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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. It's probably nothing to do with your ECU. Have you checked it for codes? Can you hook a scan took up and see if it's going lean or if there are any VTEC solenoid codes?
  2. Totally would but I work tomorrow and Saturday. Have fun bud. Keep the dune reports coming. Even if I can't be out there, it's good to see you guys having fun in the sand.
  3. Gotta click the source button first before you paste the code.
  4. Gee thanks for the invite, Mike! Thanks for checking in. Looks gorgeous out there.
  5. You're welcome. It was a really great weekend. Nice and chill. If you make your FB live video public, I think you can embed it like I did.
  6. Not sure what to tell ya. It's just YouTube. Try this link. Maybe the embedded video doesn't want to show up on your computer. https://youtu.be/n4-EE-VLEd8 Ok, I think cleanup is my last trip of the season, but ya never know. Keep me posted.
  7. I am running the stock ECM, but with some custom stuff done to eliminate the trans part of it so it runs right. BTW, I didn't build it. It has a separate controller to drive two additional injectors that spray just before the throttle body. With this setup I run 10 psi of boost on race gas.
  8. @Jmanx lets hook up for cleanup weekend.
  9. Yes, it's my fender. No I didn't step off. See second pic. lol Watch the video that I posted a couple posts back and you'll see the whole thing. It happens at 1:20 minutes in.
  10. Couple great screen grabs from my "oops" moment.
  11. Only a few of us planned on heading out last weekend, but at the last minute we got quite a good group together and we ended up having a really fun dune trip despite a little bit of wind. Saturday was only breezy at times and the temperature was perfect. The dunes have finally dried out but with any "dune repair", the W has created quite a few sketchy areas. There are many razorbacks, a few drop offs, and some witch eyes that usually aren't there well into dune season. The dunes were pretty difficult to read at times with the wind and overcast sky, but we managed to get some decent-paced rides in. I was super stoked to take out my new KTM with a paddle tire this trip. It's been a LONG time since I've duned on two wheels and it took me a little bit to get into the groove again, but I picked it back up and had blast on my new bike. It brought back many good memories of riding out there. I only dumped it once and that's because my front tire got swallowed up in a super soft patch. Don't worry, the GoPro got it all. haha Anyways, here's some pics... Friday night around the fire Saturday morning run Like I said, the dunes were NICE @jetjock15, @ItsWeeks and a couple others showed up for a day trip. I took my bike out for a quick little photo shoot. You don't see too many street legal dune bikes. Another buggy run This Ford was duning pretty good! We headed out to the South Pole to check out the new pole. Nice work guys! Just as we pulled up I noticed @Jmanx spotted us and followed us over to hang out. As I was suiting up for another bike ride, Mike & Jodi were going for a run and asked me if I wanted to join them. At first I was like nah, I wanted to go for a solo ride, then I decided to chase them down and join in. The desert is almost ready to start blooming. @rogers807 made for a great shot out at Taladega looking south I stopped at the top of comp and did a FB Live video. The wind was kicking up! We went for a quickie run (more or less just played around) and stopped to enjoy the sunset. It was one of the best ones of the season. Saturday night we watched Supercross on the big screen and loved the 3-4 minute fireworks display from Johnnie's camp next door. Saturday night got a little breezy, but it still wasn't too bad. We all made a group decision to be up and duning around 7:30/8 AM. We turned in and woke up to some awesome dunes. Sunday morning was perfect. You would never think a huge wind storm was coming. Chad, Steve, Ben and I duned out to the North Pole. We played around on the finger dune for a little bit. And then this happened. lol The wind came in quick and blew hard. We all packed it up and got the hell out of there.
  12. I'm planning on being there this year. Who else is going out? Wanna do a DDR group camp like buggy roundup?
  13. Dumont is not affected by this new change, but Ocotillo, Oceano, and other areas are. The bulletin, http://ohv.parks.ca.gov/pages/1234/files/OHV Information Bulletin - Non-Resident Red Sticker Equipment.pdf
  14. woohoo the 500 is dune ready!
  15. Not many people actually ride out there anymore. Most people have buggies and SxS's. Quads are almost a thing of the past it seems. But I've noticed more and more dirtbikes lately though so yeah. Cool product. I just had to fab up a mount for my bike a couple days ago. This would have worked well too.
  16. Yep, it's a popular route. There's a powerline road that runs parallel to the highway on the north side. Or you could go up the 160 towards mt potisi and unload at the parking/ staging area close to the hifgway. From there you can drive up Cottonwood and it's about 11-12 miles to the Pioneer. That would be the more technical and fun way.
  17. awesome. Lets get a dune report! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/conditions/
  18. Awesome. Lets get together Jake. We plan to watch Supercross Saturday night on the projector. You guys are welcome to come by.
  19. We have a winner. Great shot, Jodi (and everyone else this month). We had some good ones in there. The site has been updated.
  20. "Old Glory", submitted by @sand chick
  21. Probably because you took them with your phone and it does that for some reason with some phones. Do you have an iphone? I've been trying to figure it out or report it as a bug. I fixed em
  22. hahaha good question! Hope to see you out there soon, Vic. You said you're doing the cleanup weekend right? I'm shooting for that weekend as well as this weekend too.
  23. Ah damn it. We need to link up one of these days out there. I'll have my new 500 with a paddle this trip too.
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