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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. You will probably see OGP and Joe Duner when you get out there. OGP is already there and Joe Duner is on his way right now. You can't miss the 2 "minivan" Funcos.
  2. Yes he is. He told me a couple hours ago that he got Sunday off and he'll be rolling out Fri afternoon. I'm pretty sure he is parking over with barefoot bob.
  3. dunefreak


    Jason, just roll one pant leg up to your knee, turn your hat to the side, and walk with a limp. You'll fit right in and nobody should mess with you. It's kinda ghetto in that area downtown, but you should be fine at the hotel. I wouldn't sweat it.
  4. ok well here is most of it... 2 of the 3 cops that responded told Jim that "you guys with your quads, rails, and quads" are just as bad as the kids with their loud stereos these days. You go around showing off and then complain when it gets stolen. I don't understand how he was "showing off his stuff". And even if he was does it make it right to have your sh*t that you work hard for get stolen or vandalized? The cops attitide was "well, that's what you have insurance for right?" They were almost making Jim out to be the bad guy here. They were also giving him a pretty hard time for chasing after the guys. They asked him what he would have done once he caught them. Jim told em that he would have whooped their a$$ for breaking into his stuff. The cop's reply was "Well sir I highly advise against that" or something to that effect. Jim told the cops that next time it happens- he won't even bother calling them and that he would take it into his own hands. :assrock: :smoker: :redhat: The cop said "I don't recommend that either." Some cops give the good ones a real bad name these days. They don't even seem to want to help find these kind of people and prevent it from happening again. I don't get it. You work hard for your stuff, then when it gets messes with you are just suppossed to sit back and let it happen???? Eff that! This is America and anyone who works for things protects his stuff anyway he can. If the law won't help protect us, who else will? WE WILL! I don't think jail teaches these punks anyways. I think a good old fashion beatdown works best. :assrock:
  5. :smoker: Don't worry about it, Jason. They are only talking about it on here. There is nothing illegal about that. WE aren't selling guns on the site so no worries. Our terms and conditions pretty much cover things like this. Forum Terms & Rules Damn, cheese.....making me get all corporate and chit! :assrock: :assrock: I understand you are just looking out.
  6. Yeah, Steveo does video surv. as well. But that doesn't help Jim now- he didn't have cameras on his house.
  7. haha, yeah sorry. ISBB is working on trying to get the old attachments back up. It seems that everything past July of this year got deleted by Zukifreak on accident during some server maintenance. oops! He's gonna see what he can do though.
  8. Yep, not too far from there! About 2 miles away I'd guess. Jim can give the details if he wants.
  9. dunefreak


    This is freakin rediculous. I just got off the phone with my mom. She told me some lady that she works with heard a noise last night. She went into a room of her home to find some guy that had broken in to her apartment laying down on the floor trying to hide. She grabbed her gun and shot his a$$! She had 3 kids in her home too! I guess the guy ran off leaving a trail of blood. I hope they caught him. Crazy! She should have finished his a$$ off! BTW: She lives near Charleston & Nellis I guess.
  10. a FEW? NO, just one really big one. :rant_on:
  11. Yo Jason, do me a favor and give her a pimpshack backhand would ya? :afro: Have fun!
  12. Hey speaking of rocks, what about that video you e-mailed me that showed what happened to those other rock throwers. I was thinking the same thing.
  13. yeah whatcha got? I need some more protection at home with all these piece of chit thieves and vandals lately.
  14. If your caution tape is on the finger dune you can count on me mowing it right down if it is right in the path. That is another thread that will go forever though. I meant driving on the finger dune with a vehicle (truck). Its a long story. :rant_on:
  15. No, not to enforce that any more than they are already....because evidentally driving on the finger dune is reckless! :rant_on:
  16. :shout: :rant_on: :rant_on: :rant_on: Welcome to DDR!
  17. Let me know when you begin to carry the passes. I thought of putting a list together here on DDR to inform everyone- maybe teh dumont info page. I will include your business info.
  18. Great job, Bob! Looks really good, you two. Congrats! See ya this weekend.
  19. Yeah but the cops aren't exactly being very helpful so far for him. (long story from when Jim called them when this happened) I am gonna talk to a friend of mine (a Henderson PD officer) tonight and ask what he recommends.
  20. probably knowing that ol timer. So......about that weather huh! Looks like its gonna be nice this weekend.
  21. sensitive??? You must have read that way wrong.
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