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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Thanks Danielle. ok, back on topic :freakin_nuts: ..... I can't freakin wait till October 5th! It's gonna be a fun trip that weekend. :freakin_nuts: I might just have to go out Thursday if the weather is good!
  2. no kidding. They have the exact same looks on their faces as Kenny that day at PT's when he busted into a Beastie Boys seizure! :dance:
  3. Yep, an early Short Sand Car (standard travel car).
  4. WTF!?? Yep, those are definitley your kids, Kenny. Like father like son & daughter! Funny chit!
  5. Planet Sand just clarifies that for liability purposes whenever there is any talk on their board about a possible future race that might happen. This thread, http://www.planetsand.com/forums/ubbthread...ge/1#Post601637 , was the only talk I saw about BW and they were just asking if it was gonna happen. I talked to sean10 and I all I can say is that he won't be there, therefore I doubt any Banshee Wars will be taking take place. (He is the guy who puts it on.)
  6. Yeah I read about the trash left behind at the last event at Glamis. As of now I haven't heard or read about any future Banshee Wars events at Dumont. Where did you read that? And for the record, Banshee Wars AND 4 stroke wars have picked up their trash at the last few events. It was an issue at previous events, but they have since been pretty good about it.
  7. The seat was fiberglass. It cracked and gave away. To add to that, the intertia of the engine wanting to keep going forward pushed against the seat some as well. He had a harness, but it looked kinda cheesy.
  8. He is. He isn't going to try and fix it...no way. It's scrap metal now, minus the tires which are about the only salvagable parts.
  9. Bert's (sanddunessaddict's) uncle recently did some work on this guy's old skool single seater. Then the owner took it to Amargosa Dunes the other day and made the mistake of letting his buddy drive it. I guess the guy was cruising along in 5th gear and went flying off the big razor there. He flew about 145 feet from the top of the hill. The drop was about 90 feet vertically. Luckily he lived. The list of injuries is pretty exptensive though. Bert will post that list up. some blood on the floor They had to cut the top section of the cage to get him out and then they folded it back. The seat blew out on impact as well.
  10. That's the best compliment we've ever gotten. Hope to meet up someday in the dunes!
  11. Awesome, Kenny. Glad you guys are having a good time. Looks like fun!
  12. yep, thats the guy Bert was talkin about. Still can't remember if I ever met him. R.I.P. Justin
  13. Bert just told me he was the guy who got hit by a rail a while back on a CR500 going up comp hill. That was HIM? He also said he came out with Dave Reynolds and camped with us once. I can't seem to remember exactly who he was, but either way, thats very sad to hear. Poor guy.
  14. Someone posted that a while ago. Those guys are some of the dumbest looking f*ckbags I have ever seen on bikes. :mc_smiley: They should stick to Cutlass Supremes. :shocked2:
  15. eww! :shocked2: :mc_smiley: A CAT???
  16. There ya go. Wait no, there isn't enough room in your sig. :shocked2: :mc_smiley:
  17. Very sad news to hear. My thoughts are with yours and his family and friends, Gerald.
  18. Thats cool. I can try to do something with the ones you and I have though. :shout: As of today signature pics are now $10 each :shocked2:
  19. I was cruising down 215 and there was the coolest thing. The sun was right behind this cloud that was all by itself. The pic isn't that great, but I figured I'd share it since I took the damn thing. another couple (almost the same)
  20. We had a Mallet Corvette in the shop with a lack of airflow from the A/C concern. I think we found the problem. There must have been a mouse or rat or something that got in there and made a nice lil bachelor pad. Kinda ironic too. I wonder if mouse had some fun on the "hampster cage" before he filled it up with whatever the hell was in there.
  21. You don't HAVE to, but I would. It's best to have the wheelbase square or the same front and rear for handling. What kind of quad are you running?
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