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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Will do, Bob. :worthless_without_pics: It will NOT be a holiday weekend though. Screw that.
  2. shouldn't this be in Dumont Happenings or no?
  3. You can get to Little Dumont without paddles for sure. You can also get almost anywhere in the dunes as well even on knobbies. It's pretty cool to go exploring off to the southwest end where there is sand and rocky hills. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&hl=...034418&z=15
  4. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one as far as the 2 piece goes. phhew!
  5. Well I got a chance to see exactly where the new Vendors Row is now. Is is a bit further back from where the BLM originally said it was gonna be. You can see where it is approximately on this grid map. Here are a few other pics to help give you an idea. the new sign just past the ranger station coming in... as seen coming FROM bathroom 6 area. It is way in the distance off to the left of the rockpile in this pic... In relation to bathroom 4 (shown). It is BEHIND 4.You can kinda see Doghouse to the left. a few vendors that were there last weekend...
  6. http://www.dwflags.com/store/ They make DDR flags a well. http://www.dwflags.com/store/view_product....umontduneriders
  7. The construction is all done now on Blue Diamond. It wasn't bad at all on Friday afternoon. I always go through Tecopa. It is about 30 minutes faster for me.
  8. There was some talk about that before on here I beleive. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...opic=5777&h
  9. man, great pictures Jodi! I think you need to have your title officially updated now: "DDR paparazi" some more good things from my weekend.... -getting to spend some more time with some other DDR guys and gals that I haven't gotten to hang with that much in the past as well as all the usual suspects -seeing the smiles on everyone's face...you could tell everyone was excited to be back out there -knowing that ISBB's bike wasn't smoked when he came back on a ride. He thought the head was cracked because of coolant signs near the head. Turns out it was an easy fix. THAT alone made my weekend right there. -Spending some time with my woman duniemonkie and being able to make her squeal once or twice on some fast buggy rides and the fact that she still complimented me on my driving abilites. Thanks babe. -being surrounded by so many awesome people all weekend -laughing about the "angry pirate" story that Anna told with chuck (crd450) and Randy (Ocean03) -having a weekend where everything went right, weather was awesome, and nobody got seriously hurt. Life is good.
  10. We need to hook up sometime for some runs. You guys look like you share a similar driving style as us. Wish I would have know that was you. I would have introduced myself and said hi. Oh well, next time for sure.
  11. You make it sound like a bad ride when you put it like that! That was an awesome ride for sure. We were haulin a$$! When everyone caught up they were like "why did you stop?" TO WAIT FOR YOU GUYS!
  12. Bob I asked Jeff (Eliminator) about that. It was still down at Redline getting some work done to it.
  13. Yeah, like YOU not getting enough air off that jump! I thought that was funny as hell. The ranger pulls up and everyone is like "aww damn...now what?" Then you hit the jmp and he goes, "that's it? That was pathetic! I should give him a ticket for that sucking so bad." Then on top of it all he didn't even harrass you for the whip. That guy was really cool.
  14. I know how much you wanted to see her too, Jason.
  15. Way to go, Sam. You dork! Well I was still giddy and had a smile on my face when I posted in the observations thread so I will just post the link for that post if anyone feels like reading it that missed it. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...st&p=100026
  16. That b*tch really needs one of my pimpshack backhanders now! That really sucks, Jason. I got your text and told a bunch of everyone in camp and they were blow away that it was canceled after you drove all teh way out there. Did rolling up your pantleg and putting your hat sideways keep you two safe at the Strato?
  17. yeah I hear ya. It wasn't directed at you really. It's just that over the last couple months alot of people really seem like to b*tch and moan on the site about something and that's not what this place is about. I'm just trying to keep this place worth a damn ya know? It could go to chit real fast if everyone jumped on the b*tch wagon.
  18. exactly I had a blast this last weekend and came back in a great mood. It seems everyone else must have had a pretty bad weekend I guess.
  19. NV Offroad Buggy. Thier info is on the homepage
  20. Sorry I missed ya, David. South pole: go to comp, go around the back side to the left and just follow the border of the sand until you get to the finger and follow it out. You can't miss it. Any more info than that I'll have to kill ya.
  21. :shout: Nobody on here is trying to get out of paying! WTF is wrong with everyone!!???
  22. Sorry- but to me it sounded like you were bitching about it. And no- my panties aren't in a bunch, besides....I wear boxers. If you go back and read what I put I had nothing but positive stuff to say. Yes, I understand it will be more rough in a motorhome, but like I said- it hasn't EVER been any smoother than it was this last season so it was nothing new. ok, I'll take you up on that on Thursday.
  23. Why does everyone say it was that bad??? Is it another case of wanting to b*tch about something? I thought it was in damn good shape. Yes, it had SOME wash-boarded areas, but for the most part it was really smooth. It was more dusty than the last time cause that layer of asphalt is getting pretty thin. I went the speed limit (25) towing my hauler and it felt just fine. It wasn't any worse than any weekend I have ever gone out there before. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I like the crappy entrance road. I like that there are no dumpsters. I like that there are no facilites. I like Dumont for what it is.
  24. I didn't know that. I thought he posted that he was gonna be out at Glamis. This is what he posted while quoting your post about going to Glamis. I read that wrong then.
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