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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. topic closed click here for updates on Charlie's condition
  2. Yes it is correct. That is Richie's (50caliberracing's) business. He is a good friend of Charlie's and he is handling the donations and will make sure they get to him.
  3. Nooooooo, take the small car. We don't like that many people, remember?
  4. Start a list, don't start a list, I don't give a damn. Do you want my permission to fart too? This corporate prez talk is getting to be like lately. I'll be there defending comp hill from getting shut down and against remodeling the dunes with tractors to keep people from going over there to have a good time.
  5. :dance: Hey MAYbe. Maybe he installed some seats on the trans crossmember.
  6. :shout: IT'S NOT THAT BAD THOUGH! Think of it this way. There are less people racing now and more people just hanging out being stupid. That sucks because I go to the hill mostly to watch, race, and to hang out, BUT maybe it's for the better that not as many people are ON the hill at night. Maybe they are actually being MORE responsible by hanging out yelling at people with a megaphone to pop a wheelie rather than driving drunk up teh hill and running people over. Maybe they are being more repsonsible by laying in the back of their truck and some eating acid while staring at the stars in the sky. :dance: ok ok j/k about that one I say we all set an example for most and everyone CONTINUE to go to comp at night and have fun in a RESPONSIBLE way. It really IS possible.
  7. 1) I just think that there are different kinds of people. There are the ones who see a few bad things go on at comp and stay the hell away and then think that comp hill is the devil. Then there are people like me that see a few of the idiots you see over there, but ignore them and have fun with the rest of everyone else (my friends) at the hill. Comp has always been fun at night regardless of a few of the jackasses that try and degrade it. They don't ruin it for me. 2) If I had kids I would leave them at camp at night if I wanted to go party at the hill. Comp is adult time and camp is family time. I'd have to find a good balance for the two if I had kids- but that is never gonna happen becuase I'm not having any. Here's how I see it, everyone- if you don't like comp then don't go there just like ynot doesn't. I don't think comp is any worse than it used to be in the past few years. It's ever since there have been forums on the internet that people seem to blow the problems up to a much larger scale for some reason.
  8. Thank you thank you thank you guys! That is exactly why there isn't a rant section. Why just give up and add a section for that kind of stuff right? I thought about adding a rant section a while back only because it would probably bring up some funny reading material, BUT... in the end it only gives people more of a reason to b*tch, sets a negative tone on the forum and makes even more crap that we, the moderators, have to try and control.
  9. 1BADYFZ started this last time and it seemed to work. I thought we needed this since most everyone only wants to complain about the problems at Dumont lately. So here it goes for me.... -getting at least ONE really good dune ride in -getting to meet up with my "dune family" and hanging out with everyone again -being able to enjoy a small camp for a change -knowing that my woman had a GREAT weekend with me -having one of those "moments" while out on a ride in the midle of the dunes where you take a deep breathe and realize why you love duning so much -cruising through the aisles of comp and having so many fellow dune friends stop you and say whats up Those are just a few but the most important.
  10. 1) It is, but if you have noticed lately pretty much every topic on here is about someone bitching about Dumont. Do we really need ANOTHER topic like this? I feel your anger, but it isn't gonna help the situation. I hate all the things you listed above too, but they are slowly getting dealt with by the BLM and people that care enough to get involved. 2) If you go on teh big weekend, you HAVE to expect some of these things to happen. You are never gonna get rid of dumbass people or have complete control with that many people in one spot. 3) I never said to just shut up and deal with it. I think I have already made my point with this. These things are slowly being handled one thing at a time. And "Sorry you posted without being your my first..." ???? What does that mean? Did you think I lashed out at you because we don't know each other or something? I would have posted the same thing whether we were friends or not.
  11. What is this? Rant week? First of all I have never seen any "clicks" gang up on people when they disagree with someone who is a "buddy" of theirs. Personal attacks are not tolerated on here. :dance: So if you ever see that, please let a moderator know. Second, it seems everyone just wants to b*tch about the things they don't like about Dumont. This happens every year after Halloween on the forums. Everyone can't wait to get back out to the dunes, then they go on a holiday weekend and then when get home they b*tch about the same damn things that go on every friggen holiday weekend out there. I understand why the things bother you. They suck. But why not just skip the holiday weekends if it makes you that mad? You can't change people. It sucks. Third, there are already TWO threads like this. 1) http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=6307 2) http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=6318 Fourth: yeah, pick up a big rock and throw it at them. THAT is gonna make things better. Sorry, but with statements like that, I tend think you are the things you said people would think you are....not to mention immature as hell. Lighten up and try to think of something POSITIVE to post about your trip. I am not trying to come down on you hard just cause you don't post often either. I am just tired of seeing nothing but negative rant posts from people lately. If you hate the dunes so much, take up underwater basket weaving or something.
  12. Sweet! Anna and I are gonna come out and mooch off you! No seriously. I'll bring a cooler and some stuff to grill if we can chill after the race in the MGM with you guys.
  13. :dance: I think you blew that a little out of proportion, Terry, but that is just my opinion. Comp isn't THAT bad. From what I have seen, MOST of the people that go there at night aren't that stupid. You will get a small handfull of idiots that give everyone else a bad name anywhere ya go. (ie: liter bugs, people that bring stripper poles, megaphones, drugs, etc over there)
  14. Not a problem, Richie. I like to help any time I can. Ya just never know. You have to tell yourself that one day it could be yourself needing the donations. It is a dangerous sport and we all have to pull together and help each other out whenever a fellow duner needs help. I don't even know the guy (Chrarlie), but I can say this: I consider just about every guy out there enjoying the dunes a freind of mine. We all share a common interest and I like to think of everyone that goes to Dumont like a tight-knit community that are there for each other. I hope everyone keeps contributing and you can raise enough to help him out. It sounds like he will be layed up for a while.
  15. Thanks guys. I was more impressed with the lil header thing I made that says "project Rescue Rhino" than anything else. Writing all that made me feel like I was in school again. :dance: I was really happy to do it though. Don and Ellen deserve to be recognized and it was really cool that Craig did all that for them. Props to you, Criag. Thats awesome.
  16. "Put a burm up" - that is the dumbest idea ever. Now all the drunks who would normally be riding passenger will be out driving drunk through the dunes on bikes and in sandrails to get over to comp. You aren't gonna stop people from getting over there and partying. They are gonna get over there one way or another. The LEOs just need to start cracking down on certain things over at comp. When a truck goes hauling a$$ through the aisles- they should be stopped and ticketed for speeding. Don't the rules of Dumont state: "OHV's are to stay at a maximum of 15MPH when within 50 feet of a campsite, animals, or pedestrians"??? Thats what it states on the back of the passes. Ticket em for speeding or at least control these kinds of things that get out of hand.
  17. You have a point. Yes, it WAS a nice neighborhood until I had my DDR friends over!
  18. I have put together an article together about the camp host's newly redone Rhino. Don & Ellen are the camp hosts out at Dumont and own a Rhino. Craig (SandBlasted) over at eXtreme Outdoors was the main sponsor of the project. Check it out. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/project_rescue_rhino.html
  19. Thank you very much. At least SOME people share the same attitude. I made my donation yesterday.... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/charlie_donations.html
  20. Hey Bret, offroadracer was camped way out by bathroom 3. I think he saw a different camp with another trampoline- not yours.
  21. John, I'll see YOU from 4-12 on Saturday! I'll be sure to try and swing by. I plan on coming on to check the race out.
  22. He was camped with Brice right next to us over kinda by bathroom 6.
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