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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. :dance: Nobody is being exiled nor banned from anything. stop it . I am camping in the same spot I have been camping in for years and doing the same thing I have always been doing out there- having fun and hanging with everyone. :dance: You are the one who said you're gonna be out by 9, not me. Looking forward to some good runs with you and everyone else :dance: and hanging out at comp to watch all the crazies.
  2. :dance: I just don't like it way out there that much. I am just gonna park where I always do. Don't take it personal. Besides, Jim & Steveo are gonna be with me and they just might turn the stereo on. :dance: j/k And yes of course I'll come get you for some rides. What did ya think, we were just gonna let you sit out on the rocks while we tore up some sand?
  3. yeah I already knew that. It's really rocky out there though. I am gonna probably just camp in the same spot I always do somewhere down from 6. Thanks though, Terry.
  4. So does this make you the new tacomama now?
  5. no, not butthurt. I thought it would be cool to have some more DDR neighbors, but thats cool you found a place with RV parking. Those places are hard to come these days. congrats, Ed.
  6. I see how it is! Hendo wasn't classy enough for ya?
  7. Yes, I agree...but only when they are off in the distance and not 20 feet from your trailer going back and forth.
  8. OH YOU'LL SEE! YOU WILL SEE. You will find out about 3 am at Dumont when you are hungry as a mofo and drunk as hell! It will be priceless!
  9. We have "Pizzazz influence!" That weekend was AWESOME!
  10. Get used to it. It sucks! No matter what you do, you will get the one a$$ that wants to race his loud a$$ quad nxt to your camp all freakin night! Even if you go out on a quite off weekend, you'll get some stupid guy that pulls up and feels the need to park about 30 feet from your camp. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT!!!???? :rant_on:
  11. Malcolm (Big Gunz) and crew (dsdcrew) are good people. Glad you had a good time, Mike. We'll see you out there soon enough!
  12. Hey Larry. Yeah we were talking about how you cruised up with the open beer. We were like "this guys is cool. He doesn't give a fk!" j/k That ranger was pretty cool though. Sorry I don't think I got to meet you in person. There was alot of people at the south pole. I don't think I meant you. Hope to meet up with you next time out there.
  13. Fugg it. Just walk into people camps and say trick or treat! :shout: Seriously though. You will put them on the spot if they DON'T have candy. Thats what happened to us one year! Some groups came up and said trick-or-treat and we all looked at each other like "OH CHIT! WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" We found some candy and treats to pass out and then we never forgot after that. I think most parents that drive their kids around look for the camps that have the most lights on and kinda feel em out. Rule of thumb: if you hear noise fom the camp, chances are that they have candy and will hook you up with something worth while.
  14. ok nevermind. I understood, forget it. I just didn't get the plural thing.
  15. Yep, I think that was you! Thats about when we were headin out as well. If I see you on Halloween I'll stop and say hi. You better have some cold beer though! j/k
  16. It is now mandatory that any newbies or members that have never showed up HAVE TO! j/k Hope to see many new peeps out there. It should be a good time! Don't be shy.
  17. Congratulations, Kristin. I bet you are stoked to finally have your own truck. very cool!
  18. Hey PJAY, was that you out by the south pole on kickoff weekend with trans troubles? I cruised up to a 4 seater that had broke his trans sometime on that Sunday (the 7th). I asked if he was ok to make sure he wasn't stranded out there and he said he was ok. I think it was 2 guys and a girl. Was that you? I was on a Raptor 660 followed by a white LTR450 and Suzuki utilty quad. Oh helllllll yeah! You know you want to! That would be awesome if you came out Terry. You HAVE to since you aren't gonna get much dune time in this season. I don't know wtf this talk about an official DDR camp is though. I haven't been invited yet. I might be all by my lonesome that weekend. I haven't really talked with anyone yet. That "camp" word seems to be almost as bad as "potluck" lately. :peek: yiah yiah! bow chica wow wow!!!!!! Sounds good. Welcome to DDR. We'll see you out there.
  19. The big plus side to a Pizzazz is that you don't have to wait for it to heat up. Just turn the knob, drink a beer or three, and 10-15 minutes later the thing goes "DING" and wham....you jump with joy as your deliciousness is ready to fugg up! Food turns out better than in an oven anyways. It stays crispier rather than getting soggy.
  20. This thing should handle awesome. Everything is mounted very low and towards the center of the car...even the gas tank and turbos. I can't wait to see how it does.
  21. OKAY OKAY.....I'll give you your cds back!
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