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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Nick you are incorrect. The standard price for OHV nonresident stickers is $20. Unless Proshop in Henderson is giving a $5 discount- it is still $20 for the stickers. The standard price for the Dumont weekly passes as of now, is still $20.
  2. Sweet! You should be stylin then! :shocked2:
  3. I am waiting on all the necessary contact info from the BLM and a complete, updated list of vendors.
  4. Name calling is against the rules! Why can't everyone have civil discussions anymore? If this name calling and arguing continues this topic will be closed and people are going to start getting suspended. And BTW, superdave has a couple kids (and grandchild) and is smart enough to camp far away from finger dunes where there are high traffic areas. This topic has been discussed before on here and there is never going to be an agreement on this so let it go, people. This includes you, Dave. There is no need to get all worked up about such a thing. :shocked2:
  5. :shocked2: what? With NV Offroad or sticker prices in general?
  6. Good to hear he is doing "well". Charlie has alread been on though, Richie. Keep the updates coming. Anyways, I send you my best Charlie. Be strong and heal up fast!
  7. Vicki I have and always will completely support FoDD. You know I will do anything I can to help. I have some great ideas and would love to talk to you or Terry about them sometime very soon. Here are just a few items that I think I have some very effective ideas for.... 1) getting FoDD more noticed and making people aware of what the organization is and what they do- I have many ideas for this one 2) keeping everyone informed and up to date on Dumont issues, TRT meetings, etc- also a few ideas for this one as well 3) signing people up and getting more members on board with FoDD 4) fund raising 5) getting things done within the organization/ delegating different tasks 6) setting some goals so everyone knows exactly what they are working towards every month, quarter, year, etc. I think these are the most important things that need addressing for FoDD from what I have seen so far. I would love to help, but FoDD needs to be the one to take the initiative. Lets do this.
  8. That doesn't belong in Coles Corner- it's way too good.
  9. Tyler, you should think about putting a few dollars into that thing. It looks like crap. Ya know...all stock and chit. Lookin good man.
  10. Who is being bashed? Ynot never said the ASA items weren't from the ASA. He said that the money spend on those items goes to Glamis, not Dumont. I think you read that wrong.
  11. whoa Who is it that is asking all those questions???? We could go on and on with questions like those. What if someone signs up and then are abducted by aliens and the aliens change that person's home address? Will they ever get the card? What if a person loses their card in a port a potty somewhere and can't retreive it? Can they get a replacement? What is someone changed their name and heaven forbid their membership card doesn't match? What if, what if, what if.... :GWH: Seriously though. Whoever is asking those questions should devote the time and effort that it took them to come up with all that rediculous :mic: and put it into something that is going to make FoDD move FORWARD. It's just a membership card. It's not brain surgery. Paid (supporting) members or not, just send them a card. If they don't get it for whatever reason, it's not that big of a deal I'm sure. And to send out new ones every year- no it's not needed. The ASA doesn't do that and I know I am still a member. Just send the members an e-mail or newletter stating their membership has been renewed when they renew it. For the most part, I think everyone would agree they would like to get something in the mail or even by e-mail (which costs nothing at all) that tells them that they are now a member of FoDD and thet FoDD recognizes them as a member.
  12. That was already posted on here as well. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=6353
  13. Vicki, I am not trying to flame FoDD. I am just trying to point out some of the things that need to happen if FoDD wants to get more members and support. Think of it as constructive criticism. :GWH: :mic:
  14. If an organization can't furnish something as simple as a membership card when a member 1st signs up, then there is a big problem with that. I don't think FoDD will be around for very long if that is a big obstacle for them. Hell, even an e-mail confirming that that person is now a member is expected. People need to get something. Sorry, this is only my opinion but I think it holds alot of truth to it and I think many would agree.
  15. GREAT.....just what Cole needs. MORE ATTENTION. You guys will never learn. :peek: :shoot: Your arce? :GWH: okey dokey then!
  16. Hey there's an idea. Or even something as simple as a membership card. I know a couple people here on DDR that have volunteered to help with these things in the past. These are the little things that are gonna make a huge difference with gaining members for FoDD. They have to get done though instead of just talking about it. :peek: :mic: :GWH:
  17. Thank you. I think that is what everyone was forgetting. It didn't matter where you went at Dumont on Halloween weekend- it was dusty everywhere due to the weather.
  18. Well before we can sign people up in large numbers, I think the FoDD website has to be updated first (yeah I know- it's being worked on). I used to have a link right on DDR to sign people up, but that link is now broken on FoDD's end. I understand FoDD does things behind the scenes, but I think the website is THEE MOST important tool in keeping an organization going. The internet is the public's #1 source for information. If there is no current info online, nobody is going to want to join because to them the organization seems dead. Just take a look at how this site has grown because there are constant updates being done and new information provided. That is more important than I think alot of people realize. People need to see things change directly from that group, not just hear about them from word of mouth or other websites. Damn.... I should have chosen marketing back on career day. I think with everyone's efforts, we can all help make FoDD an extremely strong organization. We just need to pull together to make it happen. As a FoDD business member, I have volunteered and donated my time and money in the past on many occasions and will continue to do so with whatever they need. If I didn't have enough on my plate already with this website (DDR), I would jump on board with the FoDD board of directors. But for now, I am going to continue to go and above and beyond the expected duties of an ordinary FoDD member whatever those may be. Terry & Vicki both know I am here for them and will support FoDD anyway I can. So, in short, as for a membership drive............I'm all about it. :GWH:
  19. I don't know what you guys are doing wrong. :laughoff: April (wetnwreckless) had issues before too with it being off.
  20. Thats crazy! Good air! Was anybody hurt in the McDonalds?
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