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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. whats up Scott. Well, here's the scoop. There will be no more potlucks in our camp. They were great in the beginning, but they got way outta hand real quick and just aren't worth it anymore, especially to those that were "hosting" them in front of their toyhaulers and to those that were stuck on the grill so everyone else could have fun and eat. It's just like the giant group DDR camp thing. Once cool, but got too big and just isn't the same. Those are a thing of the past as well. We still meet up at the south pole on the Saturday of most bigger weekends for a DDR meet & greet and sometimes coordinate a ride to follow. How did your car turn out with the color change? Is it done? I haven't seen any pics yet. :dance:
  2. I know. I was just giving ya chit cause you post ALOT of random "crap". :shocked2: So do you get like DEE DEE DEE news alerts via text message then or something?
  3. This thread brought to in part by d!k cheese news headlines. back on topic... Thats messed up. What a POS.
  4. You guys must be tired as hell and wore out. Danielle also called it Memorial Day weekend in a pm to me. Unless you actually meant more people this time than Memorial weekend.
  5. Glad you had a good time Kenny. Cool pics. You're dad didn't burn down the house while you were gone, but I guess you already know that huh?
  6. Nice! Progress is looking great. I saw how well Crowdog's Revenge car turned out. Those cars are badass. I bet you are getting excited.
  7. Very cool, Ash. Perfect. One more request...does anyone have any pics of the Ranger station?
  8. Thanks, Woody. I'm all set on the pics for Sperry wash.
  9. Anybody have some more? 1) a recent picture of the north pole all by itself (with no people in the pic) 2) kids having fun the north pole 3) the rock pile 4) vendor row 5) Banshee Hill 6) comp hill on a busy weekend 7) the superbowl (no, not the football game either ) 8) Sperry Wash Trail
  10. no biggie- I have a couple that will work
  11. awesome....thanks so much Tiff!
  12. Aaron, I think Banshee Wars if off for good. That's the vibe I got from Sean. I'm sure there will still be plenty of hillshooters there that weekend though regardless. That's the season kickoff weekend.
  13. Hey everyone, I am looking for some pics of a few things at Dumont and was hoping you could help me out. I am working on something for the site and need some pics that you are willing to have published on DDR's pages. Here are the things I need some good picturess of: 1) a recent picture of the north pole all by itself (with no people in the pic) 2) kids having fun the north pole 3) the rock pile 4) vendor row 5) Banshee Hill 6) comp hill on a busy weekend 7) the superbowl (no, not the football game either ) 8) Sperry Wash Trail Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  14. oh come on- it was only taken down because I asked everyone to please limit the posts to pics only. It gets pretty cluttered over there trying to search through all the comments just to find who all the actual entries are when it comes time to vote. Sorry it wasn't personal.
  15. I thought about it but no. They want about $600 for a booth. That would mean we'd have to sell alot of shirts and stickers to make that up.
  16. You guys noticed that too huh? I was giving him chit for that. :icon_twisted:
  17. How early it was when we pulled in... Getting ready to go ride... Taking a break at the :icon_twisted: Here ya go, Craig. A pic of the new ride in the sand. A little friend that hung out with us for a while Craig fixing his fuel line that fell off during a ride pics of the sand... the new river crossing...
  18. Me, wingnut, Pauly, and Vince headed out this am to D. We got there well before the sun came up. I think that is the earliest we have ever gotten there for a morning trip. We also met up with Charlie (Ball-n-Chain's husband) It felt great to be back on 2 wheels again. I took my 2 wheeler and so did Pauly. Wingnut & Vince were on their quads. It was quite the challenge to stay up. Holy crap was the sand soft as hell. Wingnut said he watched me plow through the sand and it was up to my axle most of the time. It was crazy. I don't think I have ever been out there on my dirtbike when it has been that soft. When you let off the throttle your bike would just wanna stop. Talk about power robbing sand. I managed to pull off a pretty cool trick during one of our rides. I did an endo/sommersault/ flip/ over the bars kinda move and managed to never let go of the bars. I came over a roller and when the front tire came down the transition it just STUCK. I think I was in 2nd or 3rd gear too. My momentum wasn't even enough to keep the tire rolling. As soon as I went over I hopped up to make sure Craig didn't land on top of me. I only barely bruised my leg and a very small bit of skin was lost, but nothing to even worry about. We had a couple of good rides and we were done by about 8:30 or 9. The sand became pretty white-washed and it became dangerous to try and read the dunes. We chilled till about 10 and then headed out. There were only about 3 or 4 small groups out there. The weather wasn't bad at all. It started to get a lil warm towards the end of our last ride, but a breeze started to pick up and it felt pretty nice even with temps over 100. Good rides & great laughes. Thanks guys. :icon_twisted: pictures to come.....
  19. Yep...it's an invisible fence that when you go out of bounds and hit it you get thrown back into the middle of the dunes like in the ATV Offroad Fury video game. :icon_twisted:
  20. Chase like I told you in the pm, I am very sorry to hear that someone on DDR would be such a low life scumbag and do such a thing and then try to speak on our (DDR) behalf. We do not tolerate personal attcks or threats of any kind. If we find out anyone is using the board as a tool to threaten or harm someone or their property you can bet we will ban them from the site. That is just uncalled for. Please let me know if any further malicious e-mails or pm's are sent to you. I am going to be looking into this a bit further.
  21. I see where you guys are coming from, but Ryan has his reasons for not wanting the pics up yet. And no...this is not just a sand car. It is much much more than a sand car for sure. I can't believe the engineering that has been put into this thing. It's gonna be the baddest thing out there AND on the street. :icon_twisted:
  22. Did the bike run good, Aaron? Yeah we might make an early run tomorrow AM. You up for another ride? I have room.
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