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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. You sure about that, Bert? I got the same newsletter and didn't read that in the article.
  2. Actually I'd be buying Ford. Chevys are most expensive these days. I can't believe we are having this conversation.
  3. All the latest info regarding the passes is on the homepage. The BLM is in the process of changing how passes are going to be handled. Unfortunately they haven't got everything set in stone yet. Season passes won't be available until probably November. Till then you will have to purchase weekly passes, yes at the pay station for now. That money spend on those passes will go towards a season pass once they get everything in order. Yes it sounds like a pain. You'll be the first to hear when the changes are made. I will keep the homepage updated.
  4. She meant Shark Reef, Mark. Sleeping with the fishies? wtf u talkin bout dude?
  5. "My Chevy is sooooooooo much better than your Dodge."
  6. Yep, it's true. DDR is a giant corporation. Here is a look at the "higher ups" behind the scenes working on making DDR a better community.
  7. I don't know why this had to be posted twice, but here is the other thread.... http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...?showtopic=5662
  8. yeah it took me a while...a whole 30 seconds if that Some people seem to have anger issues because of Chevrolet I guess.
  9. There are alot of things wrong with that picture. 1) that guy has a Ford 2) that guy has a Honda 3) that guy's door and awning is on the wrong side 4) that guys table is upside down and 5) that guy's "4x4" graphics are backwards too Not bad for a grease monkey huh?
  10. I think it still kinda is in one way or another. There's alot of stuff going on in this thread.
  11. OK ....topic closed...close enough! Ynot is the winner. Thanks to everyone for the pics and to those who voted. Please enter again in a couple weeks.
  12. HA! You guys think the road was bad this time around? You should have taken the road a couple months ago after they first layed that crap down. THAT was bad. It shook the damn wood paneling right off my fridge. Hopefully they do something soon with it when they get the second batch of recycled asphalt.
  13. Nope, I told them 1 king and they said $89/ night. I was like WTF...it was $56/ night last year. I said screw it and got a room at the Holiday for the same price. See ya there, curved bill and all.
  14. OH MY GOD! Grab a chair everyone. GONE CORPORATE? How the hell is that? Ya know I have put alot of time and work into this site just so everyone and including myself could stay in better contact with each other and talk about dune trips, etc amongst my friends. I am pretty pissed that you'd say such a thing, Aaron. Ever since the site got bigger and bigger I found that some of my friends (including you now I guess) began thinking that I somehow changed as well. All I ever want to do is go out and have a good time with my dune buddies, but I guess that is too "corporate" for you. And as for that ONE dune ride that pissed you off, how does that have anything to do with me? So Pauly and Brice's buddy, Jeff, pissed you off by almost hitting you and rocked you that day at Dumont when we did a crazy hard run. Get over it. Yes it was messed up that they cut you off like that, but chit happens when you ride like that. Thats not how we ride everytime and you know that. Those kind of rides sometimes just happen. Even back in the day when you had your 426 we'd get in some crazy tight neck and neck racing through the dunes. I remember eating alot of sand and rocks from your turbo paddle. Did you ever hear me crying about it? no. Thats duning for ya. Maybe the old days will never be again because you are too worried about your paint getting chipped now. Look... all I'm saying is I don't do anything different than I used to. I go out to the dunes, hang out with my friends, maybe (heaven forbid) meet some other riders along the way, and just plain have fun. Sorry if I ever got too corporate on you...whatever that means. Its just sand and good times. Thats how it has always been for me. If thats not how it is for you anymore...sorry to hear that, but don't blame me.
  15. Hey Bobby, this year we upgraded to the Holiday Inn for the same price. Super 8 wanted 90 bucks a night this year. Maybe we'll see ya at the show.
  16. I wasn't insinuating that you were actually "crying". Come on! The old joke gets old after a while huh? And this same old chit talk between you hillshooters going on and on and on doesn't? It all sounds like the same friendly chit talk to me. Get over it- you still seem to take it too serious. All we wanna do is go riding w/ ya like the old days but you are over at the hill all friggen day long drag racing. Take it as a compliment that your friends wanna hang out with you.
  17. ok this whole friggen tie thing is rediculous. We need more votes by the end of the day so I can update the pic on the homepage. :shocked2:
  18. Just get her a wheel chair and push her through the show. You can run people over with it and say get the eff outta the way! :shout:
  19. WTF? Good luck with that, Cole. :shocked2: I don't thinnk there are gonna be many people out there. Steve is going out there this weekend? He told me his first trip is in October.
  20. nope...you might not understand what it means.
  21. Oh quit yer , Aaron. You know Pauly, Bert and myself have and always will give you chit for hillshooting. Its all in fun as well. You can't take that stuff serious.
  22. Thank's guys. I still have to go back and edit some screwups. All those hours in front of the damn pc I left out some words. :shocked2: Thanks Gerald.
  23. Yeah, like Bob said....there aren't too many witches eyes out there. I was out there I think like 4 or 5 times this summer. Theres just alot of dunes as steep as sand can possibly stack. :shocked2:
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