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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. 1BADYFZ said that, not mredgy. mredgy was just trying to quote him. My neighborhood is nice as hell.
  2. Many DDR members went over Sunday to pickup most of that trash.
  3. Good job, Adam! I am very glad to hear the rangers listened to you and actually did something about it. Last Thanksgiving I was very dissapointed when I notified the rangers of a very dangerous area full of rebar and fence posts. They didn't even seem to care and they did nothing about it. It's great to see that they are finally stepping up and helping with situations like this that are problems out there.
  4. I somewhat agree. This last weekend I went over to comp at night both Friday and Saturday. Friday I raced the hill with my car a bunch, except I only raced about 2 cars the whole friggen time! Saturday I went for the party atmosphere because my car was broke and I too was still pretty disappointed at the lack of action ON the hill rather than the base of the hill. I hope it doesn't get worse like Glamis is. I am all for a big party and stupid shananigans at night, but the whole point in going to the hill in the 1st place is to race or watch the racing action, hence the name COMPETITION hill.
  5. Damn, that sucks Sean. Hope you get it back together soon.
  6. THANK YOU...and sure you get a treat :shocked2: There ya go. :shocked2:
  7. Question.....Why are people posting trip reports about Amargosa and Glamis in the DUMONT section of the forum??? :shocked2: :shocked2: I'm glad you are ok, Jay.
  8. Talk about close calls! The old spot was full of em right in front of the vendors in it's centralized location.
  9. I thought the new vendors row area was pretty cool. I liked the way they have vendors on each side. It was kinda like a street with strip malls on each side. I only made it over there once this weekend really quick to buy a wheel bearing from Doghouse, but I thought it was a pretty cool new thing for Dumont. It was still dusty, but with no wind whatsoever this last weekend, it was dusty everywhere at Dumont. I don't think we'll have people getting stuck anymore or any near misses or accidents with people wizzing by like the old spot was. What did everyone else think about the new spot?
  10. Oh you don't have to tell me about getting tickets for some really stupid chit and then watching all these a$$ses haul a$$ pass camp, climb steep dunes with their daily drivers, drive & ride drunk as hell, leave all kinds of trash in camp, etc.....AND THEN GET AWAY WITH IT. :rant_on: :rant_on: ::::big breath::::....ok ok, I feel better now. I know the feeling all too well. You just have to try and be on extra cool behavior out there on holidays because the LEOs have alot of idiots to deal with and they don't seem to have the patience to figure who they are. So ya just gotta be cool.
  11. Amen to that That is the attitude I have seen all along with most people these days. Although I don't see many people doing too much as far as getting involved, I am still gonna try to do my part any way I can to help the situation....as well as not let it get to me anymore. For example: -Try and attend some of the TRT meetings -continue to pick up trash left behind by others and encourage people to get in the mind set of "Pack it in, Pack it out" -help FoDD anyway I can with membership drives, e-mails, ect- whatever they need -inform the BLM whenever people are blatently violating the rules -help out and promote the annual FoDD Dumont cleanup -educate as many people as possible about the RULES! <--that is the most important one right there. Alot of people don't even know about the rules regarding rebar/stakes, speeding in camp, etc.
  12. I don't really think the problem is getting worse. This isn't news. It used to really get to me, but there isn't much you can do. The leos MAY be able to enforce it a little better, but it is normal activity for a holiday weekend. Ever since we started talking and complaining about it on this board is when it started making me furious when I go out there and see it. I have learned to not let it bug me anymore. When I see it I just shake my head , drink my beer and say "God, I love Dumont" . Unfortunatley you can't change some people's behavior. Not trying to sound like a jerk, but if it makes you that mad, I'd suggest just trying the off weekends from now on.
  13. Maybe instead of everyone arguing about how irresponsible the rail driver was, maybe we should all just start chipping in for Charlie and help Richie raise some funds for the poor guy. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/charlie_donations.html You can point your finger all you want at the driver of the rail, but it isn't gonna change the fact that the dude, Charlie, is very badly injured and could use some help. I'm sure they will get it worked out one way or another with the responsible party. That guy driving the rail was very stupid to wheelie across comp on a big weekend, but let's just try and help out any way we can instead of just gettin all pissed off. Just my .02. Let's not force us to close this thread by gettting out of hand.
  14. Cole, I wasn't trying to get her involved or point the finger at anyone. I was just curious if that was her friend's car is all. Sorry Kayla- I didn't mean to get you involved in any way. I just recognized the car and thought it looked familiar.
  15. Well put, Craig. Many people don't realize the added expenses for vendors out there and how hard it is to make it worth their while to drive out there and try to make a profit. I appreciate the vendors and support them any way I can. There are some vendors who seem to try and take advantage of duners by charging VERY rediculous prices for things, but you seem to try and keep things pretty balanced and fair.
  16. You are right, Joseph. His name is Charlie. He is a good friend of 50caliberracing (Richie). Richie is taking donations for him and his family. He has a link on his site and I have also created a page with the link for it as well.... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/charlie_donations.html
  17. oh crap- isn't that the Shrek car? GirlWithHorns' friend?
  18. Thats very sad to hear. I hope he pulls through ok. My thoughts are with him and his family. Did this happen at Dumont or was it just from an accident somewhere else?
  19. So many of you all know about the accident at comp. Some guy felt the need to wheelie across the face of comp and basically ran over a guy on a banshee. After they hit the raill rolled. I heard the guy on the quad had some broken ribs and his face was pretty messed up. He was life flighted out. McGyver got some pics of the quad. I'm sure he'll post em up when he gets home. May this be a lesson to those that like to wheelie up comp. Save it for off weekends when the hill isn't full of people on bikes!!
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