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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. :peek: :peek: :shout: Halloween DDR meet & greet: Saturday, 2PM @ the south pole! :freakin_nuts:
  2. Yep, it sucks. I used to love working on stuff and building cars/trucks, but I just can't get into it anymore. By the time I get home, I can't even THINK about working on anything automotive related either. I wonder why????
  3. The 2 seaters are about 1000 lbs. They have come a long way.
  4. Yep, that was the latest word from ynot. He attended the TRT meeting on Tues so that should be correct info.
  5. InvisiTrophyKart!!! impressive, but WHY?
  6. We could be there earlier, but why? Why not take our time getting up, have breakfast, maybe go for a ride, and THEN go over when we are comfortable to do so? Huh Ken? huh? huh????Why not???? huh? So should we expect you and Jerry to show up and help then Sunday AM???
  7. Great!.....but does anybody know what the barometer, humidity, visibilty and dewpoint will be like??? I don't know if it will be quite badass enough for me to come out. Ya just never know these days. Maybe I'll stay home instead. If there aren't perfect weather conditions, there isn't good enough reason to go have fun in the sand and get drunk with friends! riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
  8. Just meet up at comp Sunday morning between 10 and 11 like Jim said and look for the only hungover idiots picking up trash and then just start helping. We'll be there.
  9. and a rail...oh wait thats right- you can't SEE invisirails. Those things are badass though. ???????? one of what?
  10. http://silverstaterc.homestead.com/contact.html ^ Thaaaaats pooooooopd*ck!
  11. PASSES or OHV stickers? Tha passes are only $20. I got mine for 20 yesterday from them. The stickers are $25 now from I've heard so far.
  12. It's gonna make the best of section fo sho.
  13. No, I am pretty damn sure Ed was talking about the RZR. You are WAY off RC! But funny as hell you thought of it that way. I really meant him calling him wife MAMA was disgusting. BUT, if he calls her that because she is the mama of their kids then I guess I can understand that. I have heard guys call their wives/significant others MAMA before but it was more in a creapy way. :fro_smokin:
  14. That must be one of their older cars. All the cars they build now are LT. My Short Sand Car has ~18-19" of travel in the rear and about 21 in the front.
  15. Does anyone know what the barometric pressure is gonna be out there this weekend? If it is too high I might not go.
  16. Hey Craig, get some pictures of that Rhino and of delivering it to Don & Ellen and I'll do a little write up about it on the homepage! Oh, and I don't have any Halloween shirts on hand, they are just printed "on demand" or as ordered online. Thanks though. Where are you camped at? I'll try to stop by and say hi.
  17. Are there many vendors there yet? How about other duners? Lots or not that many yet?
  18. Would you like your money back, Dan? Oh WAIT...that's right!
  19. yeah, let's wait till ISBB & I make a trip to Anaheim 1st before we attempt that again! Hopefully we can squeeze a trip in soon to make the upgrade.
  20. Yep,Jay is correct. That number is never gonna be accurate on any board using IPB forum software. It counts the guests and spam bots (& search engine crawlers) more than once. We've had about 60 or 70 people at most online at most. Usually that number is about 40-50 members and the rest are guests. I think it was so slow during the 2 yr anniversary because everyone was trying to access and post in the same thread at the same time.
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