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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. BTW, I'd rename this topic if I were you. It sounds like you are talking about Monster Rails, the company.
  2. but I agree. To each thier own though. Everyone is into different things. It's just like the crazy stereos people are putting in their rails. You gotta think about this too though- not everyone dunes like we do, Tim. Some just like to "look cool" at the hill or wheelie and jump alot. I bet if they went on a fast dune ride (or tried) they'd rethink their setup.
  3. Actually...I thought you were kidding in the first quote! WOW!
  4. YYYYEAH...thats it. Kenny, that dealer had to report the sale one way or another. I don't care what your sales guy told you.
  5. This one's for high octane junkie Joe Fab Mullet
  6. This one? Well I agree. I don't need all that either, but... to each their own. Maybe the dude loves duning and listening to music. Maybe he loves the "woopity dooo looky at meeee" attention. Who knows? There was also the car that monsterman posted about that had a crazy azz stereo in it too.... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...ost&p=89940
  7. Actually that assembly is WELDED direct to the frame of the hauler. More info on Toyloks. http://www.toylok.com/toylok_features.aspx awesome!
  8. I don't care if he has a 100 HP YFZ or a damn 70cc ATC. Who cares! Is it October yet? We're almost there. This summer has caused alot of drama in people's lives. It's just sand! Topic closed. Let's hope this is the last drama topic of the summer. I'm tired of the red a$$es, the corporate dune talk, and feces spewers.
  9. wtf? I think you need to rename this topic. Anyways, here's my crazy azz observations: -california traffic sucks! -not as many flatbillers at the show this year, but still a few -Beers were $7, not 8 -Our "camp" at the sand show was great. We took over a WW and packed about 8 of us in there. "This is what it would look like if you bought this trailer and your friends were to come hang out in it" <--great sales pitch, Pauly! -some of the girls there at some of the booths really needed to put some more clothes on -alot of people didn't get duniemonkie's Slightly Stoopid shirt. The shirt isn't pointing saying "I'm with Stoopid"!....it's a hand passing a J! DUMBA$$! -evidentally it takes 30 minutes to put a bun on a plate and scoop a spoonfull of potato salad into a bowl you stupid vendors at the show. -bling bling and more bling all looked the same after a while -funniest quote of the weekend: Jim & Pauly Paul: "Paul you have to turn right to go to Malone's" (then, as Paul is already in the right turn lane ready to turn right).....he says "aww man", turns on his LEFT turn signal and says "Balogna...that sounds delicious!" Then turns right! -there was a chrome cheese :fro: down on Main street in Huntington -We could have cooked a frozen corn dog next to those damn heat lamps outside at the Huntington Beer co. -richard cheese starts crazy off-the-wall-threads and topics in PERSON too! "I read this article the other day about...." -duniemonkie and I got lost coming back from Huntington, then in Newport, but finally managed to find our hotel. -there were guys doing the down in Huntington -california traffic sucks! -duniemonkie and I saw some dude sleeping in his underwear on the beach in Newport while pitching a tent
  10. Welcome to DDR. Halloween is one of the bigger wekeends out there. It is usually really busy and packed with people. It's alot of fun, but you have to be really careful though. There are a couple of things that make it more dangerous than other holiday weekends. 1) Everyone is really amped up because they have been waiting all summer to go out and it's usually their first trip of the season. People tend to overlook a few things and not take safety into consideration. 2) The dunes are very steep and sharp from the summer months. They are harder to read than normal and people sometimes forget this. I'd say there will be about 20,000+ visitors that weekend. You can read some posts from a trip report from Halloween 06. Click here.
  11. nooooo, no no. That is an entirely different dance. The Sophie dance kinda goes... The Monkie dance kinda goes... duh! j/k
  12. Here are a few others from my pics... badass lil trophy truck from Full Potential Didn't see monsterman (not sure who he was though), but here are those cars he posted up not too long ago...
  13. I thought this car was pretty unique. It has an Ecotec with a belt driven trans. I'm not sure if I'd like that, but it is definitley different. The price tage doesn't seem too bad on the car either.
  14. No, actually there really weren't that many. I know what you mean. Last year it seemed there were as many blinged out Rhinos than sandrails at the show. I think everyone just really liked the RZR's and posted pics of them. They are definitely better looking farm equipment than the Rhinos. Now that I think about it, I didn't even see that many Rhinos this year.
  15. Yep I agree, barneycar. So many of the cars at the show were so close in designs that they looked like they could have been the same builder with just a different name slapped on them. I saw 2 other types of minirails that looked like direct copies of Short Sand Cars. They had the exact same suspension geometry, frame design including cross braces, etc. Happyhour, I agree as well. I understand why some of these companies feel like they need to "out do" the competition with bringing it to a rediculous level for the show factor, but when it really comes down to it....are they really gonna sell that crap? Who has that kind of money? If these companies started building more affordable sandrails that are just real plain and simple for less money, I think they'd get alot more customers. There is no reason you have to spend $75,000 or whatever on a sandrail. The fun factor is usally the same with a less expensive car that dunes just as well.
  16. The parking lot was like a swap meet I think this was Laid Back Duner's car for sale... Here are the rest of my pics-->click here
  17. I had lots of fun this year. There was some really nice stuff there like usual. It was great seeing everyone and hanging out when we could. I saw a few DDR members that I didn't even think were gonna be at the show. It was nice chatting and hanging out with everyone at the FoDD booth. It seemed like it was kinda the "home" booth for Dumont people. Everytime you'd walk by there would be someone you know there hanging out with FoDD. Hanging out with the usual DDR suspects at Huntington Sat night was fun as hell. I wish we would have known exactly where and when we were going that night so Bob and a few others could have come out. We finally got to meet richard cheese in person. Nice guy. Thanks again for the drinks, Jason. Good times for sure. You and your wife are good people. We had some good laughes. Here are a few pics... barefoot bob and duniemonkie doin a lil dance a big azz SU car (monkie added for reference) Sandemon keeping a Dumont duner informed Funcos new gen 5 check out the wheels... Anna SO wants one of these ...
  18. Well why would you say it in the middle of a thread like this? Alot of stuff you say just doesn't make sence to me. Sorry
  19. What the hell does that mean? Well put, Craig.
  20. I have way too many to post right now. What an awesome trip. Gooood times. Will post more up later.
  21. what? Just like I said, I didn't get trashed at the show. Dude! :shout: I didn't end up drinking OR spending that much. I think you are just jealous I had a good time.
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