. Did the bike happen to be a yellow suzuki? I had a run in last T Day (06) with a punk that sounds JUST like that kid. He was quick to talk chit and real quick to run back to his daddy too.
  20. Oh chit! That sucks. Effen jerks....WTF!!?? :rant_on:
  21. NO...it's not ok. Why do you assume that every sandrail owner thinks that it is ok to do that or actually does that in the first place? Dunerat never said all quad guys are irresponsible people that jump without a spotter. Quads, rails, 2 wheeleres, Rhinos....it doesn't matter what the type of vehicle or toy....there are gonna be people that make bad calls and drive like fools regardless. You can't teach common sense to some people. Ya either have it or ya don't.
  22. They're not on the list yet. It's not THAT close to Christmas yet.
  23. Paul I hear ya. The whole thing is a mess. On the other hand, I had all the information posted here on DDR (on the passes page) about the only place that you could buy or trade in weekly passes (the OLD passes) was through the BLM. I also had and still have the info posted that the season passes would only be available through the BLM and not the vendors. Sorry you might have missed it. I had a logo on the top of the forum, an annoucement in 3 sections of the forum, links on the homepage, etc. I don't know what else to do to try to keep everyone informed and free of confusion. I would guess the BLM would maybe give you the credit (at least $20 worth) due to the recent confusion. I'd just bring that $40 pass along with any other old $20 weekly passes with you next time and ask when you go to buy a season pass.
  24. Yeah as many people were there, I didn't see many people IN the the dunes at all.
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