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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. You can't make pics larger and have them still be clear. You have to have a larger size pic. Maybe you uploaded the wrong one from your computer?
  2. I doubt it. I was just saying what I heard is all.
  3. Kinda hard to see the small pic, but it reminds me of my buddy Caleb's (mtwalet on DDR).
  4. correct. I have heard that as well. I don't think beadlock wheels are DOT approved. Stupid huh? They can hold up to extreme desert abuse but aren't approved for a paved road.
  5. I see and hear of way more issues with the alluminum (corrugated type) siding pulling apart. This is the first issue I have ever seen with the fiberglass sides.
  6. Don't forget vendor row isn't near 6 anymore. It moved.
  7. T-Day is always very crowded out there. Just a reminder to everyone to never let the important things slip your mind when it comes to duning safety. Be extra careful out there and watch out for others. Take another look over the Rules, Saftey Tips, and Dune Ettiquette flyer to refresh your memory of the things that matter the most when it comes to duning. click the image for the pdf file... If everyone has these items fresh in their head, maybe some accidents can be avoided this weekend and we can all read about your great weekend you had after you get back instead of the sad stories that we sometimes hear about. Everyone be safe out there this weekend and have a great Thanksgiving.
  8. And is a GIN lover who is the main spokesperson for Bombay Gin! no kidding! Call 8,7,7, 1, 5, oh, oh Those are good, Cole. So true too.
  9. I read about that this morning. Very sad indeed. I can't even begin to imagine the horrible feeling the parents had when they found out about the tragic news.
  10. Sounds like it was a nice weekend you had there, Mike. FINALLY you took some pics. You always seem to forget when you go out.
  11. For the most part, it's gonna be busy and crowded anywhere you park on a holiday weekend. The less crowded areas are out by bathroom 9 and the little dunes. You still have to deal with the crowd in the sand though.
  12. During the last TRT meeting, it was decided and agreed upon by the BLM & the TRT that Easter be dropped as being considered a "holiday weekend". Instead of the BLM charging extra on Easter weekend, MLK weekend will now be treated as the 5th holiday weekend instead. This means there will be the $10 holiday surcharge on that weekend unless you hold a season pass that includes the holiday weekend upgrade. Main reason for the switch: MLK weekend has been growing in popularity and seems to have more visitors than Easter weekend. As a result, the BLM needs to provide more staff (Rangers, EMTs, personel, etc) out there that weekend. 5 holiday surcharge weekends Halloween Thanksgiving New Years MLK weekend (Jan 19-21) Presidents Day Easter
  13. Damn! Badass, David. Congrats on the new car. I bet you had a grin from ear to ear being the first time out huh? Very nice car. Looking forward to doing some buggy runs with you and Bob soon. Bob really is a great guy.
  14. Right on, Kenny. Looks like some big fun! You ready for some fuggin SAND now? Get out to Dumont this weekend!
  15. Good to hear he is coming home. I'll have to try and make it out tomorrow.
  16. Looks like it is gonna be highs in the 60s and lows in the 30's! It's about time! Pack plenty of warm clothes and FIREWOOD. I can't wait for some COLD dune weather.
  17. Yes, but it's actually Saturday at the south pole (2PM).
  18. It was great meeting you guys. Hope to see ya TDay weekend at the south pole.
  19. Pay attention! I updated everything as soon as I got home yesrterday. Click on the pass page.
  20. I had a great time today and am really glad I was able to attend and finally be part of a TRT meeting. I agree with ISBB...I also have an even stronger appreciation for the TRT and especially ynot. He has a very positive, strong voice for Dumont and we, the duning community, are extremely lucky to have him along with the rest of the TRT members and a very cooperative BLM. I completely understand now how Terry always says the BLM has a great relationship with the duning community. They really listen and take EVERYONE'S opinion into consideration. It was great seeing everyone. It was almost like going to the dunes! That bar was awesome. GOOD TIMES, GUYS!
  21. OK no more entires allowed until next month. Vote now!
  22. I UNDERSTOOD the soup kitchen reference you guys. It was a joke. Not sure OGP got that insdie joke from our previous experience with that. lol
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