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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. There's a whole thread about that, Chris. 2PM, Saturday
  2. something about a trans seal I doubt it. Usually they're only out there on the big holiday weekends.
  3. hahaaa....this was a good one. Should I move it to the best of section or do ya want more?
  4. Looks awesome, you two!
  5. Yep...you are correct! This cracker doesn't get it one bit.
  6. Talk about taking something too far.
  7. BTW, I will have some shnazzy new DDR stickers on hand at the south pole for whoever wants to pick some up from me. I just picked them up today so I haven't figured out how much I paid for them yet. Just bring a couple bucks with you if you want some. The price for each will be whatever I payed for them and we'll call it good.
  8. brow? Are you calling him an eyebrow?
  9. For those that don't know how to click .... Hope that helps.
  10. Good God Jim. READ! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/#passes
  11. But to answer your question.....basically what Anna said. I would drop em whoever they are. It sounds like they aren't worth your time anyways.
  12. I was kidding...hence the smileys. ok, screw you. I'm not calling you back now. It did almost seem like you got butt hurt though cause I saw a missed call from you and then right after I saw this thread. I still didn't think you were talking about me though. I just had to throw that in there for a good laugh.
  13. Sorry...I was busy as hell earlier taking care of some chit, Dan! Jeez! Are you talking about me here or what? :angry2: Sorry. I'LL CALL YOU RIGHT NOW! :porn:
  14. For you- never....until you finally turboed your car. :angry2:
  15. The really big group rides usually only end up fast near the end when we have lost 3/4 of the group. :angry2: They are usually a medium pace so we don't lose people. Then when people start to vear off and they take their own route, we take it up a notch. So I wouldn't worry about it being a crazy ride until the last half of it. I understand being it's maiden voyage though.
  16. You know what he means, Ed. :angry2: Desert meaning rough dirt and rock terrain. Sand meaning...well....sand and only sand.
  17. I hear ya. Tim just explained to me what is up. Hope you get it fixed. Good luck, hope to see ya there. :angry2:
  18. get that crap ready! :angry2: You have a few more days.
  19. yep, this really isn't anything new. http://www.dumontduneriders.com/#passes It will be a pain until everything gets in place, but should work out in the end.
  20. Sweet. I almost forgot about him. It's always fun duning with Chuck. How about Gerald? You in, cmyfirepole???
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