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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Not at Dumont. I haven't seen a rental place out there in several years.
  2. According to the AB1595 law, 38603. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not allow a passenger to occupy a separate seat location not designed and provided by the manufacturer for a passenger. 38604. A person operating a recreational off-highway vehicle shall not ride with a passenger, unless the passenger, while seated upright with his or her back against the seatback with both feet flat on the floorboard, can grasp the occupant handhold with the seatbelt and shoulder belt or safety harness properly fastened. I doubt this is strictly enforced at Dumont though. As long as you have a helmet on and are playing by the rules, you'll probably be ok.
  3. Like ynot said, there are sand highways/ trails. It's pretty loose. Just go easy on the throttle in the rocky stuff and your paddles will be just fine. From the camp area just go south until you hit the fence and follow it all the way around the mountain to the little dunes. There are plenty of noticeable trails to bring you there.
  4. Yeah Terry definitely made the cleanups a good time with the raffle. That drew quite a crowd.
  5. Looks like Friends of El Mirage is helping out again this year, so yes there will be lunch. More info
  6. We have used Dish with a satelite to stream it. I haven't heard of a way with Cox.
  7. If I get my car fixed by then, I plan to head out Saturday morning and stay until Sunday night or Monday. Can you believe I haven't been out for Prez Weekend since about 2009 or 2010? More President's Weekend info here, http://www.dumontduneriders.com/news/presidents-day-weekend-2017-r111/
  8. There's no doubt that this season has been a cold and wet winter. The dunes have been hammered over the last month because of the rain in December. The sand is usually quick to dry out because of the prevailing Dumont winds, but the cold temperatures have kept things damp below the surface. Although some areas are quick to return to virgin smooth sand, the tops of the dunes take more time to dry out. You'll notice how one side of a dune will be perfectly smooth and the other will look like the surface of the moon. When it rains, water collects and cuts deep ruts as it runs down from the razorbacks. The end result? Some ugly dunes! At the beginning of last weekend, the dunes were pretty wet with those funky ripples of "dune cellulite" as I call it. But as each day went by, there was already a noticeable difference in the condition of the sand. Each day it dried out a little bit more. On the south end of the dunes, they were in great shape and were already drying out. So don't worry. Dumont will be full of that fluffy, dry sand that we all crave before we know it. Mother nature has been hard at work. Between the strong winds and warm sunny days, the dunes should be dried out well before President's Weekend. Highs have been in the 60's lately and believe it or not, Dumont will already see temperatures as high as 80 degrees over the next week or two! That's right. Because of the low elevation, it doesn't take very long for the temperature to climb back up at Dumont Dunes. Jan 26-29, 2017 Weekend Report Plan Your Next Trip 10 Day Forecast meteoblue Recent Dune Reports and Conditions President's Weekend
  9. Main shaft rear bearing is what it looks like. It's super pitted. I'm upgrading the bearing to the new (10 ball) bearing and will reevaluate it. Pretty sure that's all it is.
  10. Amazing news, Walter. This is great to hear.
  11. They were good...in some spots. Others...eh...not so much! haha One more weekend and the sand should be back to normal. It was still great!
  12. Thanks guys. Here's a little bit of video from the weekend too.
  13. Nope, just a good ole clean up as far as we're told. FoDD (ynot) is the one who made all that happen when he was the Prez. If there's anything else I'll be sure to post it up.
  14. ooooooh love the theme! Nice King
  15. Yes it's on March 18th at 8 AM.
  16. Thanks! Good to know that somebody is actually reading and enjoying them. haha
  17. Sunday I went out for one last ride at the south end and then swung by to visit @sanddunesaddict's memorial up on the hill. I counted about 20 camps total. The weather was good all weekend, but it improved each and every day. It was about 65 degrees on Sunday afternoon...absolutely perfect. I think one more week and those dunes will be pristine again. This trip was great. Makes me want to go right back out next weekend!
  18. I did a little FB Live broadcast while dentboy and the boys messed around. After that we had some shots around the fire and then watched Supercross. Good times!
  19. Saturday morning we took the buggies out. The dunes were ok, but we had to watch those tops. They were all rain rutted and nasty! We duned out to the north pole. Steve headed back for breakfast while the rest of us hung out for a few minutes. I was a little concerned about a noise in my trans. I decided I would drive it until it broke. That way I would know what it is. On the way back, the trans noise grew louder and louder. When we got to Comp I decided against the whole "drive it until it breaks" idea. I stopped and watched Chad, Cody and Chris play around on the hill and then putted back to camp. I was a little bummed because I really felt like duning, but it wasn't going to ruin our weekend. Cody, Chris and I headed for a ride on the 2 wheelers. These kids love to jump. I didn't have a paddle so that was my excuse for not going big like these kids with no responsibilities. haha Anna and I still got some duning in. She rode with Lou and I rode with Chad. Lou and Steve led some great runs! When we stopped to take a break in the dunes, Cody scouted out a jump. This kid lives to jump. He's getting pretty good too. My buddy Tom was in the area and stopped by on his GS to say hi. The sun went down in typical Dumont fashion.
  20. Thursday night we headed out to Dumont for a nice quiet weekend in the sand. When we pulled in the river was flowing really fast but it was easily passable. There were only like two other camps out there besides us. With no moon, it pitch black out and the sky was lit with tons of stars. It was so dark you could even see the glow of Baker. Friday morning I woke up as the sun was coming up. The wind was blowing pretty hard, so hard that my collapsible trash can decided to go duning. It rolled out of camp at about 20 mph and went up and over the dune. It was gone. I ran after it but I gave up when it flew over the finger dune. So I jumped in the buggy to go look for it but it was nowhere to be found. The dunes were super funky. Some areas were super smooth, but for the most part they were still wet and had some ripples at the tops. Back at camp we were still waiting for the others to show up. The surrounding mountains had some snow on them. Anna was still sleeping and I was itching to take my new bike out. I geared up and cruised down to the Sperry Wash. After my little ride, camp was still quiet and Anna was still sleeping. I was super stoked with the new bike and couldn't sit still. So I headed back out and rode to the north end. I followed the perimeter fence north on the old T&T Railroad berm. I was taking it easy because this was literally the bike's first time out and had no time on the motor. I still had to break it in. I decided to keep on riding since I was pretty close to the north pole. I made a quick stop out there. Might as well keep on going and make it a full lap around Dumont, so I took the back sand highway towards Comp Hill. I ended up at the South Pole. It had been quite a while since I had been out there. I was happy to see the pole is still up and the military mailbox is still there and in great shape. I circled around the south end and headed back to camp. At this point I was extremely happy. A solo morning ride has been on my to do list for a while. I love quiet weekends like this where I can go out and appreciate the dunes and have them all to myself. To top it all off, I was able to do it on my new bike too. There was literally nobody out there the whole time. It was awesome. Back at camp, I sat and relaxed with a water & sandwich. I was happier than sh*t. Lou finally showed up late morning with little Sophie. Tourists are fun to watch. We just hung out for a good part of the afternoon before deciding to ride the bikes out to the mines at Little Dumont. Leaving the mines I spotted a memorial in the desert. We stopped to check it out. There was a broken motorcycle dash and mirror on the ground so I figured it was a motorcycle crash that took this dudes life. Back at camp @sb2fast showed up. We were still waiting for dentboy to arrive. Sophie and Hot Rod were having fun. Lou made a fire and we all kicked back and hung out.
  21. Vic! We have to make it a point to get together over cleanup weekend. I plan to be there this year. Damn Karl. Get better and hope to see you Prez weekend.
  22. The sand is drying out and it's gorgeous weather.
  23. The ruts might be our fault. The dunes aren't that bad though. They are actually drying out and are smooth in some areas. The tops on the other hand...oof. Those are treacherous!
  24. Couldn't ask for better weather today. The dunes have been repaired a bit but it's gonna be a few more weeks until the tips are back to normal.
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